: Specialization in the art industry

Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Zhou Xing drove to the ground parking lot.

Just opened the car door.

Then they realized that Gao Ruyi and the others had been waiting at the door of the hotel.

Gao Ruyi wears her usual workplace attire.

Long sleeve blue shirt.

The corners of his clothes were tucked into white silk trousers.

Black suede pumps.

Carrying a black Hermès handbag.

Tall figure, wearing rose red lipstick, teary red lips make her face even more cold.

There were several assistants standing beside him.

The aura is extremely powerful.

Everyone who passed by stopped to watch and marveled, but no one dared to step forward.

It’s daunting.

Gao Ruyi stood at the door when she noticed Zhou Xing getting off the car.

There were some ripples of joy in his calm eyes.

She immediately went up to Zhou Xing and bowed slightly, “Hello Mr. Zhou, we meet again.”

Zhou Xing nodded, looked at Gao Ruyi in front of him, smiled slightly and said, “Please come all the way.” I came here specially.”

“It’s not troublesome.”

Gao Ruyi pursed her lips and smiled, “This is our job, and it is our bounden duty to serve our customers well. Besides… let everyone come to us specially. It’s really not appropriate for the company to go to observe the design plan.”

“This hotel is more suitable.”

“It only takes ten minutes for us to come over.”

The Ritz-Carlton, located in Shanghai Central location.

Neri & Hu Design and Research Laboratory…is a well-known top design company in Shanghai.

Naturally, the land is also in a prosperous stage.

Zhou Xing didn’t say anything more.

It was obviously more appropriate for Zhao Chengde and the others to rush to the Neri&Hu Design Research Laboratory and stay directly in the hotel while Gao Ruyi and the others came to report on their work.

“Now that we’re here, let’s go up first.”

Zhou Xing said, “Mr. Zhao and the others are also waiting in the hotel.”

“Mr. Zhou, please.”

Gao Ruyi stepped aside and motioned for Zhou Xing to go ahead.

Zhou Xing didn’t hesitate and just walked towards the hotel lobby.

Gao Ruyi followed closely behind him.

The assistants also quickly followed.


After entering the hotel lobby.

The sound of high heels hitting the ground was particularly clear in the quiet lobby.

Gao Ruyi was half a body behind Zhou Xing, silently staring at the tall figure in front of her.

But my heart is full of expectations.

This time…under her leadership, we worked overtime.

Finally, the design drawings were produced.

In order to achieve the desired effect, she was very picky and sleepless.

No detail is spared.

No matter the details.

Every item strives for perfection.

to this end.

She also specifically searched for Zhang Yan and found Zhao Chengde’s contact information.

Have video conferences from time to time.

Listen to what they have to say.

After all, this project is extremely professional.

Not only must we understand their needs, but we must also strive for excellence in the following construction drawings.

So… who else is more professional than Zhao Chengde and the others?

Under such efficient polishing.

The design drawings are finally officially released.

For no other reason than to prove himself in front of Zhou Xing and impress him.

It’s best to give Zhou Xing a good shock.

Let him know.

I am not the kind of pretty vase.

She was able to get to where she is today entirely due to her own abilities.

At the same time, the embarrassment of meeting Zhou Xing for the first time can be completely washed away.

Gao Ruyi can be said to be full of confidence.

Today… was the day that she completely overturned her image in Zhou Xing’s mind.



The elevator door opened.

After Zhou Xing entered the elevator, Gao Ruyi also entered the elevator.

The elevator door slowly closed.

Gao Ruyi took a deep breath, her eyes filled with confidence and perseverance.


not for a while.

The elevator door opens.

Zhou Xing glanced at Gao Ruyi, and then walked forward.

He only felt that Gao Ruyi seemed a little different from the first time he met her.

There was a hint of joy on the cold face.

But he didn’t pay too much attention.

He led Gao Ruyi and the others to the entrance of the presidential suite where Zhao Chengde and the others were.

“Ding dong.”

Zhou Xing pressed the doorbell.

The door opened immediately.

The presidential suite was already overcrowded.

Everyone is gathered here.

“Mr. Zhao…”

Zhou Xing stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Gao Ruyi also smiled and bowed slightly to them.

During this period of time, there was a lot of trouble for them.

So I became gradually familiar with them.

We also have a general idea of their deeds and capabilities.

I couldn’t help but marvel in my heart.

These… seemingly ordinary old people present are actually all leaders in the scientific research community and the pillars of the country.

Gao Ruyi’s respect for them also arose spontaneously in her heart.

Zhao Chengde and the others waved their hands, indicating that they were not welcome and would sit down and talk later.

“I heard that the design drawings have been released?”

Zhao Chengde asked as soon as Zhou Xing sat down.

“Yes, the renderings have come out. We used to have video conferences. According to the opinions of the elders, it is still not more direct than face-to-face meetings.”

Gao Ruyi responded with a smile: “Bring the renderings this time, please help me.” Check in, make suggestions, and make corrections.”

She looked young.

But he spoke in a polite, elegant and calm manner. Facing so many scientific research leaders and with Zhou Xing present, there was no trace of nervousness at all.

“I can’t say that I’m honest. You are a careful little girl with very good abilities.”

Zhao Chengde smiled. He had a good sense of the designer. “I believe that after communicating so many times, I brought out the results.” Things, I guess we can’t find any faults.”

“The scientific research base is different from ordinary buildings and is extremely professional… I still have to learn more from the elders and ask questions in this regard.”

Gao Ruyi Somewhat embarrassed, he said: “I have already troubled you enough in the past, but I think there will still be a lot of problems in the future. I would like to ask for help from you, and I would like to ask Haihan.”

“There are specialties in the art industry.”

Zhao Chengde laughed and hesitated. His own white beard said, “It’s not troublesome or not. This is what we want to do. I didn’t expect that a little girl like you has a rigorous and serious attitude towards scientific research.” “It’s also

influenced by the elders. I You still have to learn slowly.”

Gao Ruyi acted very modestly.

The two exchanged pleasantries.

Wang Zhongxing rubbed his hands and glanced at Gao Ruyi, unable to help but feel a little envious.

It would be great if Gao Ruyi was her granddaughter.

Are you worried about not being able to get a trip next week?

“Let’s take a look at the design drawing first. The sooner we discover the problem, the sooner we can solve it, right?”

Wang Zhongxing said.

Zhao Chengde nodded, “That’s right.”

Gao Ruyi was also used to these old men being straight to the point and never messing around. She just stood up with a smile, and then looked at the assistant beside her.

The assistant nodded at her.

He indicated that he had already used the computer and connected it to the hotel’s big screen.

Then the big screen lights up.

The design drawing is presented in front of everyone.

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