Chapter 96 The Deep Blue Supercar is officially delivered

“It’s only 9.88 million, make a lot of money!” God he meow made a lot of money. 9.88 million can’t afford it! ”

“9.88 million?”

“Doesn’t it mean that you want four figures, ten million to start?”

“This price is not as expected!”

“As far as the performance of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in all aspects of the network is not worse than those top supercars, not to mention that An Jing and Wang Siyuan also released the competition videos of Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Aston Martin of Deep Blue Supercars… It’s all top supercars starting from tens of millions, but the result? ”

“Not only performance, safety, Su moderation, exterior design, all feel that the navy super car is better than those cars!”

“This price is really not right!”

“It’s not expensive and you can’t afford it!”

“It’s not expensive and you can’t buy it!”

“It is said that it is good to start with 10 million, or even 20 million, but the result is less than 10 million, and the local tyrants can arbitrarily increase the price!”

“Top the official website of Deep Blue Supercar, see if anyone has returned the order because of this pricing, or has not paid the balance after the deadline, the order is re-released, if you can grab it… Then it is developed! ”

“How is it possible, before the deep blue supercar everyone thought that the price would exceed 15 million, or even 20 million, no one returned the order, this time the announcement price is less than 10 million, where will someone return!”

“Maybe some local tycoons feel that this pricing does not meet his standards?”


The Deep Blue Supercar has had people vote on pricing more than once.

There are official organizations, and there are also votes held by netizens.

From the beginning when the dark blue supercar was announced, the order of raw materials from foreign companies was rejected, and at that time, netizens voted that the price of the dark blue supercar was less than 100, accounting for 90%, and more than 00,000 people voted;

The second time was that Anjing solved the problem of raw materials, and 700 billion official purchase orders were given to deep blue materials, which everyone knows about this very powerful alloy.

The 700 billion orders also further stimulated netizens, increased the popularity of Anjing, and further promoted the popularity and value of the deep blue brand.

At this time, the voting was organized again in the future, and the number of voters sold for about 5 million in the Deep Blue Supercar reached 76%, and more than 8.3 million votes!

The last time was a vote organized by the official Deep Blue.

At that time, An Jing and Wang Siyuan released videos of the deep blue supercar and other supercars on the market to start, accelerate, and brake;

Subsequently, the video of the deep blue supercar crash test was exposed on the Internet, which attracted the attention of countless netizens.

At this moment, a video of a “heart” is broadcast.

The number of voters for the official neck of Deep Blue Supercar exceeds 17 million, and netizens who feel that the price of Deep Blue Super Car is about 15 million accounts for 69%!

It is enough to see that the video of the Deep Blue Supercar and other top supercar competitions, as well as the safety collision video, have increased the brand awareness and brand recognition of the Deep Blue Supercar, as well as the brand value.

Today, the navy supercar is synonymous with car safety.

Countless people believe that the pricing of the Deep Blue Supercar is not comparable to that of Rafa and King Martin… But it won’t be worse than the Porsche 918 and McLaren P1, right?

Rafa, Porsche 918 McLaren P1, for the three god cars, the price is 15 million starts!

Dark blue supercar regardless of sex, appearance, driving Su moderation, materials used, safety factor… All three supercars.

Even considering that these cars are imported into the country, there are very expensive tariffs, but 1.5 million is still wanted, right?

As a result, the official website of Deep Blue Supercar officially announced the pricing, only 9.88 million.

This is a good word.


Rong’an New District.

The 500 acres of land taken by Deep Blue Industry have been built on a large scale.

In the first phase, the automobile plant has been completed and the renovation has been completed.

The production line purchased from the special automobile group has been upgraded by Deep Blue Precision, and a set of equipment has been fine-tuned for the production and assembly of Deep Blue Supercar.

The finely tuned dark blue supercar production equipment also needs to manually select the best batch of parts and further adjust it in order to be used in the dark blue supercar.

In fact, this is also what everyone calls hand-built supercars.

It is to improve the accuracy and manufacturing process of supercar parts.

Tighter selection and manufacturing of components.

One of the world’s top large car companies may produce hundreds of thousands of vehicles a year.

Such a huge number involves countless parts, material suppliers, and parts suppliers.

Automotive companies must take into account an integrated raw material supply and manufacturing process.

Blindly pursuing the best raw materials, the best manufacturing process… Countless companies will be eliminated, and few companies in the entire supply chain can meet the requirements.

The result is that the price of cars has soared!!

Ordinary cars, the reason why the masses can afford is because of this.

The so-called super car is naturally more strict!

“Hand-built supercar” is actually a careful selection of raw materials, and among the parts of the cars produced, the last one is selected, and then refined and fine-tuned.

It’s handmade!

An Jing took people to Shufei to shoot videos of the deep blue supercar and the Linglong carrier-based fighter, directly transmitted it back to the company, edited it, and posted it on the Internet.

The reason for such a hurry is because the first orders for the Deep Blue Supercar are about to be delivered.

The test of the deep blue supercar has been for some time, whether it is the test of the deep blue car side or the various inspections of the national quality inspection center, they have all passed.

The deep blue supercar has entered the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Internet, and the car can be delivered to the owner.

This last wave of propaganda films was released as soon as the “heart” was inherited.

Announcing the final pricing of Deep Blue Cars.

Two days after the price was announced, the final payment for all orders was completed and the first vehicles were officially delivered.

According to the order information displayed in the background, 7 people changed the order information, which should be transferred to someone else.

In fact, after the vehicle is delivered, it also needs to be listed, and the owner will resell it at that time.

However, this has nothing to do with Deep Blue Auto’s side, as long as the subsequent final payment is made.

Container trucks specializing in transporting vehicles are parked in Rong’an New District, Deep Blue Car Depot.

The first batch of 9 dark blue supercars in each color: red, black and silver has rolled off the production line.

Just stop Curry on this side.

The workers on the side of the dark blue car carefully moved the supercar to the container truck, fixed it, and then locked the hatch of the container truck.

On the side, people from the propaganda department were videotaping.

The official neck of the Deep Blue Supercar, real-time news about the delivery of the first orders.

The first orders were for the owners of the SCC Supercar Club.

That is, Wang Siyuan them.

Originally, the first order consisted of 12 units.

However, after Deep Blue Industries was rejected for ordering top raw materials from foreign companies, it was exposed to self-developed asset raw materials, and it was returned at that time4.

So, this time the order delivered, only 9 units … Why 9 units? Not a desk?

One is delivered ahead of schedule because of a special willingness! _

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