Master Tongtian

Chapter 612 Many heroes in the world (12)

Early next morning.

Desiya's bedroom on the second floor of the Sunset Shrine.

Rosen was awakened by the sound of birds chirping outside the window.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a piece of pink and white skin that was half covered by emerald green hair. His heart moved slightly, and he immediately recalled the turbulent storm last night.

Some girls look weak and weak, but they are very tough and can withstand strong storms.

It is truly the so-called softness that overcomes the toughness, and it is also called meeting a good talent and meeting an opponent in chess. Last night was truly a hearty and impressive experience.

While she was reminiscing, Desiya also woke up, but still turned her back to Rosen, preventing him from seeing her face.

Rosen leaned forward and whispered in her ear: "Sister, I'm going to Emerald City today. Is there anything else I need to prepare?"

"No, everything that needs to be prepared has been prepared."

Desiya's voice sounded like a mosquito, she shrank her neck, and her cheeks turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rosen saw this interestingly and said softly: "Sister, it's only five o'clock in the morning. It's still early. How about you sleep a little longer?"

"Okay. Ah~~ It's not this kind of sleep."

After sleeping for more than an hour, when the sun rose completely and the warm white sunlight shone into the bedroom, Rosen got up. After getting dressed, he walked to the dressing table and helped Desiya tie up her messy hair.

When helping, he whispered: "Sister, what should I pay attention to when I arrive in the capital?"

"Pay attention to Oselon. He has been in the God Realm for nearly 100 years and has made many friends, including many medium gods. It is said that there may be powerful wandering powerful gods."

Regarding the matter of wandering powerful gods, Rosen was very surprised: "Sister, can powerful gods also wander?"

"There used to be very few, but in the past few hundred years, with the continuous destruction of the true god of darkness, many powerful gods have lost their soul pasture."

"Some powerful gods have degenerated into demon gods, and some have become wandering gods, looking for new opportunities everywhere."

"Because the Green Wilderness is generally peaceful, there are especially many wandering gods who flock here to take refuge. According to rough statistics, every one hundred wanderers has a powerful god."

Rosen understood and deeply felt the huge damage caused by the True God of Darkness to the order of the divine world.

Desiya raised her eyes to look at Rosen's reflection in the mirror and reminded her seriously.

"Powerful gods are very arrogant. They used to live a lavish life, but now life is suddenly tight, and few can adapt."

"Because they no longer have bonds, most of them ignore the rules in order to obtain as much divine power as possible."

"So, you must be fully vigilant and protect yourself."

"If someone troubles you for no reason, don't rush to fight back. Be patient and understand the situation first to avoid falling into your opponent's trap."

These are good words of wisdom, which can help Rosen avoid many pitfalls.

He was grateful in his heart and nodded gently: "I remember, sister."

Seeing Rosen looking so tame and completely different from his wild appearance last night, I couldn't help but glare at him.

"I'm obedient now."

Rosen laughed dryly.

Desiya did not dwell on this topic and continued to raise points.

"Furthermore, you have a great reputation in the Kingdom of God, but a great reputation does not mean a good reputation. Everyone knows that you are a peerless genius, but many people also know that you are a romantic fanatic, so be careful Peach trap."

After saying that, he glared at Rosen with water-clouded eyes. It was obviously a glare, but it had no lethal effect. Instead, it made people's hearts surge with blood.

Rosen smiled slightly: "Don't worry, sister, there are not many girls in this world who can impress me. If you want me to fall into the trap of love, the price I have to pay is not high."

Hearing this, Desiya glared at Rosen again, but she was happy in her heart.

After all, Rosen is an extraordinary person, and it is a rare honor to be appreciated by him.

Everyone has vanity, and goddesses are no exception.

After putting her hair up and getting dressed, Desiya flew into the sky with Rosen. After hovering for a while, a level 9 peak dragon with a wingspan of more than 60 meters flew over.

Desiya sat on the dragon's back first, and Rosen followed naturally.

After sitting down, she gently patted the dragon scales and input 10 crystals of divine power: "Abao, take us to the Emerald Capital."

"As you wish, Master and the distinguished Mr. Rosen."

The giant dragon was very humble, flapped its wings gently, and flew towards the due north, flying fast and steadily.

On the dragon's back, Desiya continued her conversation with Rosen in mysterious whispers.

"When I arrive in the capital, I will go to the Earth Shrine to report on my duties. It is the Queen's palace and a place where etiquette and status are most important. You must not mess around there!"

Rosen naturally knew the importance: "Don't worry, sister, I will pretend I don't know you in the palace."

"This is naturally the best."

"Oh, and also, because it is the capital city, the six great nobles of the Kingdom of God and the ranchers of the major soul ranches will send a divine projection to be stationed there to listen to the Queen's orders at any time."

"In addition, there are many weak and medium gods who don't have pastures and like to hang out in the capital. Some want to be appreciated by big shots, and some are followers of big shots."

"These gods can easily become knives in the hands of big shots and do things that exceed the limit, so be especially careful."

Rosen smiled slightly: "I understand that the God of Ranch has a lot of divine power and is a big shot, so he respects his status, so he uses those little people as his white gloves."

As for mortals, they are not even qualified to be gloves.

In short, although the power has increased, human nature is eternal and is not much different from the mortal world. It just changes its form.

Desiya nodded in agreement with Rosen's statement, and was not worried that Rosen would be tricked. After all, he has always been a cautious character.

She continued: "Also, this happens to be the day when the Holy God Conference is held every ten years. It is mainly to discuss how to deal with the challenge of the Dark God."

"The Nine Holy Gods of the Green Wilderness and the powerful divine powers in their kingdoms have all sent their divine projections to attend the meeting, and these powerful divine powers have also brought their own followers, so the capital is much more lively than before."

"Of course, there could be a lot of confusion."

Rosen also heard about the Holy Spirit Conference from the maid yesterday, and after hearing what Desiya said today, he basically understood the situation.

Then, he remembered someone.

I originally thought I wouldn't have to deal with a powerful god whom I had provoked by accident, but I didn't expect that less than three months had passed and we would meet him again.

Although the other party would not cause trouble for him in the Emerald City, it would definitely be very embarrassing if he did meet him.

So I asked Desiya for advice.

"When I first came to the Green Wilderness, I mistakenly entered the Kingdom of Samsara, and had some minor friction with the God of Flame Destruction. Will I meet her this time?"

Desiya thought slightly: "Small friction? What kind of friction?"

After all, it is not an ordinary god who is offended, but a powerful divine power with a soul pasture, which still needs to be taken seriously.

Rosen didn't know how to explain it, because looking back now, he felt that there was a high probability that he was too sensitive at the beginning and had some misunderstandings.

Since he wanted to ask for advice, he simply told the truth and described the original situation.

Of course, the final humiliation was not mentioned, only that he forcibly obtained the other party's heart of god information.

After he finished speaking, Desiya gave up the thought of mentioning it: "It's not a big deal. You saved her and I agreed to let you read the heart of God."

"But she did such a trick at the last minute that could easily lead to misunderstanding. If she is wrong, both sides should share half of it."

"However, the other party is a powerful god, and it won't look good if it makes a fuss. Just try to avoid her. I will also inform you in advance if she is present."

In this case, Rosen was relieved: "Thank you sister for your help."

The Sunset Basin is not far from the Emerald Capital. At the flying speed of the Immortal Peak Dragon, it took less than half an hour to reach the southern suburbs of the Emerald Capital.

Looking ahead from the suburbs, you will find that the Emerald Capital is also protected by natural mountains.

And this is necessary, otherwise the fierce storm in the green wilderness will be like a world-destroying tsunami, easily blowing the city into ruins.

I saw that the city is surrounded by mountains with an altitude of more than 10,000 meters, and inside is a huge plain with rich water and soil.

In the center of the plain is a magnificent city designed as a strict circle.

Estimating from the curvature of the city edge, the city diameter is about 20 inches, which is about 200 kilometers.

The most eye-catching thing in the city are the seven buildings that are like steel needles piercing the sky. Each one is at least one meter high.

There is one in the middle of the city, and six are distributed in a regular hexagonal shape on the edge of the city.

Desiya began to introduce it very thoughtfully: "That is the Seven Towers of Protection. Because of its sharp shape, it is also called the Sword of Protection. It corresponds to the Queen of Earth and the six great nobles of the Kingdom of God."

"It's not just a decoration, but it plays a very important role."

"Once a powerful gifted creature is discovered near the capital, or there is extremely bad weather, the seven towers will be activated, condensing an extremely tough and magnificent divine power barrier to firmly protect the entire capital."

"And in the 30,000 years since the capital was established, there has never been a disaster that broke through the protection of the Guardian Sword."

Rosen sincerely praised: "It's really amazing."

I couldn't help but ask: "If someone is promoted to the Logic God's Throne in the future, will a new guardian tower be added?"

"should be."

"But the tower is not easy to add."

Either the six god towers should be demolished and rebuilt to seven, otherwise the sudden addition of one would be very uncoordinated and might also affect the stability of the divine power barrier.

Desiya spread her hands: "This is what the Queen should consider. She will always think of a proper solution."

That's right. Rosen is not qualified to consider this kind of issue now.

After flying for a while, the giant dragon Abao landed in the open space next to the southern entrance of the city. He said respectfully: "Master, I will send you here."

"Well, you can go back now and pick me up in half a month."

"Yes, Master."

Abao nodded to Desiya and Rosen respectively, then spread his wings and flew away.

After watching him leave, Desiya walked towards the entrance of the city.

"There is a strict flight control zone inside the capital. Whether you fly by yourself or with the help of magic weapons, you are not allowed to fly."

"Unless there are very important missions, such as military intelligence couriers, or special management departments, they have partial flight permissions, and they must strictly follow the prescribed routes."

Rosen can completely understand this regulation. Everyone knows the negative impact of a super-high-speed object hitting a downtown area, and people flying around will also greatly affect urban security.

"Sister, we are quite far away from the Earth Shrine. Should we go there like this?"

Desiya smiled and said: "Of course we will go there on a rail-mounted suspension car."

Then he said: "This is a new thing. Construction was only started seventy years ago because of the complete perfection of the law of gravity."

"Perfection of the law of gravity? Seventy years ago?"

Desiya nodded: "That's right, and the first person to make this contribution is Oselon from the 'Colorful Pearl' in the mortal world."

"Then there's Dalit from the world's 'Eternal Lighthouse'. And you, from the Blue Pearl World, are the ninth person to independently introduce the law of gravity."

Rosen was startled and felt a sense of solemnity in his heart, feeling that he had underestimated the heroes in the world.

Thinking back to Oselon, whose law is the creation of the void, I couldn't help but think: "Could he have understood quantum mechanics and then condensed matter directly from the void?"

If it is true, then this Oselon is really a very powerful logic mage.

When I thought of it, I asked: "Sister Desiya, what's going on with Osailon's void creation law?"

"It is a creation created by divine power. Of course, it does not actually create matter, but uses divine power to simulate matter, showing properties that are almost exactly the same as real matter."

"It is said that even a powerful god must observe carefully to discover the subtle differences between divine creations and real matter."

Rosen breathed a sigh of relief and put aside half of his thoughts: "Even so, we must pay great attention to find all the information on Osselon."

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be invincible in every battle.

At this time, Desiya had already brought Rosen to the platform of a so-called 'rail suspension car'.

Rosen took a look and realized that this thing looked like a tram, but it used many native materials in the details, such as purple wood embossed window frames, real animal skin seats, and earth god seals that could be seen everywhere. It was full of classical and traditional materials. Fantasy and exotic atmosphere.

And what drives the hovercar is not electricity, but magic.

Simply put, this is a gravity weapon.

After entering the carriage, there are VIP seats and ordinary seats.

The VIP seat is an independent cabin. Not only is the seat more comfortable, but it can be completely isolated from the outside world by pulling the door.

As one of the Queen's confidants and a level 5 mid-level god, Desiya has the right to sit in the VIP seats for free.

He took Rosen and sat in a VIP seat in an independent cabin.

After sitting down, Desiya closed the cabin door, immediately blocking out the rich smoke and smoke of the super city.

Desiya was not idle either, pointing to the earth seal on the wall and said: "This is the earth queen's seal, which represents the queen's authority."

As she spoke, she began to introduce the structure and meaning of the divine seal in detail.

"The inner circle represents the Queen of the Earth. The six radiating lines outside the circle are the Six Divine Lords. There is another circle outside, which represents the entire Divine Kingdom of Earth."

"The implication is that the Queen and the six great gods jointly govern the Kingdom of Earth."

Rosen had a feeling: "Sister, the status of the Six Divine Lords seems to be very high."

Whether it is the Seven Guardian Swords or the Seal of the Earth, this is clearly shown.

The status of the Queen and the Divine Lord is like that of the Emperor and the Prime Minister.

Desiya nodded: "This is natural, because the six great gods are all powerful and truly great."

"Each god-lord also has a large soul pasture and harvests a huge amount of divine power. If the six god-lords join forces to oppose the queen, the queen will also feel a great headache and will feel a substantial threat."

"If one of them is not handled well, the order of the Kingdom of God will be completely subverted."

Desiya said the last words very softly, but it immediately reminded Rosen of the battle between the supreme gods 30,000 years ago.

He also thought of the secret of the Supreme God that Rose Lady Nova told him.

She said that the Queen of Earth ascended to the supreme divine position through good luck, and her power was the weakest among the three supreme gods.

He immediately had a feeling that the position of the Queen of Earth was not as stable as he imagined.

Even in the Kingdom of the Earth God, she does not always stick to her word. If she wants to pass a major resolution, she will definitely need to seek the support of the God Lords.

The establishment of a new logical god-lord involves a huge issue of interest redistribution, which is naturally a very important decision.

Therefore, if I want to truly become the god-lord of logic and secure my position, I am afraid I will also need the support of other god-lords.

"Hmm~ The interest relationships in God's country are much more complicated than I thought."

This is not an empire ruled by a queen, but a parliamentary republic.

And unless there is a truly crushing power, in order to accomplish something in such a kingdom of God, in addition to having sufficient strength and resources, one must also compete with the interests of all parties.

He secretly sighed: "At the top of this world, heroes emerge in large numbers."

I originally thought that everything would be smooth sailing after becoming the official manager of the Source of All Laws.

Now it seems that there are many strong people, and if one of them fails, he will still overturn. (End of chapter)

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