MicroTech: Academy Of Idiots

Chapter 80 - Fourth Ventura Theme (part 4)

Fourth Ventura Theme (part 4)

Troublemaker Can't Create Trouble? 

"Please, I wanted to get the codes," Yao started begging the leader, once an idea struck him, he would not back down or let it go, irrespective of the outcome, he would do it.

Here he wanted to get the codes and only leader who was his friend too, can grant him permission. 

The leader shook his head, his spoiled friend look noob and rascal when begging for permission but he cared whatever he asked, after all their strong friendship demand to remain united, it was just a matter of codes, if he has some understanding, he might have hacked the actual waitrons*

"Do you know that if you failed, the whole group would have to face the glares of the instructor and this theme park might ban our entry ever?" the group leader warned again, this was most he should do before agreeing. 

"We are buddies, I can never think to implicate the whole group of my friends, then I should just abandon this idea," Yao spoke half-heartedly, he liked the game and he wanted to flex his gamer achievement but it would be bad if he implicated his friends for his happiness. 

Few other friends came, they could see fallen spirits of Yao and the concerned look of the leader, they were best buddies from pamper age, and in all kinds of situations, they remained true to each other, always helped when other need it and fun together when they have spare time from assignments. 

"What made Yao this sad, if I correctly remember, Yao is always overwhelmed by this game, even I feel weird some time about his constant sycophantic of the game setting," the other friend who recently came and joined, asked. 

The leader chuckled, "Yao is asking for toy," 

"What? A toy? Man I thought you are grown up…" the friend gave a hearty laugh. 

The leader burst into laugh, "He wanted the in-game codes of the game," he muffled his own words so that not a single passerby could hear him. 

Lui was alone wandering around and after knowing that it was theme set by a famous game, his interest was picked.

He checked on the information display and read through, the game developers were working on the next version of the game and they were open for suggestions from all those who passionately play this game. 

There was a booth set for those who happened to see or hear about this game first time, they were invited to play it, with the cards provided by the developers, this game was playing after buying but for this theme setting, they offered it free. 

Lui looked back at the group of friends, who knows what hard topic they were discussing on and how long they would take it, he decided to play the game till then. 

He missed his friends, if they were here, they will be having fun to see the wonders of this theme park. 

Probably they will be in some other theme park and enjoying themselves, it was good that they share area of study and departments. 

The booth attendant welcomed him and Lui engrossed in the virtual reality display world, it seemed he suddenly happened to enter a new world, it looked much realistic though. 

He has read the instructions before so he was familiar what he was expected to do now, it was simplest set of game which was offered for free experience of the game so he did not feel any difficulty to understand it or follow. 

The friend was agape after the leader spoke, "What a toy, I think you have really grown man, I should clap, I am proud of you, tell me how I should help you?" Yao and the leader both were speechless, what can be expected from another rascal Molin, in fact it would not be wrong if they said that he was actually ammunition grenade which only needed to be triggered and boom. 

"Come on, we can do it for our Yao, should not we be doing?" he seemed impatient as if hacking was some holy deed. 

Sometimes teens were just like unhindered dragons, wanting to do whatever comes in their minds and for friendship, the blood boils and they could break the mountains for the sake of friendship. 

This was what makes it more reliable with the time, the old friendship and the friends who went through the trials along leave never ending marks and happiness. 

"Buddy, no need, this would bring trouble for the whole group," Yao walked, he sighed, he might have done it if the group was not around and he happened to visit this theme setting alone. 

He was not usually this tame but his friends should not be facing what was his problem. 

Who would find him among the crowd of people and if found out, it will be too late to stop him, this game was so much expensive but he don't mind playing it, the only thing which made him angry was the fact that few overly rich people could buy those hidden codes from the developers. 

He asked his father for more money and he simply refused saying that he was not earning money for a game but the son and he would not waste it on game even if he has that much amount spare. 

The plain answer of his father left no choice but to focus at what he has and be contented but how could he remain contended after knowing that his friends flex everyday about the treasures they found in the game. 

He always asked them the reason and they got these treasures, they always mocked saying that it was matter of riches. 

And he always wonder what did they mean by saying this?

[* waitrons: I created this term for the next generation www (world wide web) definition; a part of the internet accessed through a graphical user interface and containing doc.u.ments often connected by hyperlinks] 

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