The situation is urgent, and this is true for both parties. De Angel is in the crisis of being captured, but Sergey is also sweating profusely and does not dare to make any mistakes. Now he has successfully dragged De Angel into a situation that he is not good at. Hand-to-hand combat, and being in the belly of Ptolemy, there is no need to worry too much about the firepower of battleships.

But he knew that Huang was also an excellent intelligence forecaster. Although his on-the-spot command was a little off, it was only just a little off. There was also De Angel, and he didn't dare to push too hard. If he accidentally made the other party anxious Yes, if the firepower is fully activated at this position, the space orbit will be destroyed under the bombardment of De Angel.

On the other side, although Allelujah received a request for reinforcements from the emperor, Piris's special type of "Entrapment" held him back. Under the siege of other "Entrapment", there were several dangers, and the Gundam's The performance is indeed better than that of the enemy, but the enemy is outnumbered, and the performance of [Entrapment] is not much worse. Coupled with the close cooperation, Allelujah feels that this is more uncomfortable than fighting Yang Hui!

At least Yang Hui can knock him down in a few hits, but this feeling of being hit and beaten again and again, and not being able to leave is too frustrating!

"It's really embarrassing, Allelujah, please give me back! I promise to kill all these shrimp soldiers and crab generals immediately!" Hallelujah's voice echoed in Allelujah's mind, which made Alelujah who was already uncomfortable. Leluia was even more irritated.

"Shut up, Hallelujah, now is not the time to disturb me!"

"Tch, you are trying to show off your strength! Ah, I see, are you showing mercy to her, right? The driver of that special machine is a woman. Tsk, tsk, you are acting treason."

"I said! Shut up..."

The moment his attention was affected by Hallelujah, Piris seized the opportunity.

"We've got it!" shouted angrily, and the special type of "Array" aimed at the Archangel, stimulating the beam to hit it. Originally, the beam rifle of "Array" could not penetrate the Gundam's armor, but by chance, two shots The beam hit the main angel's left wing at the same time, causing him to lose his balance for a moment.

"Now! Capture net!"

After receiving Piris' instructions, the [Trapping Formation] that had been prepared long ago launched capturing nets from all directions, trapping the main angel in the net.

"Damn it! Move! Lord Angel! Move!" Trapped in the net, Allelujah pulled the joystick hard, trying to use deformation to break away from the catching net.

However, Piris, who found that the Archangel had the potential to break free, naturally would not give the Archangel a chance. The [Trap] special type switched the beam rifle to a live smoothbore cannon, and aimed at the Archangel and fired a burst of fire. Since it could not penetrate the Gundam's Armor, then use the impact to knock out the driver!

"Boom boom boom boom..."


The violent vibrations and impacts in the cab caused Allelujah to lose consciousness.

"Successful! Retreat immediately with the transformer!" Piris immediately ordered.


Although Piris's military rank is only a second lieutenant, and there are many people with higher military ranks than her in [Dingwu], they have been conquered by this young girl's ability. Without her, they really would not be able to capture the Lord Angel. So there was no rejection of her orders.

The Lord Angel was captured. Piris did not escort them away, but went directly to Sergei to help him capture De Angel. As long as De Angel was captured again, no matter how fierce the firepower of the transport ship was, after being approached by the MS, It’s also a tiger without teeth!


"Well done! Lieutenant!" Sergey already knew that the Lord Angel had been captured. On the surface he was very happy, but in his heart he was a little complicated. He seemed to have gone too far. If this continues, the [Celestial Being] troops may suffer a devastating blow. .

I originally thought of announcing a retreat after another show, but now De Angel's decline is too obvious, and it won't be long before he can be successfully captured. If a retreat order is issued, anyone who is interested will be able to see that there is something wrong with him.

On the other side, De Angel and Ptolemy naturally saw the ugly appearance of the Lord Angel being captured, and Tielia even cursed: "He showed such an ugly appearance! Sure enough, he is not worthy of becoming a Gundam Messenger!"

But he forgot that he himself could not protect himself now.

"Bang bang bang bang~"

There was a violent shaking, followed by four collision sounds, and Tieria suddenly realized that Angel Dei could no longer move! Both hands and feet were tightly held by a [trap].


Tieria's hands were shaking rapidly on the console, trying to turn the GN rapid-fire cannons on her shoulders to clear out the four [Trap] that were hugging her, but at this moment, two more [Trap] rushed from behind and hugged her. The GN rapid-fire cannon was installed so that the gun body could not rotate.

"Now! Spray the coagulant!" The current situation did not allow Sergei to hesitate and immediately issued the order.

After giving the order, the white coagulant quickly wrapped around the joints of De Angel's limbs. Now even if [Trap] loosened his hand, De Angel could not make any movement.

"Don't...get too carried away!"

Realizing his gaffe, Tieria shouted angrily, and his eyes were filled with a stream of colored light. A red light swept across Tieria's eyes, and the word "Nadel" appeared in front of the screen.

"Colonel, it worked!"

"Very good! Teams 6 and 7 will take the Fat Man Machine back, and the rest will follow careful! Get out of the way!"


As soon as the unknown Human Revolutionary Alliance pilot uttered the first word, the display was filled with pink light, and then cut off by a hot beam of light.

At this time, De Angel had lost weight, all the external armor was separated from the fuselage, and the coagulant attached to the external armor had lost all effect.

Nadre Gundam, the main body of De Angel Gundam, is also the secret weapon of the [Celestial Being] army. It does not have too many weapons and armors and is very fragile. However, it is equipped with a bug-like [Judgment System] that can disrupt the situation in an instant. All electronic devices within the scope are similar to super virus-like systems.

"Nadel Gundam, start annihilating the target." Tieria's face was expressionless. The reformer state put him in an extremely rational situation, but the previous anger still existed, just in a different way of expression, but what he had to do was The thing is the same, that is to completely annihilate this force of the People's Revolutionary Alliance.

Sergey was also startled by the sudden appearance of Nadre Gundam, but he quickly calmed down and immediately prepared to order the troops to retreat. Although I have never personally experienced how terrifying Nadre Gundam's [Judgment System] is, , but the information has still been read.

If Nadre Gundam really activates the [Judgment System], everyone present, including himself, will all die here.

But at this moment, the situation changed dramatically again, which frightened him but also made him feel relieved.


Just when everyone's attention was focused on the Nadre Gundam, Ptolemy made a shocking move.

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