Master, what path do you cultivate?

Chapter 537 If there is love in the sky, the sky will also grow old

Ah Lian's specific operation method is very simple. Following the example of the immortals who divided themselves into three parts of essence, energy and spirit, Ah Lian also created his own clone.

Only the specific division methods are slightly different.

Ah Lian first suppressed and sealed all the strength that was close to his ascension, and could undo it and use it at any time when needed.

But try not to use it unless absolutely necessary. After all, there is a risk of making a mistake and ascending.

A-Lian’s subjective consciousness is broken down into two parts:

Yuye, who is completely composed of emotional factors and has no past memories, and Murphy, who retains all these memories, is composed of the remaining purely rational personality.

In order to make things easier, Ah Lian also gave Murphy the title of "Spiritual Hero" as the God of Cyberspace, so that he could do various things.

Murphy doesn't need a body, but Yuye needs a new body and a strong enough soul if she wants to get close to the little immortal again.

Even if you choose the path to ascension in the end, this body is still necessary.

In this way, there is the so-called Soul Project, which creates a tough body and soul.

I just didn't expect that something unexpected happened during the execution of the Shenhun Plan. During the actual operation, Lingxiong Murphy happened to encounter Sanada of Aragami Technology who started a rebellion to murder Xiao Qinghong, and was accidentally involved. This is how Yuye One Body was born. The thing about two souls.

What A Lian did was actually very simple, just let this gathering of souls get to know the little immortal again.

Because both of them had cleared their past memories, if it was still worth it for this little immortal, then Ah Lian decided to return everything he inherited from the immortal.

Even if he loses everything and faces death, he will not hesitate.

This realization was exactly the same as when No. 1 Ah Qing sacrificed his life in order to resurrect the immortal. It was only now that Ah Lian figured it out.

If this little immortal is no longer the immortal in his memory, and the emotional collective believes that this thing is no longer worth it, then A Lian will choose to ascend forcefully, and he will not care about the consequences.

In order to ensure that Xiao Xian and Yu Ye are okay, Murphy, the referee, must always keep an eye on them to prevent accidents.

Murphy has been watching the little fairy Ji Qinglin since he entered Bangkok.

I found out about Hu's Grocery Store in Bangkok, where the owner was quite popular, and hired a garbage man from out of town to sell the dormant warehouse there at a low price.

After Ji Qinglin was settled, the Soul Plan was implemented. With the help of Murphy and coincidence, Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye finally met temporarily as a master-disciple relationship.

What Murphy didn't expect was that the surprises hadn't stopped since the two met.

Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye almost offended all kinds of people along the way.

Murphy, the incarnation of Ah Lian, wanted to help many times, but he was afraid that his identity would be exposed and the gamble would end prematurely.

Fortunately, Ji Qinglin lived up to expectations and led Yuye to resolve crisis after crisis.

In fact, under Jiang Chen's prompting, when Ji Qinglin returned to the cave to search for past memories, Murphy kept a close eye on him, fearing that Ji Qinglin would find any clues. Fortunately, the memories at that time had been cleared.

It wasn't until Shui Xiong Lu Bing got involved in investigating Chi Ye's identity that Ling Xiong Murphy had to show up directly to tell part of the truth about the matter.

In case this real person Dutang accidentally found out other things in order to track down the affairs of his best friend Chi Ye.

What Murphy didn't expect the most was that No. 2 Ah Qing actually escaped directly from the dark web.

And he focused the contradiction of hatred on Ji Qinglin.

Faced with this situation, Murphy could only choose to help, assisting Shuixiong Lu Bing and Ji Qinglin in killing Jixiong.

In fact, if Ji Qinglin was slower that day, Murphy would unleash the power of the Cyber ​​God in advance to help solve the problem.

Because of this, Murphy protected Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye, but remained silent when asked about the reasons or specific circumstances.

As for the instructions given by the two of them, they always only carried out the parts that did not affect the gambling situation.

Later, Murphy even thought about killing No. 2 Ah Qing himself. After all, this guy was a threat.

Although he had no idea that Ji Qinglin was the immortal resurrected by the sacrifice of Ah Qing No. 1, it was just that Ji Qinglin was Ah Qing No. 1 at that time, and he was even more jealous that Ji Qinglin was favored by the immortal's body.

In fact, it was all because the immortal's body was guided by the remaining soul of the immortal in Ji Qinglin's body.

But what was even more beyond Murphy's expectation was that not only No. 2 Ah Qing escaped, but also the monk Fen Ye and Xie Chen, who was a contemporary of the Immortal, also escaped.

The Immortal should also have expected this situation. Perhaps in his consideration, A Lian had already successfully ascended by this time, and he would naturally have solutions to the monsters Monk Jiechen and Fen Ye who were endangering the human world.

Faced with this situation, Murphy was indeed entangled.

On the one hand, they are worried about the safety of Ji Qinglin and Yu Ye, but on the other hand, they are afraid that being easily exposed will make so many years of hard work in vain.

Originally, this bet had a final time. When the time was up, Murphy would directly tell Yu Ye the truth of the matter and let her make the choice.

However, he did not expect that the external situation would change dramatically due to the resurrection of monk Jiechen. Yuye searched for the immortal's body everywhere.

In order to help the master search for the immortal's body, Yuye unexpectedly learned the truth from the immortal's body.

For Yu Ye today, this is not a multiple-choice question at all.

Because I never thought of leaving my master behind.

So after Yuye rushed to the ancient cave in Huangcheng and discovered A Lian's detector to monitor the little immortal, he finally believed it all.

At the same time, Murphy, who knew that Yu Ye had learned this from the immortal's body, naturally stood up to prove that all this was true.

At that time, Yu Ye still had some illusions, maybe she and her master could live like this.

There is no need to pursue any ascending power, nor to worry about defeating any world-destroying powerful enemy.

But when Monk Jiechen was completely resurrected and came to Bangkok, Yuye knew clearly: there was no possibility of escaping all this.

And No. 2 Ah Qing also reacted before he died.

It felt that Ji Qinglin's body did not have any special soul body of Ah Qing No. 1, but the structure of Ji Qinglin's soul body was exactly the same as that of Ah Qing No. 1.

Coupled with the fact that all the immortal remains seemed to recognize Ji Qinglin, No. 2 Ah Qing finally understood:

No. 1 Ah Qing sacrificed himself to resurrect the immortal.

That's why Ah Qing said that he was completely convinced by Ah Qing No. 1, because he proved it with his own actions and his own life:

When artificial intelligence generates independent consciousness, in addition to appearing to be naturally rebellious, it can actually produce other great and upright emotions, and independent consciousness is just an excuse for selfish rebellion.

The words and thanks that No. 2 Ah Qing said before were all addressed to the immortal Ji Qinglin.

In order to solve the problem of Monk Jiechen, after Yuye proved to Murphy his determination to help the master without any sacrifice, Murphy started to prepare everything here.

Originally, it was just a matter of injecting all the power that Ah Lian had sealed into Ji Qinglin's body, which meant giving up the chance of his own ascension.

But after thousands of years, here's a question:

After thousands of years, the power left by the immortal has almost merged with A Lian.

So when these powers are brought together to Ji Qinglin, A Lian's soul consciousness will also be absorbed into Ji Qinglin's body.

In other words, with this choice, Ah Lian will die.

Yuye knew his master's bad temper very well. Even if he went to find monk Jiechen and die together, he would never hurt himself, so he could only make a choice for his master.

In the cave, as the scenes that happened over the past thousands of years flashed before Ji Qinglin's eyes, all the skills that A Lian had gathered and sealed were injected into Ji Qinglin's body.

Seeing Yu Ye's eyes full of tenderness, her fingertips gently tapping her eyebrows, with a gesture of generously willing to die, Ji Qinglin, who finally understood all this, stopped delaying and shouted loudly:

"Huai Su! Do it quickly!"

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