Metropolis: My Little Shop Connects All Worlds

Chapter 142: Great Harvest Great Harvest

Haven't met, how come we meet again?

At this time...

Thanos noticed that there were many identical faces in the crowd, and became more and more confused.

Suddenly, a bold guess jumped out.

Thanos blurted out:

"You are from the future timeline?!"

In the future, Tony Ni is very strange, he did not expect Thanos to guess the truth so quickly.

"That's right, we're from a time in the future," Future Tony said.

"So, the future me succeeded, right?"

Thanos said lightly, as if everything was as it should be.

Tony in the future said: "Yes, you succeeded, you succeeded in killing half of the life in the universe!"

"No! I saved half the life in the universe!

Thanos said in a deep voice: "The universe is limited, and its resources are also limited. If life is not controlled, then life will cease to exist. You don't know this, you only know how to ask for it from the universe, and this will eventually lead to This universe is leading to destruction, so it needs to be corrected! And I am doing this!"

Lu Xiao:

Lu Xiao really couldn't understand the brain circuit of Destroyer 10.

Without discussing whether the theory of Thanos is correct, let's assume it is.

Does snapping your fingers and killing half of life in the universe work?

Take the earth as an example, 7 billion people will become 3.5 billion people with a snap of their fingers. How long will it take to change back to 7 billion people? It may take 50 years to die, which may be shorter.

In other words, the validity period of Thanos snapping fingers is only 50 years.

If Lu Xiao is Thanos, since snapping your fingers can rewrite reality, then directly rewrite the difficulty of life reproduction, or implant family planning in the consciousness of intelligent life in the entire universe (intelligent life consumes a lot of resources). policy

These are far more reliable than snapping your fingers to wipe out half of the life in the universe.

With the wisdom of Thanos, would you not have thought of this? Maybe you really did not think of it, because the brain circuit is abnormal.

By the way, is the theory of Thanos correct?

Of course not.

There are so many parallel universes in the Marvel world, Lu Xiao remembered that there were even universes with 26-digit numbers.

Among these many universes, some were destroyed by zombie viruses, some were slaughtered by Deadpool, and some were destroyed by light, but none of them entered destruction because of too many lives.

Thanos of other universes snapped their fingers for the sake of Bo Meiren's smile (the goddess of death). Lu Xiao could understand that only Thanos of the MCU universe was suffering from a delusional disorder.

We "will stop you!" Future Tony insisted.

"You can't stop me.

Thanos said in a deep voice, "Because I am destiny!"

Thanos firmly believes that he is destiny, so no matter how many times, he will succeed.


Lu Xiao said: "If you firmly believe that you are destiny, then let me break your fantasy.

With a thought, Lu Xiao summoned "Stupid World.

"Smash Valudo!!"


Time Pause!!

Lu Xiao dodged and appeared beside Thanos.

With a swipe, the portal space + cutting, two-pronged approach, cut off Thanos' left arm wearing an infinite glove.

After the 3-second pause, the Infinity Glove with four Infinity Gems inlaid fell into Lu Xiao's hand, along with a thick purple arm.

Thanos' face flashed with pain.

With his right hand covering the wound on his left arm, he looked at Lu Xiao with an incredible face, and roared:

"Give me the Infinity Gloves back!"

"Are you kidding?" Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Then he looked at the Avengers and said, "Don't you want to vent your anger?"

Good things are in hand, Lu Xiao doesn't want to control Thanos anymore.

Without the Infinity Gloves, with a broken arm, and with Captain Marvel, Lu Xiao didn't believe that the Avengers couldn't handle Thanos.

Hearing Lu Hao's words, Hawkeye's reaction was the fastest.

He raised his hand and shot an arrow towards the fire.

Of all the people, he hated Thanos the most.

Because all his family died under the snap of Thanos' fingers, Hawkeye was unlucky enough, obviously there was only a one-half probability, but he died a wife and three children, a proper African chief.

Future Tony, Future Captain America, Tony Stark Avengers are besieging Thanos.

Lu Xiao checked his gains.

The first is the four infinite gems of power, space, soul, and reality, each worth 2.7 million trading points, and four of them are 10.8 million trading points.

However, Lu Xiao did not convert them into trading points. In the future, the time and space will be used with a snap of his fingers, so he is not in a hurry.

In addition to these four Infinity Stones, there are two more items.

Item: Infinity Gloves

Quality: Eleven stars

Introduction: A carrier artifact that carries the power of Infinity Stones. When the holder places the six Infinity Stones of soul, power, time, space, reality and mind on it, they can have the ability to rewrite reality. Note: Only in the Marvel world efficient.

Value: 240,000 transaction points

Item: Eternal Body Remnant

Quality: ten stars

Introduction: Marvel World Titan Star, the body bloodline of the eternal family, this bloodline person has unparalleled strength, wisdom, resilience, endurance and agility, the skin is almost indestructible, and can resist cold, heat, electricity, 573 radiation , poison, aging and the invasion of disease, at the same time, the mental ability is also extremely strong, and it can be immune to most mental attacks.

Value: 37000 trading points

"The Body of Eternity·Remnant"--was extracted by Lu Xiao from Thanos' arm.

The quality of the residual state has reached ten stars, and the quality of the complete state cannot reach eleven stars?

If you use the fortified oven to strengthen it again, isn't it twelve stars?

Against the invasion of cold, heat, electricity, radiation, and poison, seeing these, Lu Xiao couldn't help but think of the catastrophe that he was about to cross, and the time for the eternal body to come.

This is the Infinity Stone, the Infinity Glove, and the Eternal Body.

Thanos is simply his own gift boy, and Lu Xiao can't bear to kill him, but thinking about it, it is impossible not to kill, if you don't kill Thanos, the eternal body will be gone.

Under the siege of the Avengers, Thanos, who was seriously injured, gradually lost his support.

PS: Originally, I wanted to write the product introduction of the three gems of soul, reality, and strength, but I thought about it and dared not write it, because I was afraid that everyone would say that the author of the street is in the water.

There is also the battle with Thanos, and I don't dare to write more, because I am afraid that everyone will say that I am counted.

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