Master Tongtian

Chapter 270 So be it (2/4)

Chapter 270 So be it (24)

12 midnight.

Everything was silent.

On the dark street, a cavalryman, holding a torch, galloped through the streets of Silver Moon Castle.

The crisp sound of horse hooves startled dogs to bark.

Soon, the cavalry came to the Moon Moon Garden where Fubos was, and he shouted loudly.

"Marshal~Marshal~ Something big happened~"

The sound first alarmed the hounds in the garden, and then woke up the confidant housekeeper Fubos brought to the garden. Finally, the entire Moon Moon Garden woke up.

The cavalry was released into the garden.

The door opened, and under the leadership of the housekeeper, Fubosi walked out wearing only a nightgown.

Today was the first time in his adult life that he rested in Moon Moon Garden, and he had just fallen asleep for less than half an hour.

"what happened?"

"Xia Bolai~Xia Bolai has taken control of the First Legion~ He is coming here with the soldiers of the First Legion!"

"What did you say?!"

Fubos was shocked, and his first reaction was disbelief.

"Isn't Chabolai in Crescent Town? Why is he in Silver Moon Castle?"

The cavalryman also looked panicked: "I don't know, but the soldiers of the First Legion have already come towards the garden!"

"How is this possible? How is this possible?!"

Fubos couldn't accept this situation no matter what.

He had just met Banks during the day and made a promise as a baron, and the Silver Moon Sword God had promised that he would not object to him becoming a count.

Seeing that Fu Bosi didn't believe it, the cavalry was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

"Marshal, I saw these with my own eyes. Don't waste time, quickly find a way out of the city and find the Second Army! The Second Army will always support you!"

The words have come to this point, and this cavalryman is called Hollai, who is Fubos's confidant in the First Army. Fubos couldn't help but disbelieve his words.

He subconsciously shouted: "Go and invite Horus"

Halfway through his words, he realized that Horus had been missing for a long time.

"Marshal, act quickly!" the cavalry urged.

Fubosi came back to his senses: "Get out of the city! Get out of the city immediately!"

At this time, naturally you can't leave the city in the normal way, you have to take a secret road, and this is the escape route that everyone who wants to do big things will prepare.

At this time, Fubosi had vaguely heard the noise in the streets outside, which further confirmed the cavalry's statement.

He didn't have time to make any more preparations, or even change his clothes. He only took a sword to defend himself, then mounted his horse and rode alone, following closely behind the cavalry, and rushed towards the entrance of the secret passage.

At this time, he still couldn't believe it.

How could his useless brother, who spent all day in brothels and only played with women, move so fast? !

How did he meet Banks?

And how did he convince Banks to support him?

Could he still promise greater benefits than the Baron?

He really couldn't understand.

When he ran to a high ground and looked down, he saw a long dragon made of torches on the street, quickly approaching the Moon Watching Garden.

The cavalryman did not lie, the First Legion did betray him.

Deep anger flashed in Vobos's eyes, but he still suppressed the attack. He turned to ask Cavalry Holley: "Why did Banks betray me?"

"It's Master Rosen. Master Rosen made an agreement with him to compete in martial arts, and if he wins, he will support Xia Bolay. As a result, Master Rosen won."

"Rosen won? How could he win?"

How could a 16-year-old mid-level mage defeat a powerful warrior? Shouldn't he be killed by Banks in a single encounter?

"I don't know. I was standing on the outside at the time, and I vaguely heard that it was because Rosen took some powerful medicine."

"Potion. What potion is so powerful? Is it the high-level wisdom potion from the temple?!"

Thinking of this, a possible guess came to mind.

"Did the temple also support Chabolai? Why?!"

"Why would the temple get involved in this matter?"

Fubosi was a little absent-minded, but he was strong-willed and recovered in an instant, sneering and laughing.

"Okay, okay~ Since you all have turned your backs on me, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Let's go out of the city!"

The First Army was betrayed, and he still had the Second Army. The Second Army was his base camp, and every general he personally promoted was a confidant he could trust.

Regardless of whether he can be regarded as the Earl of Silver Moon City, he will turn Huangshui Highlands upside down!

He ran all the way without encountering any obstacles along the way, and he successfully escaped from Silver Moon Castle through the secret passage.

When he came to the fields outside the city, he turned around and looked back at the lights of Silver Moon Castle. Fubos felt as if he was in a dream.

Just during the day, everything was going well for him. It seemed that he was only one step away from receiving the baptismal blessing from the temple and being crowned Earl of Omicia.

Just after midnight, the situation changed drastically, and he had to escape from Silver Moon Castle in embarrassment.

"Chabollet Rosen, I really underestimate you."

He gritted his teeth and ran wildly on the dark dirt road. The cold wind of late autumn blew on his face, biting and cold, forcing him to squint his eyes.

There was some moisture in his eyes, probably from being blown by the wind.

The second legion's garrison is about 30 kilometers away from Silver Moon Castle. If you ride a fast horse, you can get there in an hour.

The two of them ran all the way, and when they reached the top of a hillside, looking from a distance, they saw dots of fire appearing on the fields in the distance.

It was a fire used for lighting and heating in the Second Military Camp.

We are almost there, with less than 5 miles left to go.

The two of them galloped down the hillside, merged into the main road from a remote road, and ran towards the camp.


Hollai, the cavalry leading the way, suddenly stopped, forcing Vobos to tighten the reins and rein in the horse's head.

Fubos asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

"Marshal, there are people on the road, many people."

Cavalry Holley's voice trembled.


Fubos's heart was violently shocked again, and he rode forward. With the light of the torches in the cavalry's hands, he saw a large number of figures appearing on the road ahead.


Fubos drew his sword out of its sheath: "I am the marshal~ Who dares to stop me!"


It was the sound of casting a spell, and a bright ball of light appeared above the head of one of the figures, rising to a height of five meters before hovering.

The ball of light shed bright light, illuminating the field very brightly.

"Ah, it's Banks Knight~~"

Cavalryman Holley was so startled that he suddenly pulled on the reins and took several steps back.

There are more than fifty figures in this group.

The one at the front is the Silver Moon Sword God Banks, the one behind is the sturdy and stocky Xia Bolai, the one who casts the spell is a young man, and behind the young man, there are 50 Silver Moon Rangers with an average level of mid-level!

As soon as he saw this formation, Fubos' heart instantly sank to the bottom.

The other party has completely calculated his actions.


He sheathed his sword, looked at the three people in front of him one by one, and finally landed on Rosen.

The young man has grown a lot taller than the last time he saw him, and his appearance is more mature, but his demeanor has not changed from the last time he was in the military camp.

His eyes were indifferent and he didn't pay attention to him at all.

He stared at Rosen and gritted his teeth.

"I regret it very much now. If I had known that I was like this now, I should have found an excuse to kill you when we were in the military camp."

Rosen smiled lightly: "I am very grateful for your generosity."

Fubos looked at Banks again: "Why?!"

Banks spread his hands.

"My allegiance is to the count. The count issued a secret order to pass the throne to Chaballet. Although I personally think it is ridiculous, since it is the count's order, I can only obey it."

"Aunt sent a secret order? It's fake, it must be a forgery!"

Xia Bolay reached out and took out the secret order from his arms and threw it directly to Fubos.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know after you see it yourself."

Fubos reached out and took the secret order. He took a quick look and knew that it was real. The paper material, font, and spell emblem were all real.

His heart suddenly received a violent blow.


"Why is aunt so partial?!"

"She has been partial since she was a child. She is extremely patient with you, but has a cold attitude towards me!"

"I am extremely tolerant to you and will tolerate no matter what mistakes I make. But I am extremely harsh to you and will scold me if I make even the slightest mistake!"

"Now that I have grown up, I am still so partial."

"Obviously it was the ice dwarf I defeated, and I am obviously the first heir, why should I choose you to be the earl?!"


Fubos roared loudly and almost burst into tears.

This being Omicha family business, Banks shrugged, stepped aside, and went into passerby mode.

Xia Bolay took a step forward: "I admit that personally, my aunt is indeed very good to me, just like a mother."

"But when it comes to family affairs, my aunt has never been confused. She has been training you to be the next earl. You defeated the ice dwarves and made great achievements. This is irrefutable."

"So, my aunt will give Crescent Town to you to rebuild. As long as you get this done, you will be the unquestionable heir to the earl."

"When you were running Crescent Town, I was just an idle guerrilla general, and Rosen had been living in seclusion in Silver Moon Castle, concentrating on studying magic."

"I never thought of competing with you for the position of earl."

Speaking of which, Banks chimed in with a smile.

"I agree with this. As soon as Chabollet gets his salary, he goes to the House of Roses to be cool."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xia Bolay's face, but he was now much better than before and quickly calmed down.

"Brother, you didn't handle things well!"

"You have made Crescent Town a mess. The townspeople are in rebellion and bandits are everywhere. This is not what a great lord should do!"

"And if you can't handle a small Crescent Town, how can you command the entire Highlands?!"

"Are you planning to turn the Highlands into chaos too?!"

Fubos was choked and speechless.

Charbolai took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Rosen and I took over the mess you left. We spent a lot of gold coins to purchase supplies and went to the ruins of Crescent Town. At night, you asked your cronies to collude with the giant monster Diego and the Brotherhood to attack!"

Vobos immediately denied it: "No, I didn't!"

"This was done by Master Horus. If you are thick-skinned enough and deny that he is your confidant, then I have nothing to say."

Fu Bo was silent for a moment.

"Brother, there are not only me in the camp, but also more than 20,000 innocent townspeople. Have you ever thought about how many casualties it would cause if those rebels and Diego rushed into the crowd?!"

"Are you completely ignoring the lives of civilians for the sake of your position as earl?!"

When Banks heard this, he was also surprised. He turned to look at Fubos, but saw his eyes flickering, and he immediately knew that what Chabolai said was indeed true.

He couldn't help but said: "Oh~ Fubos, I really didn't expect you to be such a person, be careful to offend the Pure World Holy Church."

If he chose to support Chabolai at first because of the bet between Count Secret Order and Rosen, now he feels a little lucky.

Cavalryman Holley also looked shocked: "Marshal, you didn't do this, right?"

Fubosi remained silent, which indirectly meant he admitted it.

Xia Bolai had the upper hand, and he loudly said: "Now the achievements of Crescent Town are obvious to all."

"There are more than 30,000 citizens in Crescent Town, and 1,300 acres of fertile land have been cultivated. Most of the town has been built, and construction of the fortress has begun, and no one is hungry."

“Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment!”

"Everyone says I'm a swinger, and everyone says these achievements were brought about by Rosen."

"Yes, these words are all correct, I admit them all!"

"I really don't have much ability, and I have many, many shortcomings. I am self-aware."

"So, I am willing to delegate power, and I am willing to give full trust and support to those who are truly capable and let them do what they are best at."

"Instead of choosing a ridiculous and greedy brother-in-law like you, brother, to ruin the great situation you have worked so hard to create!"

The words hit his ears like thunder, causing Fubosi to lose his mind, his body swayed, and he almost fell off the horse.

‘Papa papa~’

Banks, the Silver Moon Sword God, clapped his hands and praised: "Count Charbolai, your performance tonight really impressed me."

"Now I know why Master Rosen supports you so firmly, because I was also convinced by you."

He turned to look at Vobos.

"The Marshal, the Earl, the Mages Guild, the Temple, and the First Legion all firmly supported Chabolai."

"If you don't want to become a bandit for the rest of your life and then be killed by me, just admit defeat. I believe that the kindness of Count Ichabolai will allow you to live a prosperous life for the rest of your life."

Chapollet immediately made his promise.

"Brother, you voluntarily announce your resignation as marshal and become an idle rich man in Silver Moon Castle. You don't have to worry about anything. I will also provide you with 10,000 crowns every year."

"If your children have outstanding talents, I will do my best to cultivate them and put them to good use."

"After all, family glory is eternal, and personal glory only lasts for a few decades. To build family glory, it requires the efforts of every member of the family."

These words were really beautiful, and everyone present was shocked.

Everyone clearly felt that Chapolai was indeed more suitable to become the high lord of the highlands than Vobos.

Fubosi looked at his confidant Huolai, and saw that there was no fighting spirit on his face, and he was convinced.

He knew that he had completely failed.

He let out the turbid air in his chest for a long time, only to feel that his interest was waning.

"so be it."

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