Master Tongtian

Chapter 281 The Third Apprentice: Anweniya (1/4)

Chapter 281 The Third Apprentice: Anweniya (14)


Lord's Castle.

"Uncle, where is he now?"

Harrick immediately corrected him: "She is in the reception room on the first floor. Note, it's not him, it's her."

Rosen was a little stunned and immediately asked: "High-level female mage? How old are you?"

"Probably in his early thirties."

Rosen was still stunned and thought to himself: "It's not Heya Jiali who's here, right?"

But when I think about it, I think it’s impossible.

How could the majestic princess of the Eastern Territory, the most favored divine son of the Duke of Storms, come to a remote town in the Northern Territory to become a magic tutor to a mid-level mage?

In other words, his mana has stopped rising recently, which means that he has reached the extreme middle level, but he doesn't know when he will be able to break through the high level barrier.

Rosen was not sure about this matter, and his mental expectation was one year.

Because according to Vivian's mana bubble theory, from mid-level to high-level, the arrangement of mana bubbles will undergo a reorganization to accommodate more mana.

Renormalization is a process that requires continuous mana pressure and time to adjust.

Considering that Master Thrandis's almost explosive talent at level 9 has been stuck for half a year, his master's talent at level 7 must be much slower than his wife's.

Back to topic.

Rosen continued to ask.

"Did she come alone or with several people?"

If it's the latter, it could really be a princess in disguise. After all, the Dragon King travels with wind and rain.

And appearance can be easily disguised.

"Come alone."

"Oh, is she good-looking? Uncle, don't look at me like this. I'm not interested in her. I just doubt her identity."

Harrick spread his hands and said with a teasing look on his face: "I didn't think too much about anything. It's just you, Lord, who thought too much."

Rosen also laughed: "Uncle, since you married a noble wife, you have become more romantic."

Harrick is thirty-two years old this year. He married a daughter of a jazz family a few days ago. She is only eighteen years old. She is as beautiful as a flower. I heard that he treats her like a treasure in his hands.

When he talked about his little wife, Harrick's facial lines softened obviously: "Okay, I won't joke with you anymore."

He began to answer the previous questions seriously.

"To be honest, she is not beautiful. She looks quite old-fashioned and has freckles on her face. But she is very tall, a little taller than me, and has a very good figure. No, I should say very good."

This completely rules out the suspicion of the princess of the East, because Heya Jiali is shorter than the current Rosen, about 1.7 meters tall, while Harik is 1.75 meters tall.

"A high-level female mage who is very tall and has a good figure, but has an old-fashioned face and makes bold moves. Interesting."

"Then inform her to come to my study."


Harrick turned to call someone.

After a while, the study door was knocked by the attendant: "Sir, Ms. Anweniya has arrived."

"come in."

The door was pushed open, and a tall woman with long light blond hair walked in.

The first time he saw her, Rosen felt that this woman looked very contradictory. In terms of figure, she was almost the same as a top supermodel, but her face ruined her look.

Even though she is covered with freckles, her skin quality is also very poor, and her facial features are also very old-fashioned. She looks like an ordinary farm woman in her early thirties.

But having said that, the other party is here to become a disciple, and Rosen is here to accept an apprentice, so looks and other things are irrelevant.

Rosen calmly pointed to the big leather chair opposite the desk: "Sit down, Ms. Anweniya."

The woman sat down on the chair, a cup of fragrant tea floated into her hand, and Rosen's voice sounded.

"I'm very curious. As a high-level mage, you should have a deep understanding of magic. Why do you still want to worship me, a mid-level mage, as your magic tutor?"

A high-level mage in his early thirties is not outstanding in a big city, but he is definitely not bad. For a small place like Highlands, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a 'remarkable achievement'.

And the other party was not without money. He took out 300 Fusa of Starfall Eternal Gold in one go. This move almost caught up with the Princess of the East.

Anweniya sighed softly: "Lord, first of all, I do have good magic power, but this is because of my unremitting meditation for many years."

"In fact, I've been meditating for over 40 years."

Without waiting for Rosen to ask, she took the initiative to explain.

"I am a half-elf, my father is a moon elf, and my mother is a human. My appearance takes after my father's, and I also inherit part of my father's longevity bloodline."

Rosen was stunned for a moment, not expecting this to be the case.

As far as he knew, the moon elves living on Grant Island overseas were immortal species. Even common moon elves had a lifespan of more than 300 years.

Because they have a long lifespan, have a lot of time to accumulate, and the moon elves have a simple temperament, they are relatively wealthy.

Coupled with the knowledge and experience accumulated through longevity, each of them is personable and highly respected by the people in the East.

Therefore, an average-looking moon elf can easily marry a beautiful human woman. And judging from Anweniya's situation, his father's appearance should be far away from the average, so that his mother's good looks are even worse. Couldn't save it.

He spread his hands to show that he understood: "Go on and introduce yourself."

Anweniya continued: "Although my magic power has reached the middle stage of advanced level, I was not able to learn magic knowledge well because of the bumpy life experience in the first half of my life."

"My spell-casting ability is very weak. I don't know many specific spells, and I have no system. I just put together a hammer here and a hammer here."

Rosen asked: "How many casting stars are there?"

"Only 8 stars."

"How many spells do you know?"

"6, 4 low-level logic spells, 2 mid-level logic spells. No high-level ones."

"Why not learn advanced courses?"

"I don't like natural magic, of course, mainly because I don't have the money to buy it."

Her attitude was very calm, but for some reason, Rosen always felt that something was not quite right.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Your family must be very rich, right? How come you don't have time to learn magic?"

Anweniya immediately shook her head: "Lord, if I say that I am very poor and was abandoned by my father since childhood, would you believe it?"

Looking at the other person's face that was ravaged by the vicissitudes of life, Rosen believed most of it.

"I believe it, but what's the deal with your so-called 300 Phusa Starfall Eternal Gold?"

"I picked it up by luck."

After speaking, she opened her cross-body leather bag and took out a palm-sized stone. The stone itself was iron-black, indicating that it was an iron meteorite.

But the black color is mixed with a lot of strange emerald green metal. Judging from the proportion, it is indeed close to 300 fusa.

"It was the only good thing I had. It fell right into my cabin and nearly killed me on the spot, causing flames and even burning my arm."

As she spoke, she lifted up her sleeves, exposing a section of her forearm.

The skin on the forearm is very rough and covered with brown spots caused by sunburn. These are the marks left by frequent work.

On the side of the forearm, you can indeed see a scar from the burn.

But Rosen has a sharp eye.

He found that a line of white and tender skin was vaguely exposed above the forearm.

Although it can be explained as the result of not being tortured by the outside world, it is a bit too white and tender.

Just like the skin of an aristocratic girl, it is plump, white, smooth, and even somewhat reflective.

Looking at such skin, two thoughts quickly flashed through Rosen's mind.

"Well, the parts that have not been considered by life are so good. The skin on the body should also be very good."

"But that's not right. This half-elf is nearly fifty years old. With normal aging, his skin can't be this good, right?"

It just feels weird, a little unreasonable.

But this was the first time he had seen a half-elf with his own eyes, and there was no comparison, so the influence of the half-elf bloodline could not be ruled out.

Anweniya showed her scars and put down her sleeves again.

"I heard that you are a lord who values ​​fair transactions, so I hope to learn magic from you, and this meteorite given to me by God is the tuition I paid."

At this point, Rosen had a preliminary understanding of Anweniya's situation.

But this is not enough.

"where are you from?"

"Baisha City, the southernmost seaport city in the East, is nearly five thousand rams away from here."

"I was born on the dock. My mother is a beautiful commoner girl. It is probably because of this that my father took a fancy to her."

"After a few months of joy, my father took a boat and left, leaving behind 100 crowns and a basic spell book."

"My mother got pregnant and her reputation was ruined, so she used the money to open a laundry shop and washed people's clothes every day to earn money to raise me."

"Of course, to make a living, I have also helped my mother wash clothes since I was a child."

Rosen understood: "So, how old are you this year?"

"48 years old."

"Hmm~ It looks about the same as 30. According to the situation of the half-elf, you can probably live to be over 150 years old easily, and it is not uncommon to even exceed 200."

Anweniya nodded: "This is probably the only bright spot in my life."

Rosen was very surprised: "Then why don't you try to take the official mage exam?"

"I am an official mage. In Baisha City, it is not difficult to obtain the official mage qualification, but there are not many benefits."

“If you don’t have connections, you will never make more than 500 kronor a year, and the cost of living is very high, so it’s hard to save a lot of money.”

"I only have 230 kronor in my pocket now."

Rosen has heard this too.

Baisha City is the second largest city in the East. It is extremely rich and has countless powerful mages. The profit cake has long been divided up by various big families.

It is difficult for ordinary civilian mages to squeeze in and get a piece of the pie.

Having said this, Rosen basically understood the basic situation of this 48-year-old high-level 8-star half-elf mage.

In his opinion, the other person's eyes were clear and his expression was upright, and he should have an honest and loyal character.

Mediocre, perhaps, but reliable.

Although I still feel that something is not quite right, it does not prevent me from accepting him as an ordinary apprentice first.

If the other party performs well and is trustworthy, then you can indeed teach carefully.

After all, the other party can live for a long time. If he fails in his pursuit of transcendence and walks away after a few decades, the other party will probably live for another century.

Maybe the other party's magic talent is average, but no matter how stupid the donkey is, he will definitely be able to achieve something after twenty years of teaching.

And as long as she is educated well, she can take care of her family for several generations.

All in all, it's well worth the investment.

So, he finally asked.

"Have you committed any crime in Baisha City?"

"No, if the lord doesn't believe it, you can go to the Mage Guild to check my mage badge."

She took out an emerald green 8-star high-level badge.

She sighed with emotion: "The White Sands City Mage Guild charges 800 crowns to replace the badge. It took me many years of savings to replace it, and then it was of no use."

Rosen understood and asked again: "Do you owe huge foreign debt?"

"No. I owed some when I was young, but I paid it off in the end, and I have been living within my means since then."

Rosen asked again: "Are there any enemies? Or are the grudges unresolved?"

"No, my mother died of illness three years ago. Several of my human friends have also started families and started businesses, and their relationships have stopped."

"Are there any entangled lovers?"

"Never. As a female mage with an ordinary appearance, those who I like will look down on me. Those who I don't like, let alone those who don't like me."

After hearing this, Rosen decided to accept this elderly apprentice first.

"If you think you can learn true knowledge from me, then become my apprentice."

Anweniya's slightly tense expression suddenly relaxed. She held the meteorite in both hands and placed it respectfully on Rosen's desk.

"Teacher, I salute you."

Rosen smiled lightly and said, "Don't be so anxious to be happy."

"We only met once, and I don't have complete trust in you."

"So, for the next three months, you will be just my ordinary apprentice. I will observe your performance. If you are truly worthy of my trust, I will truly treat you as a direct apprentice."

Three months should be enough time to see the true character of this woman.

Anweniya was not disappointed, she nodded respectfully: "I understand, I will use my actions to win the trust of my mentor."

Rosen nodded, raised his hand to put away the meteorite, tossed it up and down, and asked about the apprentice's practice: "What is your meditation image?"

"Stars, the brightest North Star in the sky, have been around since I was 8 years old."

"Change it to the sun, and change it according to this meditation knowledge. Meditate for a month first and let me see the results."

Rosen quickly wrote a sun meditation book and handed it over.

"Yes, mentor."

Anweniya respectfully accepted the meditation technique and nodded without hesitation.

Rosen asked again: "Tell me about the logic skills you have mastered."

Anweniya immediately reported them one by one.

Rosen listened carefully, and after listening, he said: "Because of the polarity problem, only three of the six spells can be used."

The three spells are mid-level shaping, low-level missile, and low-level throwing. They are the most basic and cheapest spells in the mage guild.

It also confirms the reality of Anweniya’s financial distress.

"Come with me, I will arrange your accommodation first."

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