Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 271 Elder Ji, help me!

None of the four masters and apprentices expected that just after talking about Kong Wei, this guy would come to their door.

I didn't do it myself, even if the secret police did it, it would be impossible to make people like this.

Besides, Kong Wei was confused? What are you calling for help here?

Seeing this, Chi Ye wanted to go forward to ask, but was stopped by Ji Qinglin.

Seeing Master frowned slightly, Chi Ye also reacted: Who knows if Kong Wei, a relative of Kong Decheng's clan, would play tricks to sneak attack?

Kong Wei, who was lying on the ground, saw the four masters and apprentices of Ji Qinglin, and struggled as if seeing straws:

"Elder Ji Ji, help!"

Kong Decheng, who was almost blew himself up, was knocked out of his wits, and he had seen the power of the contraband of immortal creatures. Who knows if Kong Wei has something similar in his hand.

Ji Qinglin moved a chair and sat down leisurely, pointed to the door and said:

"Five hundred meters east of Grocery Street, there is a small medical clinic. They are better at treating diseases and saving lives than me."

Kong Wei rested his elbow on the ground, took a breath and shook his head, saying:

"Elder Ji, I was hunted down."

"Oh, he was hunted down, so you should have said it earlier."

"Elder Ji, I."

"The nearest police station is about 400 meters to the east, go there to report the crime."

Hearing Ji Qinglin's reply, Kong Wei, who was already exhausted, didn't know where to start, turned around and lay down on the ground with a bang.

"It's a long story."

Seeing the blood seeping from Kong Wei's sleeve, Ji Qinglin winked at Jiang Chen and made a "Zha" motion.

The latter knowingly ejected a few blood-controlling needles right in the middle of Kong Wei, at least stopping his bleeding first.

Before Ji Qinglin could make any further arrangements, Yu Ye wittily dialed the numbers of the nearby police officers:

"Hi, hello, Ji's grocery store, we have an emergency here, please send someone here to deal with it, okay, thank you."

Kong Wei, who was relieved by the hemostasis, heard that Ji Qinglin and the others actually called the police, and said helplessly:

"Elder Ji, I'm here to find you, is it necessary for you to do this?"

"Hey, that's very necessary. Do you know that my apprentice and I almost died yesterday because of the inseparable gap between your Kong family and me."

Kong Wei was obviously a little surprised when he heard this. He knew how powerful Kong Decheng's work was, but he didn't know that he had already used it for Ji Qinglin.

Hearing this, he laughed twice and said:

"Elder Ji's strength is really bottomless if he can't even kill him even if there is a seam in it."

"What's this called? Xiao Jiang, give him two more injections to make him bleed."

Not paying attention to Ji Qinglin's threatening joke, Kong Wei licked his lips and said:

"Elder Ji, I'm sorry for the grievances between you and Mr. Kong. I really didn't participate in his ambush and murder of you. I really need you to come here this time."

Just as he was talking, the police had already arrived, and all the nearby police officers knew that Ji Qinglin was an undercover policeman.

In addition, Ji Qinglin had dealt with some fugitives in the vicinity before, and the police officers would pick up the ready-made ones after they were dealt with, so these police officers treated Ji Qinglin similarly to the father-in-law of the land.

Keep one party safe and occasionally provide performance to everyone.

Therefore, when Yu Ye called the police just now, he ran over without stopping, wondering if he had picked up another big fish.

The three police officers parked the police car beside them, only to find that there was already a broken police car parked beside it, which seemed to have been smashed badly.

The policeman pushed the door open and greeted Ji Qinglin politely:

"Elder Ji, what's going on with you, is there a new prisoner in the account? Hey, it's rare, this time it was actually captured alive."

Ji Qinglin hurriedly waved his hands and explained:

"Three, this Mr. Kong Wei is here to ask for help. I don't know what's going on, so please call the police and ask the three to take him away and deal with it."

"Oh oh oh, what's going on, hey, boy, what's the matter with you? Come on, come back and talk with us."

Kong Wei struggled to get up with the support of the police, but he did not leave, but turned around helplessly and added to Ji Qinglin:

"Elder Ji, I will die if I go back with them."

"Oh, what does that have to do with me?"

"They're all going to die too, I'm not scaremongering."

Ji Qinglin still has a lot to learn from Kong Wei, but he doesn't want to take the risk of encountering a similar flaw again, and he doesn't want to appear to be interested in him and be manipulated, so he doesn't care.

Hearing Kong Wei's words, Ji Qinglin replied on the kung fu mat:

"Several police officers, you have also worked hard. Drink some water and ask him about the specific situation here. Let's listen to it as a story."

It sounded like the "Land Lord" was very interested in this case, and several police officers cooperated and brought a chair over for Kong Wei to sit down, took out the electronic recorder and asked:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Kong Wei naturally knew that he was actually speaking to Ji Qinglin, so he took a deep breath and said seriously:

"Yesterday I left Mr. Kong's house, put away the things I was told, and went to bed early.

As a result, this morning, my wife and I were thinking about where Jiangdong XZ was, when something happened suddenly.

Six killers rushed in and easily broke through the security system of the home. They asked me to hand over Mr. Kong's things. At that time, I thought it was Elder Ji who sent me to scare me.

So I wanted to keep my mouth shut and deny the existence of such a thing, but in the end they killed my wife directly! In desperation, I pretended to give them something to fight back.

It turned out that these six were all omnic qi refiners. I was wounded and ran away. Just as Elder Ji said, I ran to the security booth of the nearest police station. There were at least four police officers there. I thought I could seek protection and report the case temporarily.

Unexpectedly, an Omnic Qi Refiner entered as a Cleaning Omnic, and before the four police officers could react, he suddenly attacked and killed them all.

Knowing that these guys are lunatics, and they won't let it go until they get something, I took the key to the safety booth and drove away in a hurry. In order to seek asylum, I came to Elder Ji.

I'm telling the truth! As long as there is a lie, I would like to destroy it! "

The three policemen also looked up at Ji Qinglin when they heard this. After all, Ji Qinglin was also a secret policeman, so it was better to ask his opinion first if they came to look for him.


Before Ji Qinglin could speak, there was another sound of brakes outside the grocery store, and then the car door was opened and four policemen came down.

The four secret policemen looked at the dilapidated police car that had been hit outside, then excitedly rang the doorbell and entered the grocery store.

The leader of the secret police had met Ji Qinglin, and everyone behind him had heard of the reputation of this big boss who was promoted to the deputy commander of the secret police in a month, so the four of them were very polite when they came in.

The secret police headed by looked at Kong Wei at the side, then cupped his hands at Ji Qinglin and said:

"I didn't expect the deputy commander-in-chief to catch the suspect so quickly. You are still so efficient!"

Ji Qinglin wondered:

"Suspect? Did Kong Wei commit any other crimes?"

The leading secret policeman explained:

"Attacked the police security booth, killed four officers, and took the car away."

Everyone at the scene was stunned when they heard the accusation. Except for the absence of the six so-called omnic qi refiners, everything else seemed to be the same as what Kong Wei said.

Kong Wei struggled eagerly when he heard the words:

"I didn't kill people! The murderer is an omnic! If you don't believe me, you can investigate and monitor!"

Ji Qinglin also asked curiously:

"Is there any relevant monitoring information or direct evidence?"

The leading secret policeman waved his hand and said:

"When we heard about the homicide, we chased it out immediately. The colleagues who stayed at the scene just now reported that there was a problem with the monitoring system of the security booth, and the whole process of this guy's presence was not recorded.

But judging from the news sent by colleagues just now, the four undercover policemen all died of the same knife wound, and they seemed to be killed without any precautions.

Most importantly, witnesses at the scene said they only saw him come out alone. "

Kong Wei became even more emotional when he heard this, and shouted regardless of the wound:

"Impossible! The murderer must still be inside!"

"Can we still lie to you? Stop talking nonsense and go back with us first!"


Seeing this scene, Ji Qinglin hesitated for a while and stopped him:

"Several, there may be something strange about this case. Anyway, I am also a secret policeman. How about handing it over to my subordinates for investigation?"

This kind of case should be in charge of the secret police, the three police officers naturally had no objection, and those few secret police saw that the deputy commander had spoken, so how could they dare to stop them.

It was so hard to meet this big boss who brought his subordinates to promote at any time. Naturally, the leader of the secret police would not let go of this golden opportunity, and offered to suggest:

"That's good! I'll go back and protect the scene and wait for the deputy commander to investigate."

"It's okay, you can investigate, but remember to record the whole process and check the situation at Kong Wei's house again."


Seeing that the secret police and police officers all left the grocery store in a tacit understanding, Ji Qinglin got up alone and came to Kong Wei, stretched out his left hand and said calmly:


Kong Wei frowned and explained:

"Elder Ji, the things are not on me, they are still at home, and they have already taken them away at this time."

Before Kong Wei could finish speaking, Ji Qinglin raised his voice and shouted out the door:

"Several, come back, take him away directly, I don't care about this matter"

"Hey, Elder Ji! I have it, I have it!"

After receiving the special memory carved out of obsidian, Ji Qinglin simply looked it over and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I will call someone to treat your injury. Now let me tell you the specific details that are inconvenient to say just now."

Kong Wei didn't expect that Ji Qinglin, who got the things, would care so much about his own life and death, so he couldn't help admiring him immediately.

"I didn't expect Elder Ji to be so magnanimous. He didn't blame Mr. Kong for what he did. He is a hero. I didn't suffer any fatal injuries, so I don't need to find a doctor to deal with it."

Ji Qinglin waved his hand and said:

"No, no, no, it must be dealt with. Also, don't talk too much. I forgive you only because there is no enmity between us. When the doctor arrives later, she may not be as magnanimous as me."

"Huh? Who is the doctor you're talking about?"

"Oh? I forgot so soon, didn't you bring four scumbags to my door last night to chase her down late at night? It's really a turn of events."

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