Master Tongtian

Chapter 592 It’s better to be prepared for a rainy day than to find an umbrella on a rainy day (12)

At midnight.

The Time Hunter Styx boat was parked quietly in a secret and peaceful nameless valley.

There used to be a beast in the valley with a talent of up to level 3 strength. It looked like a saber-toothed tiger and was very strong. However, it was hit by a time-space freezing operation and was besieged by everyone, and it suddenly passed away.

So the valley was no longer threatening.

After settling in the valley, the group's original bodies ate and drank enough. After Rosen recruited three more teams of clones, they went to sleep in the living cabin together.

There are three teams of replicas in total.

A team was on duty in the cockpit, ready to run away at any moment.

One team focused on analyzing the newly obtained supreme information about two powerful gods.

There was another group who lit a bonfire next to the boat on the Styx.

It is not only a warning post, but also a decoy to attract the attention of potential enemies.

If an enemy sneaks in to attack, they will definitely attack the group sitting around the campfire chatting.

The terrain of the valley is relatively wind-free, but the nights in the divine world are much colder than those in the mortal world, so the bonfire is burning brightly, and there is a lot of fresh saber-toothed tiger meat on the bonfire.

Yes, it was the beast that was hunted before.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Rosen took a large piece of grilled sizzling oily tiger tenderloin off the campfire and activated a cutting technique to cut the meat into large and evenly thick slices.

Then each girl was given a pot.

"Come on, come on, this meat tastes really good. It's just a snack to pass the time during the long night."

The five girls also liked it very much and ate it with relish.

After eating a few pieces of tiger meat, Thrandis asked: "So, is it true that divine power cannot be focused and can only be dispersed?"

Rosen had just shared Cedrana's insights, so she asked.

After thinking for a moment, Rosen said: "According to the calculation of the mana field equation, this is indeed the case."

"But mana is almost perfect in the mortal and extraordinary energy bands. But once it exceeds the limit of immortality, various legal singularities will appear."

"Using the singularities of these laws, we can break through the constraints of normal laws."

"As far as I know, the True God of Darkness has most likely found such a singularity, thus achieving the focus of divine power."

"Obviously, this was an illegal operation."

The function of Tiamat's Soul-Eating Bracelet is to absorb the power of demigods and weak gods and then condense it into stronger divine power, which obviously violates the constraints of the mana field equation.

Probably because of this, Tiamat is so feared.

Because he used his knowledge to break the stable order that had been established in the God Realm for thousands of years, and his behavior of using the singularity of the law may also cause the Styx to malfunction.

Therefore, not only the Supreme God was anxious, Rosen was also a little anxious.

I am worried that Tiamat will play a big game, causing the Styx to suddenly collapse, and then there will be the end of "Twilight of the Gods, the fall of all gods".

Thrandis was the only wife present who could feel and understand Rosen's anxiety.

She raised her eyebrows: "Rosen, are you worried about the collapse of the River Styx?"

Rosen liked this state of close connection with his wife's soul. He nodded slightly and looked around at the other girls.

"What I'm worried about now is that if the River Styx collapses unexpectedly before we gain the power to build a new River Styx, then the entire mage world will die as a result, and we will also perish together."

All the girls showed surprise in their eyes.

Not only did he feel that the situation was terrifying, but he also felt that the ambition of the man in front of him was huge.

He actually wants to build a new Styx!

Gendeloni's eyes widened: "Rosen, was the River Styx really created?"

Rosen nodded slowly: "More and more signs are showing that the essence of Styx is probably a super artifact created by a sage."

"The emergence of this artifact has opened up a new generation, which can be called the mage generation."

"Its demise also means the complete end of this generation."

Gendeloni was so nervous that she even forgot to eat the barbecue and clenched her fists subconsciously.

"But can we really succeed?"

Rosen raised his eyebrows: "It's not a matter of whether it can be done, it's a matter of having to do it."

After saying that, Thrandis hesitated to speak.

He guessed her thoughts after a moment's thought, nodded and said: "Yes, my re-engraving and divine borrowing techniques are most likely due to touching the singularity of the laws of the River Styx."

"It should also be an illegal magic. If used too much, it may cause the Styx to collapse."

The re-engraving technique is a bit better, as it has to be returned when used up, and it barely achieves a balance on a large scale of time.

But borrowing magic is a real act of stealing. If you steal too much, something will definitely happen.

Thrandis asked: "Then how much magic power do you think lending may cause the Styx to malfunction?"

Rosen thought about this issue carefully and then expressed his conclusion.

"The Law of Supreme Mana greatly limits the speed at which the Heart of God can restore mana. This shows that providing too much divine power at the same time can easily overload the Styx, causing operational malfunctions."

"Based on what we know so far, it is speculated that if the true gods of the eight realms, the powerful talents, and various mana-related phenomena are all added together, the total mana scale is actually not large, probably at the level 10 of Ten Million Crystals The degree of divine power.”

"I estimate it to be around 50 million, definitely not more than 100 million."

In other words, the power produced by Styx's divine power per second is 50 million crystals of level 10 divine power.

If it is diverged into level nine divine power, it will be increased six times to 300 million. At level 8, it will be doubled to 600 million. At level 7, it will be 1.2 billion.

From the powerful divine power of the seventh level to the medium divine power of the sixth level, the mana intensity has jumped a hundred times.

So it is equivalent to 120 billion level six divine power.

From medium to weak divine power, there is a tenfold jump.

Therefore, converted to Rosen's current level 3.2 divine power, it is roughly the total size of five trillion crystals.

It's a huge number for an individual, but it's not unattainable.

Rosen used the borrowed magic, and the ultimate second-level power reached level 3 power of 500,000 crystals.

Thrandis became a little scared when he heard this: "But you have borrowed millions of crystals many times in one breath. If you convert it to level 10, you have several thousand crystals, right?"

Rosen shook his head and smiled: "No, no, it's not that serious."

"What I just estimated was the power limit per second, and the power per second I achieved with the borrowed magic technique, when converted to level 10, the peak value is less than 5 crystals."

"It only reaches one in ten million, which is still far from the limit."

Of course, if one person monopolizes one ten millionth of the divine circulation power of Styx, it is still very high. After all, Styx serves the entire world of mana.

Not only the true gods, but also a large number of extraordinary beings, and countless mortals, almost all living beings obtain their mana from the River Styx.

Thrandis said seriously: "I still think this magic is very dangerous."

Gendeloni had a different idea: "It is indeed a bit high, but any alchemist who creates a magic weapon will leave at least a 50% safety margin."

"For an artifact like Styx that involves the entire world, there is no room for error, and the margin will only be higher."

"If it were me, I might even set up a safety margin of ten times or even a hundred times."

"So, in my opinion, with the current scale of borrowing magic, although it is illegal, it is absolutely safe."

Thrandis shook his head repeatedly and entered serious discussion mode with his best friend.

"That being said, we can't just look at the present, and we are definitely not the only ones who have discovered the singularity of the law. The True God of Darkness has definitely done more than us."

"I'm afraid there will be a cumulative effect."

In response, Gendeloni nodded in agreement: "This is possible."

She turned to look at Rosen: "Dear, what are your plans for re-engraving and borrowing magic?"

Rosen had naturally thought about it a long time ago and now explained it in detail.

"From the information I have received so far, the Supreme God has the priesthood of the manager of the Styx."

"We have to serve the Supreme God again in the future, so we will definitely not be able to release illegal magic that damages the Styx under her nose."

"I even feel that Mother Earth will prohibit me from using these two magical arts."

"So, my idea is that we will temporarily settle down in this valley, analyze the supreme information, and try our best to improve the level of divine power."

"After I am promoted to medium divine power, I will use the borrowing magic to borrow a large amount of divine power as a backup."

Thrandis asked: "A large amount? How big is it?"

Of course Rosen had already made the calculation.

"Due to environmental interference, divine power must be maintained by the Heart of God in order to truly exist stably."

"And there are six of us here, and each of us has four replicas. Plus the original body, that's 30 hearts of God."

"If I advance to medium divine power, the number of replicas may be increased to 6 per person, which is 42 hearts of gods."

"The storage limit of each God's Heart is approximately equivalent to 4,000 crystals of level 10 divine power. 42 people would be 170,000 crystals."

Heya Jiali calculated it for a moment and was stunned: "That's 1.6 billion level four divine power."

I feel like my man's heart is really too wild.

But then again, she likes such a wild man.

The other four women also looked at each other.

Patsy asked cautiously: "Master, is it too much?"

Rosen smiled and said: "No more, no more. Remember, the real threat to Styx is the power of generating divine power per second. The stable existence of divine power is not enough to put pressure on Styx."

"Don't say 1.6 billion. If we can save it, 1 billion is not much."

Seeing that the expressions of the goddesses were still a little heavy, Rosen continued to comfort them.

"Okay, be happy. Even if a system as huge as Styx is about to collapse, there will be various signs in advance."

"There are no signs now. Everything is very stable, which means it is running well."

Then he said: "The re-engraving technique is basically safe. You have always been interested in this technique. Do you want to learn it?"

The five girls are all very interested in the art of engraving and naturally want to learn it.

So everyone nodded.

Without saying much, Rosen directly activated the soul connection between the six people and shared knowledge in the soul realm.

Soon, the five girls all knew the principle of the "Borrow and Return" technique.

After a few glances, Patsy, who had the weakest foundation in magic, gave up immediately.

"I will never be able to master this spell. I decided to forget about it and pretend I had never seen it."

True to her word, she directly erased the spell book from her soul's memory.

She is never greedy for power that she cannot control, because there is no gain and it may also bring huge risks.

The second one to give up was Heya Jiali.

"As long as my brother knows how to do it, I don't need to know how to do it."

She also completely forgot about the spell book.

Alfroya was unwilling to give in and tried to read a few pages, but then gave up.

"This spell requires super logical thinking and super fine memory. Even if I learn it, I won't be able to use it well. I might as well not use it."

She also decisively erased the spell book.

Gendeloni couldn't bear to forget it, thinking that there would be no danger in her refining with Rosen.

I just put it in my soul, and decided to ponder it a bit when I have free time, and push forward bit by bit, maybe one day I can learn this spell.

Finally there is Thrandis.

She read it carefully and came to a conclusion.

"It takes me about half a month to master it, but I can't use it to reproduce overly complex objects, especially life. The reproduction will definitely fail."

Rosen had expected this.

He is able to recreate a super complex existence like life because he has super computing power that is closely connected to the soul, but others do not have this kind of thing.

He smiled and said: "It would be great to be able to reproduce a magic weapon. For example, this cloak of protection, I will reproduce the four collars, and you will reproduce the four collars, and add the cloak itself to make nine collars."

Thrandis's eyes lit up: "Well, I'm starting to look forward to it."

After that, the group continued to chat while eating barbecue. In the middle of the night, news came out from the replica team who was researching the magic.

"After confirming the correspondence between the world's law barrier and the world's internal space coordinates, we can start our journey outside the River Styx."

This is great news.

After all, hiding around like a rabbit in the world every day is really frustrating. And if he encounters an interception in the Styx River, just freeze him with time and space.

But according to the plan, everyone did not rush to set off, and stayed in the valley with peace of mind, focusing on absorbing precious knowledge from the powerful god.

It would be best if he could help Rosen advance to intermediate divine power.

After all, using a weak god to control the soul pasture is still a bit unsuitable, and will cause a lot of extra troubles and dangers.

But now, there are still eight and a half years left before the ten-year appointment, and there has been no major turmoil in the green wilderness. The Queen of Earth should not change her mind easily.

After settling in, Rosen also recalled the replicas of the Golden Continent and gathered together five groups of people.

Get together every day to brainstorm.

As a result, the research progress was greatly accelerated.

Of course, it was mainly the three girls Rosen, Thrandis and Gendeloni who cooperated, and the other three girls were also not idle.

Alfroya patrols the valley every day to deal with threats.

Heyajiali became a housekeeper and learned magic.

Patsy began to work as a scout in the valley, training her new power seriously.

Dangerous things are all replicated in the body, but the experience can be shared, so the girls take risks without any scruples, and everyone makes rapid progress.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, two months passed in this peaceful valley.

With united efforts, the speed of deciphering information is naturally astonishingly fast.

At dusk on the last day of the second month, the group of people completely cracked the power of the two powerful gods.

Multiple streams of information flashed through Rosen's mind.

"Obtain the supreme information of "Level 7.6 Law Powerful God Cedrana's Heart of Flame Destruction", in which the maximum available progress is 176%."

Sedrana is a powerful god with a law domain, and her paths overlap a lot with Rosen's, so she gave her a lot of supreme information.

It was not in vain that he took a big risk to read it by force.

"Get the supreme information of "Level 7.2 Browse the Heart of God, the Powerful God Conn", with 28% of the available progress."

Kang En is a traditional witch god and has not understood the field of law, so his information is very weak and can only be barely used.

"The current maximum progress has exceeded the limit threshold. Is it starting to condense "Rosen's Heart of Medium God"?"


"The Heart of the Medium God is being condensed by Rosen. It is estimated to take 9 hours."

Nine hours is not long, so just wait.

I immediately felt a change in God’s heart.

After careful perception, I discovered the specific direction of change.

The divine heart of a weak god, whose core is an extraordinary heart, is very impure.

Now, the inner core has begun to become supreme, turning into the truly pure heart of God.

Waiting until three o'clock in the morning the next day, Rosen felt his spirit suddenly shaken, and an extremely concentrated divine power surged out from the depths of his soul.

As soon as I sensed it, I discovered that the intensity of this divine power reached level 5.2, and its absolute intensity was almost 40 times that of level 3.2!

The power span is huge.

The huge increase in strength also greatly strengthened Rosen's abilities.

He clearly felt that even without the help of mana anchor point positioning, he could clearly feel the replica of the Golden Continent.

He secretly sighed in his heart: "Medium divine power is indeed a whole new world."

Very good, but I also clearly feel that after reaching this point, it may be difficult to collect a large amount of usable supreme information.

Because he is walking a completely new path. The deeper he goes, the fewer his fellow travelers and the less knowledge he can learn from.

After reaching the fifth level of divine power, there was almost no man's land ahead, and he could only move forward alone.

He can only rely on himself to figure out how to proceed in the future.

Again a flood of information flashed through my mind.

"The condensation of God's Heart is complete, please name this God's Heart."

"Let's call it "Heart of Time and Space"."

Time and space carry everything in the world. He pursues the most original and basic law, which is naturally the law of time and space, and is naturally called the heart of time and space.

"The heart of time and space has been named."

"The current spellcasting ability of the Heart of God is 920 stars, and the soul engraving space has been increased to 3200 stars."

"Naturally restores 28 crystals of divine power every day, and with the blessing of endless water, it reaches 2240 crystals."

"The replica body +3, the validity period is increased to 720 days."


The flow of improved information comes one after another, endlessly.

Rosen was tired of hearing this: "Okay, I know everything, don't retaliate."

The flow of information suddenly disappeared.

Thrandis immediately felt the change in Rosen.

Their souls were closely connected, and it felt like Rosen's soul had suddenly grown a lot, giving her the illusion of facing a mountain.

She immediately asked: "Dear, have you been promoted to medium divine power?"

When the other four women heard this, they all looked at Rosen.

Rosen nodded slowly: "The powerful god's supreme information was of great benefit to me, allowing me to break through to divine power level 5.2."

The girls suddenly looked surprised.

After all, only if Rosen is strong enough can they have a bright future.

Rosen immediately got vaccinated.

"This is probably the last time I will improve quickly. I may not find such valuable supreme information in the future."

In fact, there is another one, and that is Tiamat, the True God of Darkness.

But that was a real problem that even the Supreme God could do nothing about. It was far from what he could covet now.

Thrandis smiled and said: "My dear, this is fast enough, any faster will not be real."

Gendeloni asked: "The next step is to borrow divine power and prepare to set off?"

Rosen thought for a moment and said: "Don't worry, let me help everyone improve their divine power level first. I already have a lot of ideas."

Naturally, the girls had no objection.

In the following time, Rosen used the re-engraving technique to recruit three more groups of people.

The total number reached an astonishing 48.

After a lot of hard work, the levels of the girls also improved dramatically.

The strongest, Thrandis, has been upgraded to level 3.5, followed by Gendeloni, who is at level 3.3, and Afu, who is at level 3.2.

The weakest Patsy has a level of 2.8.

Then Rosen began to borrow divine power until all 48 people's God's Hearts were filled.

Level 10 divine power with a total amount of 190,000 crystals.

When everything was ready, Rosen issued an order: "Sink into the River Styx and head to the Kingdom of the Earth."

With their current strength, they are not afraid of powerful gods on the road.

At the same time, he added: "Except for one team driving the Styx boat, the other teams continue to study the magic of the laws of time and space."

About 10 minutes later, the Time Hunter entered the River Styx again.

"Keep throwing out mana anchors, the more the better."

He no longer has use for this thing, but his women can.

He looked at the River Styx outside the glass porthole again, and found that his field of vision had changed greatly. Before, it was an endless mass of colorful oil, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Now it only has a slightly colorful charm, and the base tone has become transparent and pure black. The green wilderness next to it was shining brightly, like an alien version of the starry sky.

And in this 'Styx Sky', you can see some light spots of different sizes.

If you look closely, you will find that the reason why the sizes are different is because of the different 'distances'.

And this distance is very strange, and it is a reflection of the unique space-time dimension in the River Styx.

After counting, there are exactly eight, which are the so-called "eight realms".

He raised his head again and carefully looked at the green wilderness in front of him.

I discovered that there is an independent 'universe' in the divine world.

There are countless planets and galaxies among them, and the so-called emerald wilderness is just one of the extremely huge solid planets with life.

Therefore, it was really lucky that they fell into the green wilderness as soon as they entered, instead of falling into the astral void, or even near a certain star.

After watching for a while, Rosen made another strange discovery.

"The influence of the power of Styx is not large. It only covers one planetary system, and outside this planetary system, there is no trace of the mana field!"

The second conclusion was quickly reached.

"The Styx is most likely powered by the star at the center of the planetary system, and then it creates a huge mana field that encompasses the entire planetary system."

This basically confirms the speculation that "the River Styx is man-made".

After a while, there was a third conclusion.

"Due to the influence of mana, there is not just one living planet in a planetary system, but almost all planets, even large satellites, have traces of life. It is very lively."

Therefore, the number of soul ranches is not small.

While observing carefully, Patsy suddenly reported: "Master, we found a high-frequency mana wave in front of us, intensity level five, approaching us alone."

Rosen was startled: "It's been so long, is there still someone ambushing me in the star realm?"

Immediately said: "Get ready for battle!"

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