Millennium director

Chapter 59 Cannes or Berlin

The crew of "The Embalmer" was disbanded in Anshan, so Wu Yuan naturally took a large amount of the filmed footage back to the China Film Group in Beijing for post-editing and soundtrack work.

Teacher Xu Jingqing is very capable. In three months, he created seven or eight soundtracks based on the script. They are all pure music, mainly based on traditional Chinese musical instruments, with piano and some strings added.

Wu Yuan will next discuss the integration of the soundtrack with teacher Xu Jingqing while editing.

The other actors in the crew, except for Zhang Guorong, also went back to do their own things.

Zhang Guorong did not return to Hong Kong Island, but followed Wu Yuan back to the capital.

His work on "The Embalmer" has been temporarily completed, and his "Stealing Heart" project will also enter the formal preparation stage.

Because this movie will be shot in mainland China, and the main actors are mainly mainland actors, the investment in the entire film is not large. It can be done for only five million, and with this money, China Film and its family can cover the entire film.

Director Han still hopes that Zhang Guorong can successfully transform into a director. It is best to transform into a "mainland director". This is very important.

The script of "Stealing Heart" is actually very literary and artistic, with a strong literary atmosphere. It mainly tells a love story in a mainland city in the 1940s.

The heroine is a lady, and a young pianist moved upstairs to her house. He plays the piano so skillfully that his words and demeanor attract her in every way.

She tried to get close to him and even had sex with him, but then he disappeared again.

In desperation, the heroine let her mother take the decision and married her cousin who was good to her.

But then the man came back. In fact, he lied to her from beginning to end. The man couldn't even play the piano, he just played records. But she still loves him

A hopeless love, a woman married to her cousin was passionately in love with a pianist, and was entangled in passion for eight years. At the same time, she also experienced the changes of the great era, and was swaying under the fate of the times.

When Wu Yuan saw the script for the first time, he felt a strong atmosphere of "The King of Sunglasses".

It is obvious that Zhang Guorong's directorial style and creative ideas are deeply influenced by the King of Sunglasses.

Wu Yuan didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but after watching the public welfare short film directed by Zhang Guorong before, he felt that Zhang Guorong should be able to make this movie well.

As for whether the movie will be a hit or not and whether it will win awards, that is not his decision.

In fact, it is quite advantageous to make this kind of movie during this period.

"Balzac and the Little Seamstress" from the same period is also a romance film. It is also an entanglement between two men and a woman. It is also a love story in a special era.

This movie can even be nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film!

Not to mention it is as deep as "Balzac and the Little Seamstress".

As long as Zhang Guorong can film "Stealing Heart" according to the script, it will definitely be qualified as the first work of a transitioning director.

While Wu Yuan was busy doing the post-editing of "The Embalmer", Zhang Guorong, with the help of China Film staff, traveled to Beijing, Shanghai, Ludao, Jiaozhou and other places to view the scenes.

The cast and crew of the show are also being recruited and selected intensively.

All this was carried out under high confidentiality. In addition to the staff of China Film Group, only Tang Hede was accompanying him.

One month later, on January 3, 2002, Wu Yuan completed the post-editing of "The Embalmer".

The crew of Zhang Guorong's "Stealing Hearts" is basically in place, but the actors and filming locations have not yet been decided.

After visiting the first-tier cities across the country, Zhang Guorong returned to the capital again and met with Wu Yuan, who was watching the finished film at China Film Group Corporation, and asked him for his opinions. ơɱ

"I want to choose Ning Jing as the heroine. I think she looks good and is good at acting!"

"As for the male lead, I hope Chen Daoming will play the role. The Gu Weijun he played in "My 1919" is very temperamental and can play a piano artist."

"I want to cast Hu Jun to play a successful businessman. I watched "Lan Yu" in Hong Kong Island. Hu Jun played the role very well. He is a good actor!"

"The heroine's strict mother, I think it's very suitable for Fat Sister to play the role!"

Zhang Guorong sat opposite Wu Yuan, dancing and talking, with a look of joy and excitement on his face. The feeling that his dream was finally coming true really made him intoxicated.

Wu Yuan looked at him with a smile, and without saying anything disappointing, he echoed, "I think it's pretty good, but can you invite Ning Jing and Chen Daoming over?"

"Director Han said that he could help me make connections. You mainland actors are all selling Director Han's face." Zhang Guorong said happily.

"That's no problem." Wu Yuan picked up the teacup and took a sip, looking at Zhang Guorong with an inexplicable expression.

"Zhang Sheng, I heard some news recently."

"Next year, that is, in 2003, restrictions in the mainland should be relaxed, and private capital from non-film industries can invest in the film industry."

"In other words, private companies in the mainland can also produce."

"This news was revealed to me by Director Han in the past few days. He said that in the past year or two, the top management has been considering opening up the film industry to private capital and gradually liberalizing it."

“In 2000, China Film, Shanghai Film and Television were established, and in 2001, private capital was opened to enter the cinema market.”

"The production field will also be liberalized next."

Wu Yuan crossed his hands on his knees and looked at Zhang Guorong with bright and clear eyes: "I plan to set up a film production company in the mainland."

"Zhang Sheng, are you interested in joining?"

"The Hong Kong film market is shrinking every year, and class has long been solidified. How long has it been since there were no new outstanding production companies and outstanding new directors?"

"Hong Kong Island's film industry seems to be flourishing, but in fact it is already a stagnant water, and it will only continue to decline from now on."

"The future of Chinese-language films is on the mainland, not on Hong Kong Island, and certainly not on Treasure Island. There is no doubt about this."

"If you want to get ahead as a director, you'd better come to the mainland."

"The future of Chinese-language films is in the Mainland."

"Maybe in the past 30 years, the foundation of Chinese-language films was in Hong Kong Island, but in the next 30, 50, or even 100 years, the foundation of Chinese-language films will only be in the mainland."

"Hong Kong and Taiwan, which is a small country with few people, no longer have the soil to develop the film industry."

Zhang Guorong fell into silence as soon as Wu Yuan opened his mouth.

As a Hong Konger, when Wu Yuan heard that he was so optimistic about the decline of the Hong Kong film market, he certainly had some bad emotions in his heart.

But I have to admit that Wu Yuan is indeed right.

If the mainland's film market is fully liberalized, with the mainland's huge population, even if only 20 to 30 million out of a billion people are willing to go to cinemas to watch movies, it will be easy for the market to surpass Hong Kong Island.

Not to mention that as the reform becomes smoother and smoother, the mainland's economy is getting better and better.

Five or ten years from now, how many people in the mainland will be willing to go to cinemas to watch movies?

Zhang Guorong didn't dare to think about this issue in detail.

In fact, even if Wu Yuan does not challenge this issue, in another three to five years, the film capital of Hong Kong Island will realize that the future of Chinese-language films will be in the mainland, and then move northward on a large scale.

Now Wu Yuan has spoken out in advance, which means giving Zhang Guorong more time to think about it. Anyway, the opening up of the production industry will be next year.

Wu Yuan personally is very optimistic about Zhang Guorong's transformation into a director. He has the talent to be a director. It cannot be said that he is extremely talented, but he can definitely be a qualified director.

And Wu Yuan can't make movies by himself all his life. He always has to train some new directors to help him.

On the one hand, it is to expand one's film territory and influence in the industry, and on the other hand, it is to make money for oneself.

Two cups of tea were slowly steaming on the table. Neither of the two people sitting across from each other spoke. Zhang Guorong was deep in thought, and Wu Yuan was waiting for him to think.

Until, a staff member from China Film Group opened the door and walked in.

"Director Wu, Director Han would like you to go to his office."

"Okay, I'll come right away."

Responding to the staff member with a smile, Wu Yuan stood up and went to Director Han's office. Before leaving, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Guorong: "Zhang Sheng, don't feel pressured. I just want to chat with you casually."

"If you have plans to develop in the mainland in the future, it will not be too late for us to discuss it in detail."

After saying that, he left the lounge, leaving the space to Zhang Guorong.

Director Han's office was on the same floor. After sorting out his thoughts, Wu Yuan came to Director Han's office.

When Wu Yuan opened the door, he heard his voice before he saw him.

"Director Wu, I watched the finished film of "The Embalmer" and it was very good. It is the first time in China that someone has made such a film that explores the Chinese view of life and death."

“Which film festival are you going to take this film to?”

"Cannes or Berlin?"

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