Fast forward months.

Qin Tian’s harem was expanded to more than fifty again.

With Qin Tian’s tireless efforts.

Most of the women are pregnant.

As for the flashing belly, it is also noticeably bigger.

And Daisy and others are also close behind.

“Okay, okay.” Qin Tian couldn’t close his mouth happily.

Another two months passed.

The harem again added seven people.

It’s not because it’s not paid well.

It’s really because, X College, there are no more high-quality girls.

Now walking on the road to campus.

The kind of scene of handsome men and beautiful women playing in love will never be seen again.

As long as it’s a good-looking girl.

It must be a big belly.

“Fak, Fak! My goddess, she is pregnant. ”

“Qin Tian, who killed the sky, still wants us to live.”


The male students of the entire X Academy complained.

Angrily scolded Qin Tian for not being a son of man.

For this reaction, Qin Tian only had one sentence.

“Heaven does not give birth to me Qin Tian, and the road of pregnancy is as ancient as a long night”

At the moment, the principal’s office.

X-Men such as Laser Eye, Storm Girl, and Uncle Wolf gathered.

Laser-eyed Scott asked imposingly, “Professor, we are here to shelter mutants. ”

“Now, what has become here! What I see is pregnant students one by one! ”

Laser Eye is Professor X’s most effective assistant and successor.

That’s what he’s always demanding.

However, after fighting criminals outside for several months, I finally got back empty.

The eyes are all girls with big bellies.

He was a little surprised at first.

People who have been in love with the academy recently, so much?

Later, when he learned that it was the same person’s child, he directly collapsed.

Professor X spoke indifferently.

“This matter is for mutants.”

Recent times.

He read a lot of Dragon Kingdom books.

And it corroborated with the plan made by Qin Tian.

He was heartened that all of this was possible.

A lot of money is invested and then integrated into all walks of life.

Now they not only have a mutant academy, but also many industries.

Such as restaurants, amusement parks, supermarket chains.

In Qin Tian’s words.

Hit the inside of the people, hit into the lives of the people.

And these places.

Some have already started to make a profit.

Laser eye’s chest kept rising and falling: “I don’t agree with this matter.” ”

“That person named Qin Tian is simply a shameless person who must be expelled from X Academy.”

Professor X frowned and slowly shook his head: “Impossible. ”

As soon as these words came out, Radium Ray breathing paused.

In his heart, the professor has always been a wise man and a beacon for mutants.

Led them to this manor and established a mutant paradise.

However, the current heavy money is asking for children.

It’s something so absurd that it can’t be ridiculous.

Most importantly, the professor actually agreed.

“Scott, you know, I have great expectations for you.” Professor X said quietly.

“This matter, Rogan’s hot temper, can be understood. Why, you can’t accept it. ”

Uncle Wolf glared: “Charles, don’t take me with you when you talk.” ”

“I am an old man in my seventies, don’t stare at an old man, know how to respect the old and love the young.”

“Fak, shut up Charles, I’m almost two hundred years old this year.” Uncle Wolf scoffed.

“Okay, don’t change the subject.” Laser eye opening.

“If Qin Tian doesn’t leave, I’ll go!”

As soon as this sentence came out.

As he expected.

There was a long silence in the room.

A long time later.

Professor X had sadness in his eyes: “If you don’t want to stay here, then go.” ”

“But I still hope you stay.” Witness the future of mutants together. ”

After living for more than seventy years, he has been looking for a way out for the future of mutants.

He also fantasized that he could live peacefully with mankind.


Uncle Wolf gasped.

He knew that the professor valued Qin Tian.

But I never thought that it was more important than laser eyes.

You know, he is the next designated successor.

“Charles, you are crazy to abandon Scott for the sake of a student!”

Uncle Wolf said that he had lived for two hundred years and had never been so shocked.

It’s the storm woman, there are not too many emotional ups and downs.

When Qin Tian was talking here, she was also here.

The latter is not a good student.

Rather, the savior of mutants.


She felt that the professor followed the execution of the plan.

Attitude towards Qin Tian.

Subtly, there was more fanaticism.

Right! It’s fanaticism.

This emotion, which appears in anyone, can be understood.

Only in Professor X, she couldn’t understand.

You know, this is one of the smartest people in the world.

What exactly was Qin Tian’s specific plan.

It can make such wise people fanatical about it.

Laser eyes are important.

But it was not enough to think with Qin Tian.

Storm Girl didn’t know why, and a ridiculous thought arose in her heart.

If Qin Tian said kill the laser eye.

I’m afraid Professor X will do it.

So, the more so, the more curious her heart became.

It is said that there are thoughts and dreams day and night.

The night before, she also dreamed of Qin Tian.

She asked about the content of the plan.

The other party raised her chin coldly: “Woman, sleep with me, I’ll tell you.” ”

“Damn it!”

A voice interrupted her thoughts.

The laser eye looked at Professor X in disbelief: “Witness the future!” If it goes on like this, mutants have no future! ”

“I will correct this mistake!”

After speaking, he snatched the door and walked out.

The destination is precisely behind the college, the newly built estate.

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