Master Tongtian

Chapter 288 Vocational and Technical Branch of La Farea College (4/4)

Chapter 288 Vocational and Technical Branch of La Farea College (44)

The first snow in early winter is getting heavier and heavier.

Looking out through the window of the bright moon carriage, I saw a vast expanse of sky and earth, with large snowflakes flying in the wind like cotton wool.

The fields on the roadside, the roofs of houses in the fields, and the armor of the Silver Moon Ranger guards were all quickly covered with a layer of white gauze.

In the carriage, sat Rosen, Master Sophia and her personal maid Emma.

Sophia looked at the falling snow outside the window and said softly: "Who would have thought that a college that may affect the fate of humankind in the future would appear in such a low-key manner."

Except for Sofia, the honorary dean, no big shots in the magic world were invited to the opening ceremony. Even Sofia was just a formality.

Rosen smiled: "Master, when the seeds of a big tree just break out of the ground and sprout, they are unknown. But whether they can truly grow into a big tree depends on whether they are favored by God."

Sophia nodded: "That's right."

A gust of biting north wind blew, causing the glass to tremble slightly and the body of the Haoyue Carriage to tremble slightly. Even a powerful constant temperature array could not completely dispel the biting chill.

Emma hurriedly put a thick sable fur vest on Master Sophia, and Rosen also strengthened the constant temperature array of the carriage again, raising the temperature inside the carriage slightly.

Sophia shrank back, slightly worried: "Can the petrified building withstand the test of winter?"

Rosen smiled: "Master, haven't you seen the spell structure of petrification? The resistance to low temperature is much higher than that of high temperature."

The lower the temperature, the slower the energy loss of petrification, and the better the constant effect.

Sophia sighed: "When people get old, they always worry about gains and losses, hey~"

Rosen smiled and comforted: "Master, your physical condition has improved significantly in the past few months."

Sophia nodded: "It's indeed much better. By the way, tell me the basic situation of the academy."

"Yes, Master."

Rosen concentrated his attention and began to introduce the details in detail.

"The entire college covers an area of ​​25 acres. It is divided into two major departments. They are the Research Department and the Teaching Department."

"The research department occupies an area of ​​10 hectares and costs a lot of money to build. Master, you should know the specific situation."

Sophia nodded: "Where is the Dharma Teaching Department?"

"The Dharma Teaching Department is divided into three areas. They are the elementary area, the intermediate area, and the advanced area."

"The higher education area covers an area of ​​8 states. The students are basically formal masters who have achieved success after many years of study. They specialize in master classes for sexual improvement. The model is the same as La Farea College."

Sophia understood, but felt a little strange.

"It sounds like a traditional college."

Rosen continued to introduce.

"The middle district covers an area of ​​5 hectares. The students have all gone through enlightenment. They are spell apprentices who know Chinese characters, have studied mathematics, and have a certain foundation of magic power. Most of them are civilians. Currently, 800 people have been recruited."

"I only charge 10 crowns for tuition for this group of people, and they study for half a year to a year. Those who are talented and willing to work hard will be promoted to the upper level. Those who are not talented and willing to work hard will go to my major workshops to make money to support their families."

Sophia frowned: "Hmm~ It doesn't sound like training mages, but more like training workers."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Master, not everyone is suitable to be a scholar. Some people are suitable to be craftsmen, and some people are suitable to do rough work. Everyone has their own unique talents."

In fact, this is an alien version of a vocational and technical college, which teaches mage-type workers with special skills.

Sophia nodded in agreement with his words: "You are right. In this way, major workshops will not be short of people."

She asked again: "Where is the elementary school area?"

"The elementary school district covers an area of ​​2 hectares and currently recruits 2,000 people. Most of them are children from farmers' families. They are between 8 and 12 years old and have not completed enlightenment."

"My plan is to complete the basic magic enlightenment for him, and then advance to the intermediate area to continue learning."

In other words, the elementary school area is an enlightenment school, equivalent to the elementary school in the previous life, and it is a fully managed boarding elementary school.

Their farmer parents did not have the ability or energy to teach their children, and there were many children at home, so they sent one or two clever children to Crescent Academy and gave them to the lord Rosen to teach them.

Take a chance, if the child has a future, the whole family will benefit from it.

"Master, I plan to teach students in the elementary area for three years, not only to complete the basic enlightenment, but also to complete the molding of the mage's character."

Hearing this, Sophia's eyes narrowed and her face showed strong interest.

"This elementary area is the essence of Crescent College. If done well, the number of mages in the Highlands will increase rapidly."

Rosen nodded: "When I opened a workshop, especially a magic workshop, I found that it was difficult to find smart, skilled apprentices. This greatly limited the production capacity of the workshop."

"So, I want to train more talents, thicken the bottom layer, and increase the fertility of the soil, so that big trees can grow on this foundation."

Sofia nodded slowly, thought for a moment, and said: "To be honest, I am not interested in the opening speeches of the high and intermediate districts. You can handle these things by yourself. Later, we will go directly to the elementary district."

Rosen was not surprised at all and nodded immediately: "Okay."

After a while, the carriage crossed the road and arrived at the entrance of the elementary school area.

25. Among the large colleges in Labang, the elementary section has the largest number of people, but the smallest area and the most remote location. It is nestled in the southwest corner of the college.

There is no sense of existence.

There is a large iron gate at the door, and there is a large sentry post beside it, where a group of 20 Crescent Legion soldiers are stationed.


The solid iron door opened wide, and the carriage drove into the relatively spacious college square, heading straight towards the Knowledge Auditorium in the elementary area.

Sofia shrugged: "I feel like it's a bit like a prison here."

Rosen spread his hands, feeling helpless.

"Children at this age are lively and active. If they are not strict, it will be difficult to explain to their parents if something goes wrong."

"In addition, the elementary school area is full of civilians, both students and teachers. The number is very large, but the tuition fees paid are the lowest."

"If the salary is too high, not only will they not be able to support themselves, but students in the middle and upper districts will also feel unbalanced."

Sophia nodded: "You are very thoughtful."

Soon, the carriage stopped at the back door of the Knowledge Auditorium, and Lydia and Master Hal immediately greeted them.

Behind the two of them were a group of civilian mages, most of whom were informal mages. Only a few were formal mages, but they were all gray-haired.

They are all spell teachers in the elementary area.

Rosen got off the carriage first, and then immediately opened a powerful constant temperature barrier and repulsion field, creating a warm area without snow.

Then he took Sophia's hand and helped her get out of the carriage.

After standing still, he asked Ladiya: "Is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready, the children are waiting in the auditorium."

After speaking, she sighed again: "But I must say, these farmers' children are very naughty and full of bad habits. Although they have been washed several times, there is still an earthy smell that is difficult to remove."

Lydia had an unacceptable expression on her face.

In fact, if Rosen hadn't asked her for help, she wouldn't have done this at all.

Master Hal also shrugged, with a slightly better attitude than Lydia.

"Farmers' children are like this. They have been rolling around in the fields since they were young, and they are wild at heart. But I believe that as long as I teach them for half a year and let them experience the charm of knowledge, they will calm down."

Lydia didn't have much hope, but that didn't matter.

Because she was just here for a visit, it was not him who was responsible for the specific teaching, but a group of civilian mages.

She shrugged slightly: "I hope so."

Rosen said: "It's cold outside. Come in quickly. Master is not in good health. You have to go back after saying a few words."

Walking along the back door passage, you will arrive at the back hall of the auditorium.

Through a layer of wall, the hustle and bustle coming from the front hall of the auditorium can still be clearly heard.

There were the sounds of children quarreling and crying, as well as the sounds of adults scolding, coming in waves like a tidal wave.

Lydia shrugged: "Look, they are just such a group of wild children who won't listen to anything."

Rosen completely understood her mood.

Wild children between the ages of 8 and 12 are really difficult to deal with. One or two won't matter. If there are more than 2,000, they can easily drive a mage who likes purity crazy.

Sophia found it quite interesting.

"Aha~ I feel that there is a lot of vitality. Maybe in a few years, a few masters will emerge among these farmers."

As soon as these words came out, a relaxed smile appeared on the faces of the civilian mages who had been silent because of their low status.

Everyone desires respect, especially knowledgeable people.

After hearing Lydia's series of discriminatory complaints earlier, the civilian mages were actually not in a good mood.

Now when I heard Master Sophia say this, I immediately felt respected.

This was the respect of the master, so they all straightened their backs.

Rosen also laughed: "As long as one can be produced, then the money I invested will be worth it. If two can be produced, then I can straighten my back and loudly declare the correctness of building a primary school district."

To be honest, he was under some pressure to build this elementary school area.

Because this is a reform that is pioneering for the world and has challenged the nerves of many old-fashioned people.

So Rosen didn't take too many steps, only half a step at a time.

Because historical experience tells him that those who take a few steps first will basically not end well.

Fortunately, Master Sophia supported him, and Harik, who was born as a commoner, also fully supported him, which suppressed many objections.

Of course Sofia knew the pressure Rosen was facing, and she smiled gently at him in support.

"Lord, let us wait and see."

It was almost time. Accompanied by everyone, Sofia came to the front hall and walked up to the speech platform in the hall.

Under the high platform, there was a crowd, mostly children, both boys and girls, eighty-two in number. The boys sat on the left and the girls on the right on small benches, with a gap about 2 meters wide in the middle.

Among the crowd, there were also about fifty middle-aged women wearing black clothes and serious expressions, who were the children's wives.

Not only taking care of children's lives, but also teaching daily etiquette.

As soon as Sophia was in place, the discipline wives immediately ordered the children to silence with stern eyes and commanding low voices, and asked each child to sit upright on a small bench with their hands behind their backs.

Most of the noise in the hall immediately dissipated, leaving only some insurmountable small movements, similar to the movement of small benches.

As the honorary dean, Master Sophia first used the voice of the collective soul to deliver the opening speech.

"Children, as the dean of Crescent College and as a magic master, I want to tell you that starting from today, you have gained a very precious opportunity."

"This opportunity may allow you and your family to get rid of the fate of being entangled with the land."

"It may also take your life to a higher level than your parents can even imagine!"

As she spoke, the children seemed quieter.

It is not only due to the majesty of the Archmage, but also because children in this world tend to mature precociously.

Boys aged 8 to 12 may still be a little ignorant, but some girls have already begun to look forward to life.

So you can see that most of the boys on the left look confused, but many of the girls on the right have pensive expressions on their faces.

During Sophia's speech, Rosen used an adventure journal to observe the children in front of him and recorded their appearance one by one for future reference.

The speech was not long and came to an end in a few minutes.

Finally, Sophia emphasized her tone and said in a serious voice: "Children, you may not really understand what I say now, but you must keep it in mind and carefully observe this in the future learning process!"

After she finished speaking, the discipline wives immediately followed the rehearsed content and urged applause.

Then there was a burst of childish applause in the knowledge auditorium.

Looking at the innocent, naughty or ignorant children's faces, Sophia's mouth slightly curled up with a kind smile on her face.

Giving a speech to a group of farmers' sons was something she had never thought about before. At this time, she felt that the opportunity in life was very wonderful.

Later, Rosen, the executive vice president, took over at the right time.

He stopped talking about feelings and just talked about the practical stuff.

"I am the Lord of Crescent Town and the Executive Vice President of Crescent College."

"Children, your parents gave you to me to train you. The annual tuition fee is about 2 crowns, which is equivalent to four months of your family's total income."

"You will study in this college for at least three years. In other words, in the next three years, you will spend one year's total family income."

"In order to raise you, your parents scrimped on food and clothing, and your brothers and sisters also gave up precious opportunities to lead a better life."

"So, for the sake of your family, study hard!"

As soon as these words came out, many children's faces became more solemn, obviously they had listened.

Afterwards, Rosen began to announce some simple college rules and regulations.

It was nothing more than a blend of the school system in the previous life and the military camp system in this life, and finally it became a full-time boarding school with semi-military management.

To be honest, Rosen didn't make any money at all by opening this elementary area. On the contrary, he lost a lot.

Because it is a fully managed school, Rosen pays for the students’ food, clothing, textbooks, medical treatment when they are sick, etc.

With 2,000 students, it costs 18,000 kronor a year.

The tuition fee of 2 crowns per year is just a token of appreciation, so that the parents of the students will take it seriously.

Soon, he finished speaking.

Then, the opening ceremony ended and the group retreated to the back hall.

In the front hall, the discipline wives clapped their hands and shouted.

"Okay, kids, get your plates and benches and get ready to go to the cafeteria for breakfast."

"Yes, ma'am~"

A large group of young people responded, their voices were very excited, and they were obviously very hungry.

Soon, a group of children immediately followed the correctional wife and quickly moved to the cafeteria.

The mages in the back hall had strange looks on their faces when they heard this movement.

Master Lydia said: "Lord, I always feel that your money will be wasted."

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, we'll see you again in half a year."

It may be difficult to cultivate masters through militarized exam-oriented education, but it is highly effective in quickly cultivating a group of talents who pass the average level.

And this is also his main purpose. He needs mage talents so much now, the more the better.

These 2,000 children are just the first batch, and he will recruit a batch every year in the future.

Then, he looked at the civilian mage teachers present and began to distribute documents.

"Everyone already knows the teaching salary, so I won't say more."

"I would like to reiterate here that we must treat children's studies with infinite patience."

"If something goes wrong with the students you teach, you have to take responsibility."

"But equally, if the students you teach have excellent performance, I will not be stingy with rewards."

"I will write down the specific conditions of rewards and punishments on this document for everyone to read by themselves."

The civilian mages all looked down at the document and saw what was written on it.

‘If a low-level mana is produced in the class, the teacher in charge of the class will be rewarded with 10 crowns, if a mid-level mana is produced, the reward will be 100 crowns, and if a high-level mana is produced, the reward will be 1,000 crowns. ’

"If a magic accident occurs, corresponding punishment will be carried out depending on the severity of the situation."

Then there are various detailed terms.

After watching for a while, a mid-level civilian mage asked: "Lord, do high-level people really give 1,000 crowns as a reward?"

This guy is a senior professor named Eddie, an intermediate mage.

Rosen raised his eyebrows: "When did I stop talking?"

Master Lydia laughed: "Speaking of Eddie, you are only at the intermediate level, how dare you teach high-level students? Besides, how can a group of children become high-level students?"

Eddie chuckled: "There must be something to think about."

This is 1,000 crowns. Once you get it, you can buy a house in Crescent Town.

After that, the instructors asked some more questions, and Rosen answered them one by one.

When the situation was almost over, Rosen clapped his hands and said, "Okay, that's it. As long as I write it down, I will do it."

After saying that, he turned to Sophia and said, "Master, let's go to other places in the academy?"

Sophia is also very interested in the research department: "Then take me to various laboratories."

So, a formal mage accompanied her into the research department.

The Research Department is a huge place. In addition to the major laboratories, the most eye-catching thing is a 30-meter-high spire tower.

Sofia had seen it a long time ago, and then she pointed at the tower and asked, "That's it?"

"The Crescent Magic Tower is for the dean. It has five floors, one underground for storage, the first floor for guests, the second floor for the library, the third floor for the bedrooms, and the fourth floor for the observation deck."

"The time is too tight. The decoration has not been completed yet. It will be almost done in half a month. If you are interested, you can live here at any time."

Sophia thought for a moment and shook her head in refusal.

"That's good, but I'm getting older and I can't sleep well if I change places. I'll leave it to the real dean."

Rosen nodded: "As you wish."

After that, Rosen accompanied Master Sophia to visit the Element Research Room, Life Research Room, and Weapon Refining Research Room. It was almost noon when he finished the tour.

Master Sophia was also a little tired, so she planned to return to Crescent Town in a carriage.

Rosen wanted to go back together, but the unexpected arrival of the Holy Spirit prevented his return plan.

It was none other than Alfroya.

She had long hair shawl and wore a white dress. She stood quietly under the eaves at the entrance of the life laboratory, concentrating on admiring the snow falling in the sky.

Except for Rosen, no one could see her or notice her presence.

In other words, she only let Rosen see it.

The March update is over. This month, Lao Mo worked hard every day four times. Many nights, I revised the article until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night.

But I can still feel that there are many mistakes, and Lao Mo himself is not satisfied with many details.

Forget about other things, the Princess of the East Realm really needs to be written well. If this character is not written well, Lao Mo will be very heartbroken.

Therefore, the April update plan has been changed. It will be updated three times a day and more manuscripts will be saved. If there is a big plot, it will be completed in one go and will never be postponed to the next day.

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