Millennium director

Chapter 52 This is the undertaker

Outside the Beijing Funeral Home, a bus stopped at the door.

"Director Wu, is this here?" Zhang Guorong pointed at the white-painted funeral parlor and asked curiously.

"This is it, everyone, get out of the car."

After clapping his hands, Wu Yuan got off the bus with the main actors of "The Embalmer".

This is their first stop to experience life.

Outside the funeral home, someone was already waiting for them.

"Hello, Director Wu, welcome to learn about our funeral industry."

The director of the funeral home smiled like a chrysanthemum in bloom.

It's so pitiful that even though the art of film has been around for so many years, there has never been a film that focused on the "funeral" industry.

Now there is actually a movie that is going to film the work and life of an undertaker, and reveal to the audience the importance of the profession of an undertaker, as well as the sadness and difficulty behind it.

After receiving the news, the curator immediately patted his chest and promised that the crew of "The Embalmer" would definitely be treated like home!

Well, it seems a little inappropriate to say this, but my thoughts are in place.

"Come on, please come inside."

"Several masters from our hall are waiting for you."

Although it was said that they were experiencing the profession of an embalmer, Zhang Guorong and the others were not allowed to actually follow the embalmers to do the work of embalming the remains.

Every deceased must be respected. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

Except for the general anatomy teacher in the medical school, who dedicated his body to the cause of medicine, no other deceased person should be the object of visit.

Not even if it’s for a movie!

Therefore, the crew of "The Embalmer" cannot really witness the specific working methods of the embalmers while they are working.

They can only simulate the career of an embalmer through the dictation of master craftsmen and using some practice prostheses.

Of course, with the permission of the family members, several main actors can participate in the funeral ceremony after the burial as guests.

Under the leadership of the curator, Wu Yuan, Zhang Guorong, Chen Hong, Li Xuejian, Wu Yanshu, Sun Li and other creatives quickly arrived at a family lounge in the funeral home.

Three neatly dressed undertakers were already waiting for everyone inside.

All three are men, two look to be in their forties or fifties, and one is relatively young, only in his twenties or thirties.

"These three are the embalmers of our funeral home. The two elders, Master Gan Jianxiang and Master Gao Yan, have been embalmers in our funeral home for 20 years. They are very professional."

"That young man's name is Ji Jun, and he is the apprentice of Master Gao Yan."

In fact, except for the special nature of the job itself, people who work as undertakers are no different from ordinary people in other respects.

Perhaps it was the first time they met a big star, so the three embalmers all had a bit of nervousness on their faces, and they stood there at a loss not knowing what action to take.

Seeing this, Wu Yuan took the initiative to step forward and shook hands with them one by one.

When they extended their hands, the three of them were obviously hesitant. It seemed that they rarely shook hands with others and were not used to this kind of "intimate" contact.

"Hello, three masters. I am the director of the film "The Embalmer". My name is Wu Yuan."

"The reason I came to our Beijing Funeral Home this time is to understand with the three masters what the real life and work conditions of an embalmer are like."

Perhaps because their circle of friends is relatively narrow, the three masters are all relatively taciturn.

After they looked at each other for a few times, Gan Jianxiang, the eldest, replied with a stumble: "Actually, we are just ordinary people, we just do jobs that many people can't accept."

"Usually, although the deceased has seen a lot, he can't see through life and death without saying it. Instead, he has seen a lot of warmth and warmth."

"I don't know what you want to know, director."

"As long as we know something, you can ask and we will answer."

"Okay, let's sit down and chat first." Wu Yuan nodded with a smile and asked everyone to sit down together.

In fact, he also needs to learn about the specific conditions of this industry from the mouths of these real embalmers, and what kind of life they usually face and come into contact with, so that he can better improve the details of the script.

As soon as he sat down, Zhang Guorong, who had been looking at the three of them curiously, looked at the youngest undertaker and asked softly: "Aren't you afraid of doing this?"

Facing the big star's question, Ji Jun was very shy and nervous. He scratched his head and said, "I will definitely be scared at first. After all, I face the deceased every day."

"I was very scared when I encountered the body for the first time. Everything felt cold. I felt very nervous and wanted to end it quickly."

"I didn't expect that one body after another followed. I suddenly realized that so many people died every day. I didn't sleep that night. When I closed my eyes, the image of the corpses was in my mind."

"But after working for a long time, I became less afraid. It's not that I became bolder, but after working for a long time, I actually understood in my heart that there is nothing to be afraid of."

"On the contrary, it is a gratifying thing to think that in the last stage of the deceased's life, it was me who dressed and organized them so that they could leave this world with dignity and dignity."

"In my opinion, although they are dead, they were once living lives. It's just that we are helping them complete their final journey in life, and we must give them their final dignity."

"I think even if there are ghosts in this world, they will not harm us, they will only thank us, right?"

Zhang Guorong stared blankly at Ji Jun, at the encoffiner who should be "avoidable" in the eyes of most ordinary people, and at the sincere and gratified smile he showed when he mentioned his work. For a moment, he I don't even know what to say.

Thousands of words were choked in his throat, but in the end they just turned into a sigh.

Wu Yuan, who had also listened silently, turned to look at Gan Jianxiang: "Master Gan, how do you usually work in this line of work?"

"How does it work?" Gan Jianxiang frowned, thought about it and said dryly: "Actually, the process is not complicated."

"The body is first taken out, bowed to the body, then repaired, bathed, wiped, and the nails of the hands and feet trimmed, and then dressed and put on makeup."

"Sometimes we also give them massages to relax their stiff bodies and make dressing easier."

"Specifically regarding gender, if she is a male, she needs to get a haircut and shave her beard; if she is a female, she needs to put on foundation, blush, and lipstick."

"After everything is finally sorted out, the body is placed in the coffin and the family can conduct a farewell ceremony."

"Of course, it sounds relatively simple, but every step is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Not only do you need to master these professional skills, but you also need to be able to withstand the pressure of a heavy workload."

Compared to the initial hesitation, Gan Jianxiang immediately started talking about his career.

Looking at his simple but bright eyes, Wu Yuan sighed deeply in his heart.

Because people are taboo about death, most ordinary people have a deep prejudice against embalmers, fearing to avoid them or even speak harshly to them.

But they never complained, but took the initiative to isolate their lives from the outside world.

They actively refuse invitations to various birthday banquets, wedding banquets, weddings, and birthdays. They are used to not shaking hands with others and hiding their hands.

Even greetings such as "goodbye" and "see you next time" are not easily uttered for fear of being misunderstood.

In order to make the last journey of the deceased's life beautiful and dignified, they chose to sacrifice themselves to fulfill the deceased's needs.

They are silent and silent on weekdays, as if they have disappeared into society and out of sight of most people.

But they have been silently giving dignity to death and health to the deceased.

This is the undertaker.

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