"who is this?"

"A surprise program for the 10th anniversary?"

"Idiot, what does the People's Revolutionary League's 10th anniversary celebration have to do with our AEU?"

Everyone was talking about it, but they were all a little curious about what the old man who suddenly appeared would say.

A pair of male and female students, who are very ordinary now but will be extraordinary in the future, came to the school cafeteria and stared at the TV screen.

"I would like to report to all humans born on earth that we are [Celestial Beings], a private armed organization that masters the mobile weapon [Gundam]. The purpose of our [Celestial Beings] activities is to eradicate all evil from this world. We will not act out of selfish desires, but for the grand goal of eradicating war. From this moment on, we declare to all mankind that we will fight against all wars caused by any reason such as territory, religion, or energy. Countries, organizations, companies, etc. that use force to intervene and promote war are also the targets of our armed intervention. We are [Heavenly Beings], an armed organization established to eradicate war from the world. I repeat..."

A video that had not been edited or processed caused an uproar in the world. There was a new type of MS that had never been seen before, the purpose of eradicating war, and some sharp-eyed people recognized that the speaker was a person who had been dead for more than two hundred years. , whether it is important information, hot news, or after-dinner talk, it can arouse everyone's interest.

"Hahahaha, this is really a masterpiece. The use of force to eliminate war, [celestial beings], their existence itself is contradictory!" In the car, Graham laughed while driving, and finally turned the car over. He stopped aside and looked at Billy Katagiri with even more intense eyes, "Katagiri, is this your secret? Is this what you want to do? Interesting...it's so interesting!"

"Really? I don't find it interesting. This is an enemy of the world." Billy Katagiri stepped back a little and said seriously.

"Yes, declaring war on the whole world as a private organization, using a small body to meet the malice from the world, is there anything more exciting than this? Hey ~ Katagiri, tell me, you are really just Is this true? Using war to eradicate war is completely without selfish motives. Is it really just that, with no follow-up?" Graham asked.

Billy Katagiri was shocked. There is a follow-up to [Celestial Being]'s plan. What is currently displayed in front of everyone is only the first phase. Only a few people within [Celestial Being] know about this matter. Graham, an outsider, is It's even more impossible to know. Could it be analyzed?

No, that's not right. With Billy Katagiri's understanding of Graham, he doesn't have such analytical ability.


"Intuition, I can feel that this plan is not just that simple. There must be bigger moves later, otherwise their contradiction will be too strange."

"Have you never thought...that they are all crazy?" Billy Katagiri asked in a low voice.

Graham looked at Billy Katagiri as if he were a fool. This was the first time that he felt the superiority overriding his IQ in front of him.

"Are you crazy?"


"Katagiri, should you...hehe..."

"I won't say it, Graham. As a member of [Celestial Being], he had already made his decision when he joined." Billy Katagiri said seriously.

"Aren't you afraid of me..." Graham didn't say it clearly, but he gestured with his eyes to the car that was driving towards them.

"Do you know?"


Now, the initiative has returned to Billy Katagiri. At first, he was just a little nervous and lost his bearings, but now he has calmed down. With his understanding of Graham, can he still control him?

"Okay, let's change the head office? I want to join." Graham's eyes showed that he could not refuse.

"I can only say... I can help you report it, but whether I can... I can't guarantee it." Billy Katagiri replied, but saying so, for a pure and passionate ace machine like Graham Master, he believes that [Heavenly Man] will not refuse, and...

Isn't there still Yang Hui here? Will Yang Hui, the black-hearted guy, let such a high-level thug go?

When all countries were noisy, the military was in chaos, and intelligence organizations were dispatched one after another, Setsuna and the Dilandi brothers were stationed on a remote uninhabited island.

"We have covered news programs in all countries about mysterious armed groups claiming to the world that they want to eradicate war," Neil said.

"Well~ but almost no one believes it." Lyle said with a shrug.

Setsuna kept staring at the water and ignored the two of them, but they had long been used to it. Because of his tragic past, Setsuna was only interested in the mission of Gundam Messenger. In addition, he was still very young and had no interest in himself. There is still a trace of confusion about the way forward.

Just then, someone new joined their conversation.

"Then force them to believe, because the concept of [Heavenly Man] can only be declared through actions." As in the original plot, Wang Liumei appeared in front of them being held by someone, except that the person holding her was changed. .

"I said... can you go down? It's very tiring to hold him like this." Yang Hui said with disgust in his eyes.

"Ah, Mr. Yang, it's rude to talk about a girl's weight." Wang Rumei replied, and even deliberately tightened her hands around Yang Hui's neck.

"Then you change to the red dragon!"

"Unfortunately, Mr. Yang, Red Dragon has other tasks, so I can only ask you to do it for me."

God has a special mission. Do you think I don’t know that you left him behind on purpose? Do you think I didn’t see the murderous look in Red Dragon’s eyes when he left?

"Hey, hey, hey, Mr. Merin, you are so enviable... Ahem, you are too scumbag, aren't you? Does Miss Huang know?" Brother Dilandi looked at Yang Hui in shock and said.

Your fiancée is still in orbit in the universe, constantly analyzing intelligence and formulating battle plans, but you are on earth... um... flirting with women?

"I'm not! I didn't! Don't talk nonsense! She insisted on hanging on me! Come and help me pull her down!" Yang Hui defended with tears in his eyes.

"But your behavior is not convincing at all."

Should we say they are twin brothers? Saying the same words and doing the same movements, even the tone, volume, amplitude of shaking the head, and the angle of spreading the hands are exactly the same!

In order to prove himself, Yang Hui could only...walk to the shore and put Wang Rumei down, and glared at her as a deterrent.

But it's a pity that there are no eggs...

"Is there a mission?" Setsuna interrupted everyone's chat and asked. He was not interested in gossip and did not want to delay the mission because of these trivial matters.

"That's right, the second mission is here. It will be on Ceylon Island and will be carried out by three of your aircraft. Is it okay?" Yang Hui asked.


"Mr. Myron and Mr. Ian built the machine for us. I trust your craftsmanship."

"Completing the mission is the mission of the Gundam Messenger."

The three of them nodded and started boarding the plane.

This time is different from the original work. Neither the Lord Angel nor the De Angel descended from the universe. Instead, three machines from the earth went to perform the mission. Moreover, it was still in the Human Revolutionary Alliance that Yang Hui had changed. It seemed that there was one less Gundam that had been strengthened. It can also be done easily, but...

"Is the Secret Angel ready?" Yang Hui looked at the three Gundams that were setting off and asked Wang Liumei.

"Be ready at any time. Are you ready to enter the venue in person, Mr. Yang? Is it too early?" Wang Rumei frowned and asked.

"I don't worry about going to other places to perform tasks, but I don't worry about the People's Revolutionary Alliance." Yang Hui said as he returned with Wang Liumei.

"Is there any problem with the Human Revolutionary Alliance?" Wang Liumei is just an agent of [Celestial Being], not a high-level official, so she doesn't know a lot of information.

"Well, before I left, I left a lot of things behind. In the past few years, I don't know how many have been made." Yang Hui said with some pride that his cubs were quite good.

"Um... Do I need to inform Miss Huang about this?" Wang Liumei asked worriedly.

"No, she knows all this information, and her plan is based on this," Yang Hui said.

For some reason, Wang Rumei was a little unhappy. Although she knew that Huang Zai's [Heavenly Being] status was higher than hers, she just wasn't happy.

If she was just unhappy now, Yang Hui's next words would completely ignite her jealousy.

"And even if there are loopholes in her plan, it won't be a problem, because I am her patch and will help her fix all the loopholes." Yang Hui said with a happy smile on his face.

The island of Ceylon, a territory of the United People's Revolutionary Party, has been in a state of anarchy for a long time due to ethnic conflicts between the Sinhalese majority and the Tamil minority, which have been on and off since the 20th century. It continues to this day, and ethnic disputes are naturally within the scope of [Heavenly Man]'s military intervention.

If the first mission was a grand debut, then the purpose of this second mission was to show [Celestial Being]'s determination and prove to the world that they really wanted to intervene with force.

"National strife..." Setsuna said to himself. Wasn't what he experienced back then exactly ethnic strife?

Approaching Ceylon Island, Neil's communication sounded in the cockpit of the two of them: "Everyone will act separately according to Miss Huang's forecast. I hope you two will achieve some results, please."

"I want to do something spectacular. The last mission really frustrated me. Don't get killed when I'm not around, brother." Lyle's teasing sounded in the communication.

"I'm your brother, am I so miserable in your eyes?" Neil asked, dumbfounded.

"Who knows?"

The two chatted for a while, but found that Setsuna had not replied.

"Hey, Setsuna, can you hear me? Please answer." Neil confirmed.

"This kid...what's wrong with him again?" Lyle had a headache. He recognized Jisuna's driving skills and was very resolute in carrying out tasks, but he was prone to small problems from time to time, such as...

Brother Dilandi did not answer. He stared at the island of Ceylon for a moment, where the iron men of the People's Revolutionary League bullied the local "Long Nose", recalling the angel who saved him from the "Long Nose"'s cannon. .

"...It's Gundam..."

"Huh? What did you say?" Brother Dilandi's answer to Setsuna was unclear.

"I am Gundam."

"What are you talking about...Hey!"

Brother Dilandi had a headache, and sure enough, he became "sick" again in an instant, watching the capable angel wander away.

"Oh, this child..."

"Brother, I'll leave the care of the children to you. I'll take the first step."

"Hey! Really... one or two..." Although Neil was complaining, he still controlled the Angel of Power to follow the Angel of Energy and assumed the position of head of the family.

On the other side of Ceylon Island, in a high-concentration GN particle environment, he escaped all radar detection and rushed towards Ceylon Island. Although he had not arrived yet, he could clearly hear the conversation between the three of them. .

"This kid... we'd better hurry up and get there." Yang Hui sighed, pushed the joystick suddenly, and the Secret Angel rushed to Ceylon Island at full speed.

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