Millennium director

Chapter 13 The school beauty of China National Film Academy VS the beauty of Beijing Film Academy!

Acting is a chosen profession.

This sentence couldn't be more true now in 2000.

Because the film and television industry has just developed, and the industry has not even reached the stage of wild growth. There are few projects and few jobs.

So today's actors usually spend most of their time waiting for a phone call - "Hey, I have a script to shoot here, do you want to come?"

As for the rest of the time, apart from waiting, I just do my main job and act in dramas!

So for Wu Yuan, finding actors is not a difficult task.

Just relying on his connections in film schools and drama schools, he could easily get eight starring roles.

The first one to get it done was Chen Kun.

He has just graduated from his senior year this year and has finished filming "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind". He has no acting appointments for the next more than a year.

Well, his son was born the next year.

As for one of the top ten unsolved mysteries in the entertainment industry, "Who is the mother of Chen Kun's son?", Wu Yuan knows about 70% to 80%.

Chen Kun is in love, and the woman is an outsider, so the relationship is very stable at the moment.

Although he has never met this strange woman who conquered Chen Kun, he heard that Chen Kun said that he is in love now, and that is how 80% of children are born.

But you have to take on work if you have one. "The Night the Comet Came" was fully planned and could be filmed in just seven nights!

Wu Yuan just briefly described the outline of the movie's plot over the phone, and Chen Kun took over the role of the leading actor without hesitation.

"No problem, I took the role. I still have seven days to work on it."

"Yuan'er, how about the news about the heroine's appointment? Let me tell you, her acting is amazing, and all the directors she has worked with are full of praise for her!"

Of course Zhou Xun and Wu Yuan want to invite him!

However, he still smiled and said: "Hello, Brother Xun is not suitable for the heroine, but I will definitely hire her. The second female lead is just for her.

In the script, the heroine is a dancer, and the entire movie unfolds from the heroine's perspective.

Zhou Xun's drama is indeed good, but it doesn't match the heroine's character very well.

To be honest, I am too short and not as slim as a dancer.

On the other hand, the second female lead is suitable for Zhou Xun. Even when Wu Yuan was writing the script, he consciously made the second female lead's character more quirky.

"Hey, Brother Kun, can you help me contact Brother Honglei? I want to ask him to play the second male lead!"

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yuan asked Chen Kun to help him contact Hong Lei, who had filmed with him on the crew of "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind".

Sun Honglei's current main job is also acting in dramas. He was born in the Chinese Opera Musical Theater Class, and his acting skills are really good, and he is also cheap.

Although he acted in Zhang Yimou's "My Father and Mother", this movie only won one international award!

After filming "My Father and Mother", she immediately received "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which went straight to the Oscar and won two gold medals for Best Actress.

Brother Honglei, however, has made nothing. He has come back to continue acting in the play "The Thirty-Cent Opera". Now he has no film offers coming his way and is currently unemployed.

"No problem, I have Brother Honglei's contact information and I will help you make an appointment with him later." Chen Kun agreed readily.

"By the way, there is also your classmate Brother Zu Feng, please call him too, and don't forget to inform Brother Xun at the end!" Wu Yuan said again.

Class 96 of the Acting Department of the Film Academy is considered a star class. In addition to Chen Kun, there are also two well-known actors, Huang Xiaoming and Zu Feng.

In fact, Huang Xiaoming is also very good. The current Huang Xiaoming is not greasy and is a full-fledged little fresh meat.

But just because he is too fresh, he was born in 1977, and is younger than Chen Kun, he is not suitable for this movie.

In comparison, Zu Feng, who was born in 1974 and has grown a little bit older, is more suitable.

Chen Kun is also happy to help his classmates. Class 96 has graduated this year and they are all worried about finding jobs. It is a good thing to have a movie to shoot.

Even if the film is directed by a newbie in school, it is much better than not being able to make it at all.

These graduates really have no qualifications to be picky.

"Okay, I'll take care of it all." Chen Kun readily agreed.

"Okay, tomorrow night at seven o'clock, you bring them to Fengze Garden. We will have a meal together and sign a contract. I will also give you the script."

After giving Chen Kun a final instruction, Wu Yuan hung up the phone with satisfaction.

The male lead, the second male lead, the second female lead, and the third male lead were all settled in one phone call.

Without putting down his phone, Wu Yuan immediately dialed another number.


After three rings, a gentle and pleasant voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Xiaoyuan?"

"Sister Zeng Li!" Wu Yuan responded with a smile and asked: "Sister, do you have time? I have a book here and I want you to play the heroine. Let's find a place to meet in the afternoon and have a chat."

"Bring Sister Hailu with you too!"

Yes, the heroine Wu Yuan prepared for "The Night the Comet Came" is the famous "Beauty once in 200 years in Chinese dramas - Zeng Li!"

This is Da Qingyi!

But now she is also acting in a drama in a cultural troupe, and she has not even made her debut in the film and television industry.

As for why Wu Yuan knew Zeng Li?

Are you kidding me?

Among the students from the 1996 to 1998 batches of the Film School and Drama School, everyone knows Zeng Li!

Although Class 96 of China National Drama Theater is a star class, this big star of the International Chapter was born when he was still in school.

But International Chapter is not the class beauty of Class 96 of China National Theater Academy, let alone the school beauty!

As for Zeng Li, when she appeared in school, all the boys in the school couldn't walk when they saw her!

She is the well-deserved campus beauty of China National Theater in the past few years!

Actress Yuan Quan, who was once in the same class, admitted that she had low self-esteem when she was in college, not because of anything else, but because Zeng Li, who was in the same class, was so beautiful that her light overshadowed everyone else.

So much so that her fame spread to the film academy.

Students from the film school organized a group and went to the Central Theater to see this beauty.

Of course, Wu Yuan was not exempt from the vulgarity. He came to China Opera with Chen Kun, Huang Xiaoming and others to join in the fun.

Moreover, relying on his young age and thick skin, he called her "sister", and he actually got to know Zeng Li and got along well with Zeng Li, and he also got along well with Qin Hailu.

Wu Yuan is 6 years younger than them!

Being young is a good thing at this time, at least these big sisters will not be so defensive!

Due to this relationship, even though she had already been admitted to the art troupe and had a stable job, Zeng Li still agreed to Wu Yuan's invitation and asked him to have an interview at a cafe outside the Chinese Theater.

By the way, take Qin Hailu with you.

Qin Hailu is also acting in plays now. She was admitted to the Experimental Drama Theater, which is also a national-level art troupe.

If you want to ask these two to star in your movie, it won't be decided in two or three sentences on the phone. Wu Yuan has to rely on the script to impress them.

After making this call, Wu Yuan's cell phone was already a little hot.

But he didn't stop there and made the third call again.

Zeng Li is the heroine prepared by Wu Yuan for "The Night the Comet Came". If everything goes well, she will play the boyfriend and girlfriend with Chen Kun.

In the script, there is another character who is the ex-girlfriend of the male protagonist.

Moreover, Zeng Li, the current girlfriend, has always been concerned and suspicious that her boyfriend is still having an affair with his ex-girlfriend!

In this case, Wu Yuan must find an actress who can't be inferior to Zeng Li in appearance and temperament to play this role!

Otherwise, how could the audience believe that Chen Kun, the male protagonist, would continue to be entangled with his ex-girlfriend despite Zeng Li, who is 1.7 meters tall and has great beauty?

Would a woman as beautiful as Zeng Li not have the confidence to suspect a woman whose looks and temperament were inferior to hers?


The phone was picked up again, and the same sweet and pleasant voice rang on the other end.


"Sister Danchen, please help me! I have a role that belongs to you. Only you can play it well!"

Yes, the "love rival" Wu Yuan found for Zeng Li is the school beauty of the Film Academy and the future Fairy Chang'e - Yan Danchen!

The school beauty of China National Film Academy VS the school beauty of Beijing Film Academy!

This is interesting!

Chen Kun, you are so lucky!

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