Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 620 Take it and send it to the government

"All the Luo family, stay still!" Gu Yunzheng drew out his dagger and pressed it against Luo Yanshu's neck.

Everyone in the Luo family was shocked when they saw this, and they all stopped and reprimanded angrily.

Luo Yanshu was so angry that his face turned pale, and he said in a vicious voice: "Okay, you Qin family are doing well! Unless you dare to kill my young master today, tomorrow will be your death day!"

Su Jin secretly sighed, a toubob is a toubob, look at how tough he is, even if he falls into his own hands, he still has the confidence to be so arrogant.

"Tie everyone up and gag them."

Everyone in the Luo family was shocked and angry, "How dare you!", "Our Luo family will not let you go!"

Gu Yunzheng yelled angrily: "Shut up, believe it or not, the young master killed him, and we will finish playing together."

Frightened by his madness, everyone in the Luo family dared not speak out, and Luo Yanshu couldn't help but shudder.

It is true that the brutal ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of their lives.

The slaves of the Luo family were even more awe-inspiring. If something happened to Luo Yanshu, none of them would survive. If they could get out of the Qin family alive, the Luo family would not let them go.

Such scruples were honest, and he obediently tied his hands.

Soon these twenty people were tied up like zongzi, and all of them were gagged.

Su Jin dusted off his clothes: "Take them, let's go to the magistrate's yamen." At the same time, someone quickly informed Madam Tang, asking her to come forward to help suppress the place.

Hearing this, Luo Yanshu glared at Su Jin angrily and struggled loudly, everyone paid no attention to it, they all agreed and escorted the Luo family and followed Su Jin to the magistrate's yamen.

The road was not going fast, and this scene quickly attracted countless people who watched the fun and inquired about it. Biao Lu received Su Jin's order before, but he was not polite to do publicity for the Luo family, so he talked about it with embellishment.

Many of them have seen Luo Yanshu. After all, the son of the Luo family is used to being domineering. It would be wrong for the people of Wushui City to say that they have never seen it.

I heard that the Luo family brought people to the door, this is really the style of the Luo family, everyone did not have any doubts, and discussions arose.

There were those who relieved their hatred and cursed secretly, some who sympathized with Su Jin and others, and some who were worried about harming Chi Yu, so they took a few glances and left quickly.

But more people followed behind and went to the magistrate's yamen together.

Mrs. Tang led people directly to the magistrate's yamen to wait. Seeing that Su Jin was fine, she was relieved, talked briefly, and then beat the drums to file a complaint.

In the courtroom, Liao Zhifu was a little dumbfounded, and more of a headache.

I was very tangled in my heart.

What kind of family is this? What are you doing to provoke the Luo family? Fighting with the Luo family, isn't this courting death?

How dare you go to the Yamen!

It's just that when people came, he had to ask.

As soon as the cloth ball in Luo Yanshu's mouth was taken out, he immediately let out a "bah" and began to curse, how vicious and arrogant he was.

Staring at Su Jin and the others wished they could turn into knives, it was frightening.

Mrs. Tang sneered slightly, unhurriedly filled with emotion: "The people of the Luo family are just different. They are so arrogant in court, let alone Wushui City. I'm afraid there are not many families in Daqing? We have flat heads The common people are so thin-skinned, it’s incomparable! Just roaring at the court like this, I don’t know how to ignore Mr. Liao?”

All the people whispered to each other and nodded in agreement, the Luo family is really arrogant!

Prefect Liao's face suddenly turned ugly, he slapped the gavel heavily and coughed twice: "Quiet! Quiet! Young Master Luo, tell me first, what's going on?"

Su Jin glanced at Luo Yanshu provocatively, with an expression of whether you dare to tell the truth, Luo Yanshu was very dangerous.

It can be said that he has suffered enough humiliation today, he has never been so humiliated before.

After being stimulated again under the fury, he ignored Zhifu Liao's hint at all, and shouted angrily: "There is nothing to say! This bitch dares to bully my Luo family, so why let my Luo family swallow their anger? Oh, dare to make a fuss?" Shangguan Mansion! Do you think the young master of the Shangguan mansion is afraid of you, and my Luo family is afraid of you? Bitch, I am not afraid to tell you that there is no solution to this problem, and the young master will not let you go! This You don’t want to stay in Wushui City any longer, heh, even if you want to leave now, it’s too late! I don’t believe you if I don’t kill you! Bitch, bastard!”

Luo Yanshu's eyes widened viciously, with a vicious crimson in them, staring at Su Jin wishing to burst into flames. If it weren't for the ropes still tied to his body at this moment, he might have rushed towards Su Jin and strangled her to death.

It was too chaotic for everyone to come to the court before. Liao Zhifu had never seen anyone dare to tie the son of the Luo family to the court, and he was a little confused. However, as soon as the cloth ball in Luo Yanshu's mouth was taken out, he immediately yelled and scolded, so he had no choice but to I asked first, so I forgot to untie Mr. Luo first.

Seeing Luo Yanshu's vicious and resentful expression at this moment, Magistrate Liao hesitated, not daring to untie him, otherwise if the consequences got out of control and things got worse, it would be difficult to explain.

After all, so many people are watching, and there is also Mrs. Qin who cannot be underestimated or ignored.

Even so, the onlookers have already exploded.

"The Luo family is too much!"

"This is too vicious, too vicious, isn't it?"

"You look at him like he wants to eat people, it's terrible"

"How on earth did this young lady provoke this family? This is really——ah!"

"I have long heard that the Luo family is domineering. I still think about the rich. Who is not domineering? Now I have opened my eyes! How is this domineering? It is the emperor!"

"Hush, keep your voice down, in case people hear you."

"That's right, if you dare to do this above the court, you can still do it outside the court."

"Look at the magistrate, he can't do anything about him, hey"

"Shh, shhh, stop talking!"

Liao Zhifu's expression suddenly turned ugly. Originally, he only secretly blamed the young Mrs. Qin for being ignorant, but now he blamed Luo Yanshu even more.

Even though he, the magistrate, is very afraid of the Luo family, dare not fight against the Luo family, and dare not lose face to the Luo family, but this does not mean that he is shameless.

Luo Yanshu yelled at the court and didn't save him face at all, and this was on the premise of his intentional reminder, how could he not feel frustrated?

Su Jin didn't say a word, just stood there with lowered eyebrows, looking more and more pitiful and sympathetic.

Prefect Liao hasn't asked her yet, so of course she wouldn't take the initiative to speak up, otherwise wouldn't it be a chance for Prefect Liao to reprimand her for not understanding the rules?

Now that she is in this court, she still has such a little patience.

Mrs. Tang didn't have to worry about it, she smiled coldly and said loudly: "Young Master Luo is so bold and majestic! My lord, what is the crime for ranting in court? The rules of the court can't be broken, right? If you let Luo off lightly today My son, then from now on, can everyone shout at the court and ignore the dignity of the court?"

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