Zhou Dingshan’s gift

Zhou Xing returned to the room and thought carefully about Zhou Jianping’s words.

My father’s words are indeed very meaningful.

Many times, people are involuntarily forced to move forward.

It’s just that Zhou Jianping ignored one issue.

Zhou Xing has a system.

Everything he is doing now is just his own idea.

No one can force him to do anything.

The road ahead was going to be very difficult, and he didn’t have to think about it at all. With his father and grandfather here, couldn’t he just be a rich second generation just hanging around and waiting to die?

When you are in a good mood, go work on your career.

If you’re in a bad mood…just play whatever you want.

Big deal.

He directly extended the lifespan of Zhou Jianping and Zhou Dingshan and asked them to work for him for another thirty years.

You know… it’s tiring for him to spend money to accumulate points.

One year of life seems to only cost ten points.

But it cost him a full billion.

I rack my brains and spend money every day just so that my father and grandfather can live a long life.

Zhou Xing touched his chin.

He is really a filial son and grandson.

I didn’t dwell too much on this matter. Now that I’m back… I might as well find an opportunity to clarify the conflict between my father and my grandfather.

It’s best to solve it.

During the Chinese New Year… wouldn’t it be better if the whole family is reunited and the whole family is happy?


this day.

Zhou Xing woke up early in the morning and yawned.

When he got home, he thought he could have a good rest, but he never expected… He almost didn’t have time every night, as his girlfriends seemed to have made appointments.

I would videotape him from time to time and talk on the phone.

If they met Zhou Xing on the phone, they also had a tacit understanding and knew that it was Zhou Xing’s other woman. However, when it was early in the morning, they couldn’t stand it anymore and even fell asleep without being able to get through the phone call.

They were all a little unconvinced.

The next day, I chose to call Zhou Xing early.

Later, it became more and more intense.

The girlfriends seemed to be secretly competing with each other, and they all wanted to be the first to call Zhou Xing.

Time is also being delayed earlier and earlier.

Zhou Xing felt helpless.

While in Shanghai.

He can definitely practice it and make them harmonious without any disputes.

Once you leave Shanghai, you will be separated in a different place.

Across the screen, there was no way to shut them up, so this scene could only happen.

several times.

Zhang Lanfang was very angry when she heard Zhou Xing chatting with his girlfriend in the room… He emotionally threw her words away and didn’t take it to heart at all.

But she restrained herself.

This left Zhou Xing with the last bit of face in front of his girlfriend.

But during lunch, Zhang Lanfang still couldn’t help but bring up the past: “Little bastard, tell me honestly today, what do your girlfriends think?”

“No idea.”

Zhou Xing lowered his head . meal.

“Didn’t you listen to a word of what I said to you before?”

Zhang Lanfang said angrily.

“I listened.”

Zhou Xing nodded repeatedly: “But Mom, you also know that I finally went to college and I never fell in love before I was eighteen years old. It doesn’t matter if I fall in love now, right?”

“Falling in love?”

Zhang Lanfang laughed angrily: “Are you in a relationship? You are clearly collecting cards, anchors, celebrities, flight attendants, car dealers, golf courses…”

Zhang Lanfang counted on his fingers. Before he finished speaking, Zhou Xing quickly stopped him and said, “Mom, you just need to know. There is no need to bring it up one by one.”

Although everyone in the family knew about his girlfriend, Zhou Xing still couldn’t bear it. Live with a dark face.

Is there any royal method?


When will my son be able to stand up!

“It’s great for others to have two boats. I know no less than five of you, and there are still some you are ambiguous with. Why, you are an octopus, don’t you?”

Zhang Lanfang He sneered and said, “I’m pretty good at picking girls. They all look pretty, but you can’t just rely on looks. The most important thing is content, character and knowledge.”

“Mom, I don’t want to either. ”

Zhou Xing shrugged and said innocently: “I don’t have much experience in love. I want to accumulate more experience, so I have a few more conversations, so that my son will know what he knows later and avoid being deceived by girls. Mom… You don’t want to see your son being deceived by his girlfriend, right?”

“Are you still being deceived?”

Zhang Lanfang said angrily: “With your sophisticated scumbag behavior, my little girl is almost defrauded of her bank card by you. The password has been reported, it doesn’t look like we have never been in love at all.”

“Did you secretly fall in love behind our backs when you were studying?”

Zhang Lanfang looked at Zhou Xing with suspicion.

“How could it be?”

Zhou Xing immediately denied: “I used to be stared at so hard by you, how could I have any chance.”

“That’s a born bad guy.”

Zhang Lanfang said decisively: “We used to have strict control, so there was no chance, so now Are you starting to let yourself go?”

“Actually, I didn’t want to have so many girlfriends at the beginning.”

Zhou Xing argued rationally: “It’s just your son who is soft-hearted and can’t see girls being wronged. Instead of letting them be treated by other The scumbag cheated me, so I might as well suffer a little and make more friends.”

“The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.”

“Besides… I’m not married yet, although my behavior is not very moral. But it’s not illegal. Those rich people get married and have many girlfriends outside. This is not a strange thing.”

Faced with Zhou Xing’s playful reasoning, Zhang Lanfang gritted his teeth: “That’s someone else, who and These are the things you said.”

“Is it possible…”

Zhang Lanfang looked at Zhou Jianping with murderous eyes.

Zhou Jianping quickly denied: “I’m not that kind of person, you know me.”

Zhang Lanfang was about to say something.

There was a knock on the door.


Tang Long stood there.

Zhou Xing waved to him, and Tang Long immediately came to Zhou Xing: “Boss.”

Then he greeted Zhou Jianping and Zhang Lanfang: “Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhang.”

Zhou Jianping nodded calmly. head.

Zhang Lanfang also responded. With Tang Long here, she could not continue to educate Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tang Long with a smile in his eyes. This was really timely rain. He said in a gentle tone: “What’s the matter?” ”

That’s it. Leader Zhou sent it to you, boss.” A gift.”

Tang Long took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to Zhou Xing.


Tang Long stood there and looked at Zhou Jianping with a hesitant look on his face. He hesitated for a long time without being able to speak.

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