Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 24: Seeing high energy for the first time

Finally got here, six people cleared the spoils from the cave battlefield. Because there are horn racks, weapon racks, and other arrangements nearby, the spoils are much more than those used by three or four enemies.

Not to mention, the three robbers that the Cat Man and Artis finally faced were the last enemies after they had cleaned up the other robbers along the way.

So after the cleaning is completed, the spoils are actually a large income.

Steel long sword x7

Steel One-Handed Axe x3

Steel Great Axe x1

Steel shield x2

Steel heavy armor (full set) x1

Steel Bust x3

Steel Handguard x3

Steel Greaves x4

Steel helmet x1

Wooden Longbow x3

Steel Arrow x32

Steel Ingot x8

Garnet x5

Amethyst x2

Gold coin x312

Taken together, it is indeed a fortune.

The nanny duo, Skoyol and Vegard, rejected the proposal for a tie on the grounds that they were not involved in the fight.

His eyes narrowed into a cat-man Kayla in the shape of a gold coin. Hearing this, the corners of his mouth curled up to the base of his ears. Compliments, like a river flooding, rushed towards the two of them.

After a round of discussions, the last four people finally decided on the distribution method.

Anyone who can use ready-made weapons and equipment can replace their previous equipment. Artis took a long sword and a shield. Kaila is two long swords.

The boy himself only wanted to take a long sword, but when he recovered his iron axe, he found that the axe blade had deformed severely when it smashed into the horn stand, so he took another steel one-handed axe.

For the rest, all the gold coins belonged to Artis and Kayla. As for how they divide, that is their own business.

The gems were all given to Ella by the boy, in exchange for a big smile on the girl's face. But Lu Yuan always felt that this smiling face still seemed a bit complicated.

The boy accepted all the arrows and steel ingots.

In addition, the young man originally wanted to wear steel hand armor and greaves for himself in addition to the leather armor, but under Vegad's persuasion, he gave up this plan.

"Weapons are at least easier to use than iron ones. They can be replaced when they are replaced. However, these steel armors are too rough in craftsmanship and a bit too heavy. They can be used as training equipment, but it is too much to be used in actual combat. "Vegard said.

"When Alvor comes, I guess he will rebuild all these armors. It may be directly turned into steel ingots in the town at the Games. Lu, didn’t you learn forging with him for a day? Then follow him to make these. After the things are handled, I am not afraid of him making small moves."

Artis also added, "Well, that's it. I just took a look at it. It's better not to use these armors. Use them for defense. It's better to avoid them quickly."

"According to the rules, these things should also be regarded as the property of the town." Skoyol's words immediately made Cayla the cat's eyes cold.

Artis hurried to appease the cat man who had blown up his hair because of the money fan.

Vegard chuckled lightly and said, "That's nothing serious, anyway, these things can't be exchanged for much money, and they need to be recycled and processed as materials. It's better to make way for them to be melted together with the blacksmith."

"In this way, everyone's weapons can be forged and upgraded. If there are armor parts that are needed, they can also be used to help everyone out. By then, the blacksmith will definitely not ask everyone for materials and money. s things."

"That's better than holding a pile of scraps now."

Although this speech has boosted everyone’s morale, even the cat people who were awkward before have begun to release "goodwill" to the teenager from time to time, but the teenager always feels that there is something wrong with this, as if his work is not light or heavy. .

"My lord, I am doing this for your own good. This is for you to learn Alvor's forging and provide some motivation." Vegard silently read in his heart as he looked at the distressed teenager.

It's complicated to say, in fact, it only took more than ten minutes from killing the enemy to distributing the spoils.

After it was done, everyone except for the fastest cat, Kayla, went outside to contact the main mercenary unit that should be arriving soon. There were five people left, and they simply proceeded to the next room.

Of course, for this, everyone promised that no matter what they found afterwards, they would count the cat people, and the six would share it equally.

Because of the "Namira" series of special events, the system used 50 time and space points to search all subsequent enemies in the cave under the strong request of the young man.

It was confirmed that apart from a few Namira's cannibal believers, there was no possibility of other demon gods paying attention. Not only that, but among the remaining enemies, there is no longer a strong presence like a heavy armored warrior.

This is the main reason why the teenager agreed to continue the investigation.

The scout squad itself has become an exaggerated squad of a heavy shield warrior, a light shield warrior, and three sharp archers. In addition, the young man used the weapon to open the fog map, and the rest of the battle will not be revealed. What waves.

The five people rolled all the way, passed the suspension bridge of the waterfall in the cave, and came to the mine prison. After getting a small amount of trophies from the storage room, they directly reached the main hall of the mine.

At this time, Kayla, who contacted the follow-up troops, also brought news that everything was ready.

The five people have stopped just now. Because of fear of attacking the main hall, robbers will sneak out through the back door.

Now that there is news from Kayla, the back door cave marked by the scout team has been warned by the wood wizard Faendall, and the few people naturally no longer worry, so they simply rushed into the main hall.

Fortunately, Skoyol is a veteran mercenary, knowing that eating alone is easy to violate the taboo of the mercenary business, and deliberately let everyone slow down and leave some broth for the mercenary troop that is rushing into the cave.

So in the end, the enemies that the six-man team directly killed were not too many, only about one-third of the total number of enemies in the hall.

However, taking advantage of the chaos that the mercenaries came to grab the heads, the young man only wanted to harvest time and space points, and didn't care about the points, and followed them all around.

Kayla, the cat, turned his eyes and did not fight for points with other people. However, he became a thief's old line and scoured the storage boxes scattered around.

Of course, Artis is also an old qualification, she will not let her do anything too out of the ordinary, she just searched two-thirds of the gold coins, and most of the gems, did not touch the gold and silver jewelry or the dagger crown. kind.

Finally, after the cleanup is over and everyone has calculated the loot and points, everyone is fairly satisfied with their gains.

It can be regarded as a happy ending.

However, after cleaning the cave, Lu Yuan's suffering has just begun.

As several people said in the discussion before, the blacksmith Alvo couldn't help but jump and yell when he saw the bandits' armor weapons made of steel produced in the mine.

I also saw the full body armor of the heavy-armored two-handed warrior, and said, "Although the craftsmanship is a bit rough and too heavy, no one can wear it except this person, and can't move it, but at least it can To make a complete set of heavy armor, it is already a wise man to the robber."

As soon as these words came out, the people who heard that they were drinking and resting almost made a man-made fountain.

Although everyone is useless to say clearly, everyone knows that these weapons and armor creations that exceed the upper limit of general bandit skills are mostly from a demon god, at least a believer of the devil god.

Even if that Demon God is not good at forging, he is always better than Alvor.

If the blacksmith knew that he was commenting on the work of a demon **** with disdain, I wonder if he would not dare to speak again after being frightened.

It is said that Lu Yuan’s suffering began, of course, because the blacksmith couldn’t bear these “crude” weapons and armors being used directly, so he wanted to rebuild them all.

However, apart from the blacksmith himself, the only craftsmen who can forge in the town are Nigel who knows a little bit of fur. In the words of the blacksmith, he had practiced for a year, and he had only learned one day before Lu Yuan, and the things he made were good.

Therefore, naturally, these reworked work has become the task of the blacksmith and Lu Yuan. For this reason, the town gave Lu Yuan a piece of steel ingot three gold coins and a processing fee of 10 gold coins for a finished product. Of course, the quality must be recognized by the blacksmith.

This set of payment methods, the teenager gladly accepted. Anyway, the raw materials and tools are theoretically the property of the town, and an on-site teacher is also provided. He is equivalent to using other people's things to practice his forging skills, and he can also get money. It is really a pretty good job.

It was Kayla the cat. After hearing this set of rules, he murmured thoughtfully, "There are capable people in Helin Town."

"What?" the boy asked strangely. Artis and Ella also looked at the cat man in confusion.

Just listen to Kayla whispering, "It's nothing. It's just a feeling that they don't use the most common daily salary settlement algorithm, but piece rate settlement. You really can't underestimate the countryside."

After everyone's questioning, the cat talent uttered the key points.

"If you are given a daily salary, in order to get more salary, Lu Xiaozi naturally has to extend the duration of the project as long as possible."

"But in terms of piece counting, it's not interesting to spend time. It's better to finish it earlier and get the full salary early."

"Of course, if the daily salary is too low, then just don't do it."

These words made everyone look at the cat people with admiration.

It's not that she has changed her temper. In fact, these remarks completely seemed to be said by a money fan.

The reason everyone took a high look at her was because they had taken Cai Mi to a higher level and could already overlook a considerable number of people from the Cai Mi Tower.

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