Millennium director

Chapter 10 Movie!

The courtyard of Wu Yuan's family, the main house.

On the messy table was a bottle of ice-cold Arctic soda.

Next to the Arctic Ocean soda, there is a copy of "Viewpoint" magazine from Huaxia News Agency.

On the cover of the magazine, there was a picture of a thin man with a few yellow tufts of hair.

"Top ten influential figures in film and television—film and television tycoon Deng Jianguo!"

Under the cover picture, there is also a line of blood-red characters printed "Kill the goat and defend the capital!"

Don't get me wrong, there is no connection whatsoever between the two.

"Kill the goats to protect the capital!" is a statement put forward by a well-known media this year. It is said that the problem of sandstorms in the capital is entirely due to raising too many goats, which eat up all the vegetation, and that is why there are such huge sandstorms.

Don't laugh, this slogan is very popular this year, and it once made the northwest herdsmen crazy.

As for the cover character Deng Jianguo, he is a fierce man. In 1997, he participated in the filming of "Anti-Corruption Storm" and "Kangxi Private Interviews 1 and 2", and earned 110 million from advertising spots.

Later, he would also invest in TV series such as "The Romantic Talent Ji Xiaolan", "The Fighting Dragon Crossing the River", "Princess Gets Married", "Kangxi Private Interview III" and made a lot of money.

With his courage to boldly invest in TV series, he was named the top ten influential figures in the film and television industry this year!

These days, TV dramas are indeed more profitable and more popular than movies.

But all this has nothing to do with Wu Yuan.

At this time, he was sitting at the corner of the table, holding his forehead with one hand, and holding a pen in the other hand to write and draw in a notebook. From time to time, he would frown and look very distressed.

Wu Yuan has locked himself in his home since the summer vacation from school. He never leaves the house and only thinks about his first movie.

The notebook in front of him was densely filled with script outlines.

This is a movie with a very complicated script. Wu Yuan wrote 11 pages of the script outline alone, and the specific details and characters have only just begun.

No way, who called this movie "The Night the Comet Came"?

"The Night the Comet Came" was considered a famous movie in Wu Yuan's dream.

It's not because of how high the box office is, or how classic the movie is.

It's because the production cost of this movie was as low as only $50,000!

The reason why Wu Yuan chose this movie as his first work is because this movie does not burn money, but only burns brains!

It only requires eight actors, plus a small western-style building as the filming location, and the filming can be completed in a week!

This kind of "suspenseful science fiction film" can be shot in a small space without frequent scene transitions and can be shot anywhere. The script is also very in-depth. It seems to have a small layout, but it is very hard-hitting "suspenseful science fiction film". It is very suitable for a debut work. .

On a seemingly ordinary night, a comet will pass by the earth. Eight young men and women at a party unexpectedly open the infinite box of quantum paradox.

Countless parallel times and spaces intersected on this night, and a series of bizarre events unfolded.

There is no need to rely on big scenes or special effects, but only on the story itself, using a lot of foreshadowing dialogues and details to create a suspenseful and brain-burning fantasy story for the audience.

This movie was well received after its release and was hailed as one of the best suspense science fiction films of the year. It often appears in the review videos of low-cost suspense science fiction movies.

In fact, before "The Night the Comet Came", there was another famous ultra-low-cost science fiction movie that was also limited to one scene and focused on conversation.

"This Man is from Earth"

However, this movie was not considered by Wu Yuan at all.

Does anyone really believe that this movie has a global box office of 350 million US dollars?

No way? No way? No way?

In fact, this movie didn't even go to theaters. It was released on DVD, and the market response was just like that.

As a result, for some reason, on the Chinese Internet, this movie was inexplicably said to be a masterpiece, and it was even labeled as having a global box office of US$350 million.

To be honest, this movie uses the protagonist's mouth to output discussions about philosophy, science, theology, and the history of the development of Western society.

If Wu Yuan really makes this movie, it won't be a hit regardless of whether he makes a localized adaptation or not.

But "The Night the Comet Came" is different. This movie tells a fantasy story about "the unexpected interweaving of parallel time and space". It is very suspenseful and interesting!

People from any country and any cultural background can understand this movie as long as they watch it carefully. There is no need to accept the conflict between cultures and values.

The only pity is that this film is a pure newcomer's work, more like an experimental work.

The hand-held camera was shaky and random throughout the filming, and the composition of the picture was not rigorous. The effect was more like a long volg, which reduced the commercial atmosphere of the film to zero.

Moreover, the first ten minutes of the movie are too scattered and boring. Although there is a lot of foreshadowing in the chat in the first ten minutes, it is really difficult for the audience to survive these ten minutes. When the comet passes by later, parallel time and space begin to intersect.

If it wants to be more commercially valuable, Wu Yuan must slim down the film and adjust the shooting techniques.

This is a high-end game!

Fortunately, Wu Yuan felt that he could do it.

I have been working in the industry for 20 years in my dream. I have watched Wu Yuan in countless domestic and international movies, and I think I can still master the storyboard composition of such a single scene.

Moreover, the shooting techniques of film cameras and digital DV are really very different. Directors from an academic background will really have a sense of high-end when playing with the camera.

As for the localization changes and the loose plot in the first ten minutes of the script, it is not very troublesome to change it.

Because the original film was a film without a script, the director just told the actors the identity of the actors, their relationship and some basic settings, and then let the actors play their own roles.

Therefore, in terms of lines, except for some key lines that must be spoken, many other lines are improvised by the actors, which results in many lines that are too lengthy.

What Wu Yuan has to do is to streamline his lines and refine and streamline a large number of lines with too long word structures.

Without changing the core plot, make the actors' lines more concise and clear, directly pointing to the story, and then add more suspense and conflict points to reduce the boringness of the movie and increase the tension and excitement.

After such modifications, it is not certain that the film will become a dark horse at the box office, but Wu Yuan believes that the finished film should be able to sell for a generous sum of copyright fees and adaptation fees.

Yes, Wu Yuan never thought that this movie would make a lot of money at the domestic box office.

He made this movie for the three major fantasy film festivals in the world!

Are you kidding me?

Is there a market for mainland movies in 2000?

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" only had a box office of 15 million!

Why do the fifth and sixth generation directors in China love to take their films to various film festivals in Europe every year?

Is it really all about realizing your own artistic ambitions?


That's because the opening of major European film festivals is also a grand film trade fair, where film buyers from all over the world gather together!

Everyone is rushing to sell movies!

Foreigners pay for movies in US dollars!

If a film studio sells for tens of thousands of dollars, it will recoup its costs if it sells to just three or five houses. If it sells to a dozen or so houses, it will be a huge profit!

And the money doesn’t need to be shared with the theaters, the producers make a pure profit!

As for the domestic box office, it will be the icing on the cake!

It is absolutely impossible to make a movie these days without selling the copyright and relying solely on the mainland market!

Of course, Wu Yuan has no intention of giving up on the mainland box office market.

After spending ten days revising the script of "The Night the Comet Came", Wu Yuan finally went out and returned to school with the script and met the director of the directing department.

Nowadays, if a movie wants to pass censorship and be released in China, it must be under the name of a state-owned studio.

At this time, being a student of Wu Yuan Film Academy will be of great use!

A little guess.

Why did the sixth-generation directors, during the ten-year film winter of 1994-04, always like to make underground films that were not censored by the General Administration?

Isn't it because they don't care about the domestic box office results? It doesn't matter whether it is released in the country or not.

As long as the film can be sold in Europe, it doesn't matter if the General Administration thinks the content is not good, as long as Europeans like to watch it!

After another ten years, when the domestic box office market picks up, will these sixth-generation directors still be able to make films that can’t be censored?

Aren’t they all trying to figure out how to make movies that can pass censorship?

Because at that time, the few dollars earned from selling films in Europe could not even compare to a fraction of the mainland film market!

Everyone has to grab a piece of the cake in the domestic market.

Ahem, this is just a one-sided view. Bo Jun just smiled. The truth is definitely not that simple.

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