Chapter 0162 – The Phoenix Appears!!

A scene that ordinary people cannot imagine shocked all people.

In the universe, see a phoenix bigger than a planet. This visual impact makes everyone’s eyes dull.

With the head of the phoenix swinging.

The nearby space sets off ripples one after another.

The spaceship began to shake violently.

“How is it possible, it seems to be conscious!”

“God, it sees.”

“Is this the greatness of the Creator?”

Storm Woman et al.

I couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.

Not to mention them, even Qin Tian couldn’t help but hold his breath.

The scene in front of him broke through people’s cognition.

Even if you have already prepared in your heart.

See this scene with your own eyes.

He still couldn’t help but feel shocked in his heart.

“To be precise, this one in front of you is the Creator.”

Qin Tian slowly spoke.

This sentence.

Jean everyone was stunned.

Creator, what a weight.

There is only the existence of faith, so real before the eyes.

Huge pupils, with seeing.

It is cold and absolutely noble.

The three views in everyone’s hearts are constantly shattered, and then rebuilt.

Materialism, idealism.

All gone.

In their eyes, in their minds, there is only one existence.

It’s the Phoenix!

“The Black Panther Goddess is on top, please forgive my disrespect!”

Many members of the Royal Guard.

He fell to his knees in a uproar.

Their own beliefs.

The noble panther goddess disappears.

Turned into a phoenix.

The rest of the engineers and Su Rui and the others also fell to their knees in an uproar.

The expression is reverent.

This is the suppression and gap of the life level.

Needless to say.

No movement is required.

Just see.

It will come from the heart to surrender.

The Storm Girl gasped constantly.

Supporting the seat next to him with his arms, he stood desperately.

The Katie variant is not strong, and she will kneel on the ground and surrender immediately. Qin Tian held Katie with one hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at the phoenix.

Among those present.

Just him and Jean Grey.

Able to resist the suppression of this life level.

His bloodline has long evolved.

And Qin Grey has had the power of the phoenix for many years.

“Qin Tian, she’s been staring at me.”

A trace of pain flashed across Jean Grey’s face.

“She hated pain and seemed to be crying for help.”

Perhaps it was due to the fragments of the power of the phoenix in the body.

Qin Tian also sensed it.

The phoenix exudes chaos, tyranny, confusion and a cry for help.

This instinctive awareness of the universe.

Lived too long, witnessed together.

As big as the will of each planet, the will of everyone in the trail.

She can easily perceive it.

This also leads to negative emotions, more and more.

These emotions are constantly expanding.

And it affected the will of the phoenix itself.

It left her weak and miserable.

So, she needs the help of her companions.

Share negative emotions in your body.

So across the endless star field. Came to the Milky Way.

And now, she perceives.

The person you are looking for is right in front of you.

This emotion, through the most primitive will, was transmitted to Qin Tian and Qin Gelei’s hearts.

“So it is.”

Qin Tian muttered.

No wonder it’s in “Dark Phoenix”.

In outer space, Jean Grey, who got the power of the phoenix.

It can become tyrannical and dark.

It turns out that it is at the same time as gaining strength.

A lot of negative emotions are also shared.

“What to do? Qin Tian? ”

Jean Grey said worriedly.

If she shares the negative energy, will she lose her mind? In this case, even if you have power, what is the use! But the consciousness transmitted by the phoenix is beyond doubt.

Words of refusal.

The phoenix will be furious.

The consequences are unimaginable.

“Give me your hand, I’ll try to communicate.”

Qin Tian spoke.

He who only had the power of the phoenix fragment.

The emotions of the phoenix can be perceived.

But they can’t communicate through their minds.

Therefore, Qin Gexiao’s help is needed.

“It’s too far away to communicate.”

Don’t look at the phoenix almost stuck to the face of the spaceship.

In fact, that’s because the phoenix is too big.

In fact, between the phoenix and the spaceship.

Almost dozens of Earths apart.

At such a distance, there is no way to contact Dao.

“Stupid waste woman, you can’t do this, I’ll come!”

In the consciousness of the two, a voice suddenly sounded.

The tone was cold.

Undoubtedly, a dark side personality.

Jean Grey nodded.

The personality of the dark side is stronger than her.

For the ability to read and the power of the phoenix, it is also deeper than her attainments.

So, without the slightest hesitation.

It is directly withdrawn from the control of the body.

In an instant, Qin Gray’s expression and temperament changed slightly.

It’s even more cold and evil.

Look at me! Jean Grey said grimly.

Reach out.

The terrifying power of thought and the power of the phoenix poured out.

After a moment of silence.

Jean Grey withdrew her palm.

The evil and coldness on his face disappeared.

Qin Tian: “??? ”

Qin Grey’s gentle face was slightly embarrassed.

“She hid and didn’t want to come out.”

“Was it successful?”

Katie looked hideous.

While resisting vigorously.

Parting his heart and asking.

Qin Tian’s face was full of helplessness.

The dark side of Qin Grey has no face to come out.

Directly hide, no matter how you call, do not respond.

“What to do?”

Jean Grey asked worriedly.

In consciousness.

Phoenix’s mood became more and more irritable.

If it drags on, something big will definitely happen.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Tian said in a deep voice, “Let’s get a little closer.” ”

Katie spoke with difficulty: “The space is unstable, and the spaceship can’t get close anymore!” ”

“Let’s get out.”

Qin Tian directly took out two buttons.

Hand it to Jean Grey.

At present, two aviation suits full of technology wrapped the two of them.

It’s not heavy, it’s as close as clothes.

Ten finger-sized bottles.

In fact, there is enough oxygen to breathe for a month.


Qin Tian did not hesitate in the slightest.

Take Jean Grey’s hand.

Disappeared in place.

About how far away the portal can be.

Qin Tian had never tried.

And today, it’s a great opportunity!

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