Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 78: Random entry

  PS. Present today’s update. By the way, I will give a vote to the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 votes. Voting will also give away starting point coins. I beg everyone for your support and appreciation!

After a beautiful cut and beheaded, Mu Fan no longer paid any attention to the corpses and continued to rush forward.

   RX-16 has a height of 6.78 meters and a weight of 9.31 tons. It has double-layer reactive armor and ceramic armor. The height of this seemingly mighty mecha is not conspicuous in the ruins. The height of less than 7 meters is only two stories high. The enemies 4 kilometers away did not notice him. They are going crazy right now. Fire at the fire in the villa.

   Mu Fan still saw shaky buildings. He had no idea that he would directly face four mechas after crossing this building area.

The four mechas attacking Fuwen Villa at the moment are all travel-class, namely "Knight II melee mecha", "Avalanche W75 Leopard mecha", "Civelot D-class tiger mecha", and one artillery type. "Flame bomber." If Mu Fan can recognize these models, he will find that all four of them are the names he heard in the style bar last night, and the Cavaliers II model headed by them is the name that the zebra mask man had reported! New Shouhui!

   Inside Fuwen Villa, Wayne clenched his fist tightly. In the underground secret war room, he was directing people to counterattack with firepower. However, compared with the more mobile mecha, the Villa was a passive fixed target.

   Even if the other side is only travel-grade mecha, but blindly beaten, in less than half an hour of firefight, the energy shield reserve is only 30%. What are the consequences if it is broken? Thinking of how these mechas were endlessly dying, Wayne felt a chill. He didn't regret that he didn't escape for his life, but could the great foundation he created was going to be burned today?

   "Mu Fan, the radar is monitoring safety, the other party hasn't found it yet." Hei took over the mecha's scanning system, constantly refreshing the sensor signal, this is almost approaching, the four mechas have not received notification?

"go ahead."

   "Yeah." Mu Fan calmly controlled the RX-16. The sword and shield mecha running at full speed did not care about the ordinary firepower of the ground personnel. He was only responsible for advancing before the black reminder.

   The battle just now gave him a deep impression. He lacked too much. If it weren't for the black reminder, I am afraid that he has been dragged there now.

"The energy furnace is 90% loaded and ready to fight." Hei once again reminded that the military mech in Planet Loga is a bit too much, and it is completely eliminated. The fifth-generation engine equipped with it does not provide overload at all. mode. However, in order to ensure the durability of the mecha, the power output of the energy furnace under 90% load is still surging smoothly.

   "Enter the war zone after 300 meters!"

   "Enter the war zone after 200 meters!"

   "One hundred meters..."

   "2 seconds ahead of time for impact protection action!" The black and precise instructions gave Mu Fan ample confidence.

   Abandoning the mechanical lever, the left and right buttons are synchronized with four buttons, and more than a dozen sets of precise button commands are fed back to the mecha. I saw the RX-16 put the heavy shield on the shoulder, and the right arm held the epee diagonally to the ground, bent over and started sprinting.

   Quickly carry out micro-scale mechanical supercharging! 91% load, 92%...

   咚, 咚, every step will arouse the gravel under your feet, and the heavy RX-16 charges like a duel warrior. Passing the corner of that building, you are about to face the enemy, the enemy who really drives the mech!

   The four mechas on Jiahe Avenue, they ordered to attack Fuwen Villa so viciously, no other reason, just jealous! The jealousy derived from the heart is more distorted under the catalysis of the war.

   Wayne, there will be no Fuwen Foundation after today! The original zebra mask man smiled twistedly in the Knight II mech. If you have taken refuge in the literary family, how can you ask for a little benefit, this has not encouraged several people with the same interests to attack the Fuwen consortium and prepare to share the benefits after the war.

   These mechas have never missed their faces, and no one knows the identity of these people. In order to guard the new order that is coming, kill! This is a group of people who have been bewitched and whose hearts have been red-eyed.

   At the last position of Jiahe Avenue is the "flame bomber", the highest ranked C-class in the F-C class of the travel-class mecha. It is the existence of double C-class long-range firepower at the expense of sportiness and protection.

   Double-barrel pressurized cannons are arranged on the shoulders, with a low fuselage and an automatic loading system. In the battle against Fuwen Villa, this mecha played even more role than the other three combined.

   Energy storage, do it again! The pilot of the "flame bomber" with red eyes shot the launch button again, without any operation at all, he only needs to bombard as much as he can at the farthest distance. As a burst of flames burst out from behind the barrel, the mecha visible to the naked eye rubbed the ground. Backed half a meter, and entered the cooling mode again.

   I saw two violent explosions flashing from the energy shield of the villa, and the energy shield reserves 25%! Wayne looked at the fear on the faces of the people in the secret war room and suppressed it forcibly, but couldn't help but think sadly in his heart that in five minutes, he really underestimated the ferocity of the star thief. He never thought that his own rebellion is often more ruthless than the enemy! He still has a long way to go in trying to figure out people's hearts.

   I have been entrusted with it, today, is my life going to die here? What Mu Fan said suddenly flashed in Wayne's mind, please evacuate as soon as possible. Perhaps from the moment I agreed to him, I had prepared for the worst in my heart. The foundation of the Fuwen family cannot be lost!

   However, fate is often so miraculous. When Wayne everyone gritted their teeth for support, a heavy melee RX-16 with a heavy shield on their shoulders charging at full speed appeared so abruptly behind the small battlefield.

   "Identification, enemy." The black voice was simply incomparable.

When Mu Fan turned around while operating the mech, he saw the "flame two huge shells that had just been retracted and fell on the ground. This artillery mech The division suddenly saw a red dot appearing behind him on the radar, and he was approaching quickly.

   Not good, there was a situation in the rear, so I quickly put away the artillery frame and prepared to turn around.

But it was too late. Mu Fan copied the classic "savage collision" when he met Wang Nuonuo in the PO battle. The adventure-grade military mech with a power output of 98%, holding a heavy shield and rushing at full speed. Severely hit the travel-class mecha that relied on modification to only reach C-class.

   So the pilot in the cockpit was smashed out of the driving seat like a sardine in a can, and his eyes went dark and he fainted.

   Mu Fan controlled the RX-16 and knocked out this bombardment mech by a full 20 meters! Then he got up and stood up straight, raised his epee with his right arm, and thrust it violently!

   The other three pilots who looked back at something wrong were found on the battlefield, and they happened to see the scene of their mecha being pierced through the cockpit by the silver-shining epee.

   The logo on the shield is now shining brightly-the Federal Army!


  PS: Thanks to the book friend for "possessing one of her trumpets" for 110 coins! Thanks to book friends "DGcyc", "Bai Yiduo" and "Box 1" for 100 coins rewards! Thank you book friend "Xiaoxue is coming" 10 coins reward!

[515 is coming soon, I hope to continue to hit the 515 red envelopes list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers and add promotional works. One piece is also love, it must be better! 】

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