Match Point

Chapter 944: Jedi strikes back

The previous second, "control s control".

In the next second, "speed up s speed up".

The sudden acceleration of the rhythm of the whole race is like stepping on the accelerator suddenly from 60 kilometers per hour to the extreme, soaring to 300 kilometers per hour in one breath.

The air was burning, and the hearts of all the audience had stopped beating. They stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them, and their brains completely lost their ability to think.

Gao Wen took the lead in attacking, but was caught by Djokovic and launched a strong counterattack

Games and calculations.

Both players are planning and calculating. Every time they take the ball, they can feel the strong collision. From strength to speed to brain, they are fighting in all directions. The speed of switching between advantages and disadvantages is too fast to react. However, a delicate balance is always maintained.

Like Djokovic, Gao Wen's attention is always protecting his backhand position, because he knows that Djokovic's classic tactic against Nadal is to press the forehand and hit the backhand.

When Djokovic has been controlling the landing point to his forehand, Gao Wen has already expected that Djokovic has been looking for opportunities to break through from his backhand.


Gao Wen took the lead in attacking, and Djokovic hit a diagonal line as expected, trying to break through Gao Wen's defense.


Gao Wen also accurately predicted and moved ahead of time. The large-scale movement of the bottom line was smoothly in place in a blink of an eye, and he directly pushed back with both hands.


Backhand to backhand, one round.

Backhand to backhand, two rounds.

Djokovic speeded up, and both his speed and strength went up to a new level. Every shot was fiercer and more urgent.

This backhand is known as "the world's number one double back". It's not without reason that Djokovic's offensive ability in the backhand position is even stronger than that of the forehand when he needs to attack hard. Can rush, and the stability is stronger than the forehand, the ability is indeed unmatched in the martial arts.

Therefore, if Djokovic catches the opportunity, he will never be able to escape.

Through continuous backhand attacks, Djokovic firmly suppressed Gao Wen, and even the rhythm connection was accelerated, and it was too late to even blink.


Hit the head and cover the face!

Gao Wen, very embarrassed, very very embarrassed.

The two-handed backhand has only the power to parry, not to fight back. Moreover, it can be seen from the landing point and rotation that the quality of the return has declined significantly, and it is being fully suppressed.

at stake.


Not even breathing room.

Last year in Paris, Gao Wen was able to counterattack and reverse Djokovic. The backhand is very important, but today the backhand is mediocre.

The situation is indeed difficult.

Djokovic caught this and bombarded


the third time!

Djokovic launched an attack from the backhand position for the third time in a row, and even opened the angle further. Even if Gao Wen can touch the ball, his feet have been mobilized beyond the singles line and near the doubles line.


The entire audience could no longer exclaim in shock, only the rolling sound of the heart bursting in the chest cavity, just like the rolling sound of thunder before the rainstorm.

Dull, but shocking.

Gao Wen knew that he had not regressed. Even if he returned the ball again, Djokovic had taken the absolute initiative in his next attack:

Diagonal, straight, central, the entire court is open, and Djokovic can attack at will.

what to do?

In fact, Gao Wen still has a chance:

change line.

straight line!

This is the only gap left by Djokovic, because Djokovic knows that Gawain does not have this shot

At the end of the second set, Gao Wen had already lost three backhand straight lines, thus giving away the victory of the second set, and the number of lost points was definitely more than that.

In the audience, the air was tense, as if a volcanic heat wave was coming before the eruption. After depressing and depressing again, one could clearly feel the joy and excitement of the audience preparing to cheer, scream and celebrate, and then all eyes focused on the high Tattoos.

Almost scalded the skin.

However, Gao Wen remained unmoved, keeping his eyes on the incoming ball, making continuous small adjustments, looking for the hitting point, and his thoughts and will reached a high degree of unity.

Kick off! Turn!

swing! Send a shot!

The wrist, which wraps the tennis ball flexibly, can clearly feel the power and speed exerted by Djokovic, and the tennis ball spins fiercely above the racket line.

Bass mist.

Bass mist.

Just like that, Gawain roared out.


One send, one push.

Accompanied by his swing, his body moved forward together, the power deep in his dantian was unreservedly released, and then his whole body flew out.


Crisp, solid, it's the sound of the shot.


Light, fast, this is the sound of breaking through the air.

The audience held their breath and stared at time like this, all eyes of thousands of people were concentrated on that mustard yellow tennis ball.

Djokovic was just starting, realized right away

straight line.

After being oppressed to the extreme, Gao Wen exploded like a spring, forcefully tore out a straight line, and fought back!

Djokovic gave up the chase and followed the trajectory of the tennis ball.

The air is still burning, and those trivial sounds can be heard in the ears.

Time is still standing still, all actions, thoughts, and emotions are all stagnant, falling into a rut of time.


The tennis ball flies in a straight line, and it seems that it is about to fly straight out of the bottom line, but when it is close to the bottom line, it falls rapidly.

Gravity pulled the tennis ball down heavily, and with a muffled sound, the broken hairs burst, and it just landed in a dead corner of the bottom line.


The lineman made an in-bounds gesture with a firm expression.

The audience was silent.

"Competition, high!"

The referee had already broadcast the score directly, and then, the static magic was finally lifted.

Boom, burst!



Gao Wen jumped up high, clenched his right fist, and hammered his chest fiercely, one after another.

bang bang!

bang bang!

All depression, all aggrieved, all released without reservation



absolute! Absolutely impossible!

This battle is not over yet. The belief that belongs to dreams belongs to hope and belongs to persistence. It is still burning. Can you hear the sound of my heart hitting my chest?



Strong and powerful!

High morale!

There is still energy burning in his blood, let this battle continue! Let this storm continue! Let everyone witness the ending together!

There is no end to the battle!

Fight to the end!


From the depths of Gao Wen's soul, there was a roar and a mighty momentum, sweeping the audience

Melon, dropped.

The Australian and Serbian fans couldn't believe their eyes. Djokovic held three consecutive break points, but Gawain scored five points in a row and reversed the serve. In such a wonderful and tough way, that kind of astonishment , mixed with despair, fully detonated in my mind.


Both the Huaxia fans and the neutral fans couldn't control their excitement anymore. They stood up and applauded, raised their arms and shouted, and the sound waves like a torrential rain shook the audience.



"In the most difficult and dangerous situation, Gao Wen's two-handed backhand finally reached the dead corner of a straight line. After withstood Djokovic's continuous impact for three consecutive shots, the Jedi counterattack won this point, and Complete the guarantee."

"Twenty-one beats!"

"It was a long round of 21 beats, and this time, Gao Wen had the last laugh."

Zhang Sheng opened his mouth slightly involuntarily, and there was a roar in his mind

This is the best response to the Qifen Rebellion, like a heavy punch, unparalleled!

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