Chapter 4 is about 750 points!

The next day.

The college entrance examination continues.

9:00-11:30 a.m., Science and Literature;

From 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., after the foreign language test, the entire college entrance examination is completely over.

After the college entrance examination.

Many candidates seemed very excited and finally completed the college entrance examination.

Without the huge pressure, the whole person is relaxed, shouting and cheering, wanting to vent the pressure on the body.

It may also be that he is confident in his college entrance examination results and seems very excited;

The same….

There are also many candidates who are emotionally upset and even cry with a headache.

It may be that it is not playing well, or it may be more emotional.

After three years of fighting, you have to leave a familiar school and classmates, and you seem a little reluctant?

An Jing walked out of the examination room and looked particularly calm.

Neither excited nor sad, like a passerby who is out of the way.

Security is not like candidates who take the college entrance examination.

It seems a little out of place with the surrounding candidates.

So calm!

Compared with the students around you, it is very conspicuous.

The reporter of Shudu News instantly locked An Jing and walked over.

At the same time, the cameraman also filmed the calmness of An Jing walking out of the examination room, in sharp contrast with the surrounding candidates.

After all, it is professional, and this kind of capture ability is still very good.

“This student, I am a reporter from Shudu News, can I ask you a few questions?”

The reporter’s sister walked up to An Jing, said hello very politely, introduced herself, and wanted to interview An Jing.

An Jing seems very calm, as a top student, he is often watched and praised at school, and has also participated in many competitions and been interviewed.

But this is the first time this kind of journalist.

An Jing nodded and said calmly: “You ask.” ”

The reporter immediately asked An Jing: “Can the students introduce themselves?” Do you think the topic of this college entrance examination is difficult? How many points do you expect to get? ”

“My name is An Jing, and I am a candidate from outside Shu… The topic of this college entrance examination, I think, is okay, not very difficult… If the score is approximated, I probably calculated it, less than 750 points!! ”


The reporter’s sister is also a professional reporter and has dealt with various interviews.

For An Jing’s answer, he just smiled faintly

Generous and polite.

Let alone…… You can also edit it later.

At this time, the interview will only be broadcast in the evening.

Less than 750 points, but it is a bit skinny!

749 points is less than 750 points!

500 points is less than 750 points!

0 is also less than 750 points!

“Well, just kidding, I think 730 points should be there… If the Chinese and English grading teachers raise their hands, they may be higher! ”

In an instant, the reporter’s sister looked at An Jing as if she had caught the prey of the news.

But she clearly remembers last year’s college entrance examination champion, less than 720 points?

You just estimate 730 points?

Is this a direct lock to the top of the college entrance examination?

The reporter’s sister asked: “Then classmate, you usually in school, how many points do you usually score?” ”

As a reporter on the TV station, he did not directly ask some bold questions, but first asked An Jing’s usual achievements.

An Jing said: “If you usually test… More than 710! ”

When the reporter’s sister heard An Jing say the results of the usual test, she immediately asked: “Then do you want to book this year’s college entrance examination champion?” ”

An Jing said confidently: “It’s not a big problem! ”

“Then I wish you a good result, win this year’s college entrance examination champion, and win glory for Shuwai… Thank you for the interview. ”

The reporter’s sister ended the interview, shook hands with An Jing, and went to interview some other classmates.

After that, it will be edited and broadcast on the evening news.

An Jing looked at the people around him, all looking at him with strange eyes.

An Jing didn’t care about this.

He is telling the truth!

Honestly, what’s wrong?!

Besides, as a young man, an 18-year-old young man, do you want to show what’s wrong?


You don’t have a chance to perform.

“Stinky boy, isn’t it good to keep a low profile?”

As soon as An Jing walked to his father’s side, he ate a violent chestnut.

When his son interviewed, An Jianguo could hear it clearly.

In general, the Chinese people are still relatively low-key and humble.

An Jing’s words just now were a bit high-profile.

In fact, it was their lack of understanding of Anjing’s strength.

If you understand An Jing’s strength, you will understand that his answer just now is low-key enough.

It’s true!

“Alas~” An Jing sighed and sighed: “We stand at different angles!” ”

Only you know your strength!

Others do not know their strength, just a little talk, it is mistaken for pretending.

An Jing was also helpless.

Immediately, he said to his father with dissatisfaction: “What should I do if you knock on my head like this and become stupid?” ”

“It’s okay, if you become stupid, you will become stupid.”

An Jianguo just wants to say to his son: The college entrance examination is over, you have changed from a national treasure to a native dog, and you are no longer a national treasure that is provided for food and clothing, or a free-range native dog.


If you are disobedient, eat a stir-fried meat with bamboo shoots!

Well, the fried meat with bamboo shoots is a bit exaggerated, but after the college entrance examination, the treatment in all aspects is definitely incomparable with before.

When he returned home and had dinner, An Jing experienced this change in treatment, and his status plummeted.

After eating, he was going to wash the dishes.

The old mother also said: “You also have a holiday, you clean the hygiene at home once a week, usually before we come back from work, you buy the vegetables…”

An Jing sat at the dinner table, eating, staring at the electric light above his head, and fell into doubt: Am I no longer your little cutie?

This change in treatment also came too quickly.


The reporter sister of Shudu News sorted out today’s interview materials and sent them to the station for editing.

How long does a news report last?

All have to make a limit.

It’s not about how long a topic wants to be played.

An Jing and several other candidates were interviewed to make a clip of the video.

At the same time, according to An Jing’s self-introduction, the reporter’s sister also found some information about An Jing from outside Shu, and the results were really good.

Shuwai first, second, and third consultations, the city’s unified examination of papers, An Jing ranked second in science in the city with 695 points in the first diagnosis; The second diagnosis of 707 points ranked first in the city’s science department, and the third diagnosis of 713 points ranked first in the city’s science department.

He is really a top student, and he is indeed a strong contender for the top spot in the college entrance examination.

It’s just a little naughty!

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