Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 29: unreliable captain

The Interstellar Tuoye armored vehicle was running wildly on the rugged mountains, dashing forward at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and it was still operated manually. The music was loud, and the **** wild cat Maralie was pulling her throat and singing a hot song. Captain Nairn drove the car with one hand and took out a metal jug, and kept pouring wine into his mouth. During the period, it really hit the rocks a few times, but this is the Interstellar Takuno armored vehicle, which is used to hit.

It directly crashed into the rock standing in the field, and rushed forward wildly. Except for avoiding the impenetrable mountains and the rough power crystals exposed in the field, this car can be regarded as unstoppable, roaring horizontally. Crash.

Xia Yi was rocked from side to side, and had to hold onto the boxes in the carriage. More than half of it was wine, and the rest was food. It wasn't that she was so eager to eat, but that these boxes were smashed down, and she was the first to be smashed.

She was sitting in the back, and she had no place in the co-pilot's seat. There were a bunch of precious boxes on it. A few words were written wildly on the outside of the box: the taste of the wild, the favorite of the soldiers.

Xia Yi didn't know what was in it. Literally, it seemed to be something very lewd. Could it be something that was specially designed for soldiers to solve that kind of thing? But why is it a wild taste... Does it mean a very strong and wild woman?

For veterans, a person like Xia Yi, who has just joined the army for less than a year, is simply terribly tender.

Just when she was in a daze, Nien in front of him shook the jug in his hand and shouted, "Stinky boy, what did you do to come here?"

"A crime? I didn't do anything. Isn't this a normal assignment?" Xia Yi didn't know if he was shaking the jug to drink by himself, or just to say hello.

"Impossible, only **** and **** are thrown to us! I have a pile of **** that seems to be more loyal than you, and you don't have to put it in front of me." Captain Nien laughed loudly and spoke with great disdain.

Xia Yi smiled and said, "Maybe I hit Colonel Kaiji Yuan."

"You beat someone from the Yuan family? Kaiji Yuan, the red-haired boy, looks like a stinky fart all day long, he fought well!" Captain Nien was stunned for a moment, and immediately felt very refreshed. Someone actually beat someone from the Yuan family, and was assigned to him. It seemed that he had won, so he threw it over.

"Although it sounds like an excuse, if I was not holding a belt buckle, but a battle spirit, I might have killed him." Xia Yi said with a smile, as if he was just killing a Ant-like.

Nairn paused for a while, and then said, "I know what happened to you on that tattered merchant ship. It's very promising. Boy, do you have any ambitions? Be a general, play a star, and become a hero?"

"Captain, you are really passionate..." Xia Yi said with a smile.

"None? Then you've come to the right place. The only garrison team at Base 22 welcomes you. Our goal is to spend the federal government's taxes, spend their vacations, and enjoy the most refreshing and leisurely life!" Captain Nairn said. Drinking again in his mouth, an accidental Interstellar Takuno armored vehicle hit the rock again. This time, it was not so easy to break the stone. He drove forward for a long time with the spirit of the wine, but he still failed to take a step forward.

Xia couldn't take it anymore. Captain Nairn had obviously been drinking too much. She patted Nairn on the shoulder and pointed to the front and said, "Captain, there are rocks in front of us, not small rocks. We have to step back."

"Shanyuan? The beauty in the cafeteria of the base is here! Where is it? Where is it?" Captain Nien looked around with red eyes, wondering just how beautiful this woman named Shanyuan was, making the captain look so anxious.

"Captain, I'm talking about mountains! There are mountains in front, not women!" Xia Yi roared in his ear, causing the captain to turn his head to the side.

Then he leaned crookedly on the seat and muttered, "It's not a woman... that's not interesting." His voice became smaller and smaller, and finally he really fell asleep. The car was still rushing **** the rocks, and it didn't mean to stop at all.

Seeing that he was too drunk, Xia Yi had to drag him from the seat to the back, and just throw him into the carriage. Then he stepped on his back and stepped into the front seat, grabbing the control of the car.

After enlisting in the army, everyone has to learn the driver's license. Ships can't drive, but there are no problems with cars. Whether it's a cyclone or a land armored vehicle, the only difference in operation is that one has to land and float, and the other doesn't.

Stopping the advancing car, Xia Yi asked the car to exit, then raised his head and clicked the navigator on the light curtain of the car window. She found the destination Base 22 from the light curtain, and she realized that the direction had long been too far away. Obviously it should go north, but now the front of the car has been going west.

"This place seems to be an interesting place." Xia Yi turned his head and glanced back at him. He was very imposing before, but now he has become the captain of a dead pig. He smiled silently and turned to head to Base 22.

Apart from studying, this was the first time Xia Yi drove the Interstellar Tuoye armored vehicle outside. The undulating mountain road made her feel very refreshed. If it wasn't for the lack of air outside, the car would have no windows at all. She really wanted to get out of a window and run wild in the wild with the wind blowing and listening to dynamic music, not at all slower than Captain Nairn, and even faster than him. She didn't spare any effort to help the captain to do something silly like hitting a small rock.

I don't know how strong those wines are. When Xia Yi drove to Base 22 according to the star network navigation, the captain was still drunk.

From a distance, base 22 looks like a tortoise shell stuck in a stone crevice. There are mountains on three sides, and the flat spot in front is also full of rough power crystals. There is no place for transport ships to dock. If only in terms of ore production, this is a really good place, and the ore is concentrated enough. Especially next to the base, there is already a hill of rough crystal blocks.

A small open-pit mining machine stretched out its robotic arms, took pieces from the rough crystal block more than 10 meters high, and then used a small flat-bed suspending boat to drag the crystal block to the top of the rough rock mountain for accumulation. The place is not wide enough, and it can only be mined in this way.

The base is not too big, with a width of 3,000 meters and a similar length. From the outside, it is divided into three layers. Even the third floor is a tortoise shell, and it seems that there are not many people living there.

When Xia Yi approached in his car, the car received a question from the base, "Captain Nien, you came back three days late this time!"

"Captain Nien is already drunk, I'm afraid he can't answer now." Xia Yi looked back and found that Captain Nien had been buried under the box, still sleeping soundly.

"Are you the new private Xia Yi? Ah! You've already been promoted!" There was a questioning voice from the voice device in the car. The front was still lazy, and suddenly there was a surprised sound from the back. It seemed that he had checked the information. , found that Xia Yi had been promoted from private to sergeant. The reason for the late arrival was also written on it, so the people inside didn't ask any further, just opened a door on the bottom floor of the base and let her in.

Xia Yi asked curiously, "Don't you need to check your identity?"

"There's nothing to investigate, such a broken place Melastis would not want to come." Hehe laughter came from the voice device.

Having said that, Xia Yi drove in the car, which was only 3 meters long. When she opened, the door behind her closed, air was filled in, and the wall in front of her slowly rose, revealing the inside of the base.

The entire base is empty on the first floor, parked with various mining machines, Interstellar Takuya armored vehicles, and small flat-bed suspended ships. The most conspicuous of them is a heavy mecha, which is somewhat like a spider, which is different from the humanoid mecha seen at the headquarters of Nada Star. This mecha is not human-shaped, it has a large flat body with eight mechanical feet around it, and a lot of weapons are loaded on the outside of the body.

Under the guidance of the light curtain, Xia parked the car at the designated location, and when she opened the door, she felt a chill. So some inexplicably used the voice device to check the temperature, and found that the base was only 10 degrees, and the central temperature regulator was broken? , she quickly opened the car door, dragged out the coat from under the captain and put it on.

The temperature in the car was higher than that in the base. Captain Nien was attacked by the coldness, grabbed his hair and sat up in a daze. Seeing Xia Yi who was wearing his coat and staring at him, he burped for a while.

"It's already here? You're driving well, kid." Captain Nien yawned and stretched, only to realize that the surroundings were so quickly rummaged in the car to find his coat, "I'm freezing to death, Where's the clothes! Where's my coat!"

Xia turned her head around, not wanting to look at this stubborn captain again. At this time, a robot soldier came over, removed everything on the car, and put it on the suspension transport vehicle. Seeing that there was an indoor flyover staircase next to it, Xia Yi walked up with his bag, stood on it and looked around, and found that whether it was repaired or transported, it was almost all robot soldiers. Only occasionally can I see a few people wearing coats appearing, just glanced at her from a distance, and there is no other indication.

"There are too few people." Xia Yi said to himself.

"There are only 118 people here, so you don't need to pay attention to any military regulations. You can live as you like." Captain Nairn sobered up a little, picked up another bottle, and walked over to her with some shaking.

Xia Yi was still curious about the spider-shaped mecha, pointed to it and asked, "Captain, that should be a mecha, right?"

"That thing is called Sweeper t6, and it's also a mecha. It's rarely used on the battlefield, and most of it is thrown on the Mining Star." The captain casually returned to her, and after taking another 2 sips of wine, he suddenly remembered, "By the way, You are in charge of the light guard mecha, and the broken mecha happens to be empty."

Xia Yi looked at him in surprise, "Is there my mecha?"

"Of course, but don't think too much. It's the scraps that have been eliminated from above, and it has to be repaired. I'll find someone to introduce the environment to you. It's rare to buy a good case of wine, so I have to drink all the babies today. ." The captain swayed and shouted at the voice device, "Major, you bastard, where are you wiping your **** face again, come here quickly!"

It's so fierce, whoever arrests and scolds who, Xia Yi shakes his head, he will have to listen to him in the future.


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