Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 75: Capture RX-16 (2)

   The two soldiers wearing combat helmets had just turned around, and Mu Fan could even see that the corners of their clothes disappeared from the field of vision. There was a powerful black shield. Mu Fan did not trigger any alarm at all.

"The three hundred meters in the corridor are non-electronic trigger traps, which are physically passively activated, so you need to follow my orders. Pay attention to the grid above the ground, start from the right 2nd, after 15 steps, boast a step left, continue to move forward 3 steps, Two steps to the left..." Hei gave the order directly in the headset. Mu Fan stepped barefoot on the cold floor and proceeded carefully.

   "Double the speed again, speed it up! 14 seconds!" Hei urged. At this speed, Mu Fan was too dangerous. If the two soldiers saw him, he might not have a chance to get out alive.

   Nine deaths.

   Dark breath flowed around, Mu Fan's mental energy was highly concentrated, and he was completely focused on the squares under his feet, only to see a figure walking along a strange path in this corridor.

   "2 seconds! Very good, you bought yourself 2 seconds of extra time, now turn left." The two soldiers on the right had just walked halfway through, and Mu Fan managed to buy himself extra time.

"Keep the speed just now, run for 200 meters, then you have a corner on your left hand, go in, room 106, push away and enter!" The zigzag passage continues to spread to the inside of the mountain, but now I haven't seen anyone else, monitoring equipment The figure of Mu Fan in the upper and thermal imager does not exist at all.

   Following the black instructions, Mu Fan rushed to Room 106 as quickly as possible. This was a silver metal door with an air grille, and there was a laser laser number on it.

   Before he could think more, Mu Fan opened the door and entered four empty beds with scattered quilts on them, and a few pieces of clothing scattered on the side.

   "Pick up the dress on your right hand side and put it on!" A camera at the top of the room pointed at Mu Fan's position.

   Mu Fan twitched his nose and smelled a scent of engine oil. Looking along the source, he was still in a dark blue overalls on the bed. Use this as a cover?

"This room is a dormitory for mechanical maintenance workers in the Federation. It is not a soldier's dormitory. Now the workers there have started inspection. You can change your clothes quickly. This is the only way you can get in there. Remember to bring a hat. Then everything is under my command." Hei gave Mu Fan a series of explanations first.

   Mu Fan looked at the wide work clothes, picked up the sleeves, and carefully covered the cuffs and trousers of the linen clothes, and then found a pair of work shoes with steel plate under the bed. Fortunately, I took off my shoes before, and Mu Fan was thankful.

   Then he went out one minute later. Under the cover of a blue uniform with a strong smell of engine oil, Mu Fan had perfectly interpreted the image of a mechanic.

   "Let's relax and move forward. The workers have already made 50% progress. You go faster this time, don't run, just pass the checkpoint." Hei told Mu Fan the next steps.

   Mu Fan nodded, the dark breath was lifted, and the whole breath was restored to the way it was in the slum area, and now it is in perfect temperament.

   According to Hei’s narrative, it is necessary to pass three more levels, and then enter the suspended ladder to descend 76 meters before it actually enters the mecha depot.

   Lowered his work hat. After walking less than a hundred meters and turning a few corridors, Mu Fan finally saw soldiers with live ammunition guarding a security gate.

   "Palmprint recognition!" A stern shout came.

   Mu Fan honestly put his hand on, "Identify and pass." So he swaggered through the first checkpoint, and the two soldiers continued to stand there faithfully.

   Then proceeded through the second level in the same way, but encountered a little problem at the third level at the entrance of the floating ladder.

   No. 9 floating ladder, "Didn't you just go down? Why are you alone?" The soldier's epaulettes were a little different. Mu Fan didn't recognize that this was the chief sergeant, and he lowered his head to speak.

Sure enough, Hei did not live up to his expectations, and the voice came synchronously: "The mecha is more than 50% ready, I am responsible for the final proofreading." In the optical brain system, Hei has quietly added Mu Fan's authority, advanced Mechanical maintenance worker-Fan Mu.

Nodded, fetched the palmprint recognition result to check, there is no problem, it clearly shows the senior mechanical maintenance worker-Fan Mu, this sergeant made Mu Fan enter the floating ladder with some wonder. This person has no impression, but there are indeed a lot of workers here.

   shook his head, and the sergeant continued to warn with his gun.

   The floating ladder used this time is obviously not as gorgeous as the martial arts hall, but although it is simple, you can feel the solid workmanship under the heavy metal.

When he walked out of the suspended ladder, Mu Fan saw the giant mecha storehouse tens of meters high. At this moment, the blue, white and red mechas were standing there quietly, and the cold firearms reflected. People in blue work uniforms with light sources everywhere use self-propelled machinery to continuously produce sparks on the shell, and a large circle of soldiers surrounds it.

   This is the real steel behemoth! At a glance, he saw the red diamond-shaped heavy shield, and Mu Fan couldn't breathe. The mecha in reality was far more shocking than what I saw in PO You can see clearly that there are various fighting marks on the wide silver-white metal heavy sword. The real metallic luster combined with the huge and heavy body makes people breathe involuntarily. There is a group of maintenance workers on their legs. The armor was inspected before the battle. In the flashing arc light from time to time, Mu Fan could clearly see the bright cooling holes around the two energy furnace jets on his back.

The firearms behind    are not the same as what I saw in the PO They are more complicated. There is also a federal army logo on it. The latest one and the two inside are different.

   The nearest one is a jet-black rapid-fire gun hung on the back, the farther one is a six-barrel machine gun, but the farthest one is carrying nothing.

"Speed ​​up the preparation, why the RX-16 over there hasn't been equipped with firearms, people, hurry up!" Suddenly a reprimand came from the loudspeaker, and Mu Fan looked at an officer wearing a second lieutenant uniform in the center. The area roared.

   Mu Fan saw him and he saw Mu Fan, so he glared, and an angry voice came out: "What are you doing? What are you going to do in a daze there, hurry over! Yes, it's you, don't look."

   When he shook his head left and right and found that others looked at him again, Mu Fan finally confirmed that the person was talking about himself.

   "Opportunity has come, the provincial black master arranged it, hurry over!" Hei hurriedly urged in the headset.

   So Mu Fan didn't know who had put a welding torch into his hand, so he walked under the third RX-16 mech and looked up at the giant steel beast.

"The combatant enters the cockpit and prepares! Attack in 60 seconds! The one over there, hurry up! Give you thirty seconds!" The officer shouted at Mu Fan again, only to see a three-meter infantryman. The close combat mech was slowly hoisted by other maintenance workers manipulating the robot Mu Fan saw a soldier enter the mecha, closed the door, and asked in a low voice: "What should I do? ?"

   "You first go up the work ladder and approach the hatch. After ten seconds, I will cut off the power for 2 seconds, creating the illusion of circuit instability. You must enter within 2 seconds, and then it's up to you."

Mu Fan nodded, but just after four or five seconds, there was a "boom". The mountain was actually being attacked. Rubble had already started to fall from the top of the head, and the workers on the mecha depot suddenly issued Noisy noise.

   "Good opportunity!" Hei suddenly said, and then Mu Fan saw the lights in the giant mecha library flicker for a few times and then went out, and the crowd fell into chaos.

  Black acted in advance, only 2 seconds!

   At this time, Mu Fan's eyes burst out, **** vision! He opened the cockpit door that had been quietly opened, and stepped in.

boom! A hand knife stunned the young soldier who had not turned his head, and then placed it vertically in the side escape capsule under the black command. After closing the escape hatch, Mu Fan turned around and sat, pressing his hands on the console, controlling the cockpit and achieving the goal!

   The lights came on again, and the crowd's noise was much lower. There was a roar from the ensign's intercom, and the loudspeaker sent the command: "Can't wait, all strike! Melee, artillery, and flying body sequence!"

   No one noticed the farthest RX-16 in the hasty command, and it quietly changed hands!


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