Justice League Headquarters.

At this time, Allen, Bruce, Tony, Hal, Barry, Billy, Dr. Banner, Thor and other top combat forces of the Justice League all gathered here.

Even Diana and Carla were recalled from Paradise Island by Allen.

For no other reason, simply because they will face the strongest opponent ever.

At this time, the eyes of all members of the Justice League were fixed on a huge screen in the center of the hall, which was broadcasting the picture of satellite transmission.

I saw that four figures were floating at a height of 10,000 meters.

They are the four ambassadors of Star Swallowing, the Tyrant Messenger, the Flame Emperor, the Silver Shadow Man, and Stardust.

Alan’s mind quickly skimmed through the information of the four people.

The Tyrant Emissary, whose real name is Tyros, is a monarch with a violent personality, loves conquest, uses harsh torture laws and his special abilities to treat his people, and his actions attract the attention of the Planet Devourer, and he has since become one of the Star Devouring Emissaries.

He has great strength and agility, his body is covered with a soft, protective layer similar to a rock and other substances, which allows him to survive in all environments and temperatures without being affected, and he has an unimaginable ability to resist blows, just like other messengers, he can survive in space without air, water and food, and he also has the ability to manipulate rocks and dirt, and with the help of the cosmic energy given by the star swallowing, this ability is at least 100 times higher.

The weapon he uses is a cosmic tomahawk, which can radiate devastating impact energy and can also create a shield that is difficult to destroy, with which his all-out blow is enough to split an ordinary planet in half.

The Flame Emperor, whose real name is Pyreus Kri1, one of the star-swallowing messengers, he can master the cosmic energy in his body, his energy is mainly manifested in flames, which makes him equivalent to a small sun, like a star, he can emit his energy in many forms, such as gravity, light, heat, radio waves and charged particles, he has power beyond ordinary people, unimaginable endurance, as a star-swallowing messenger, he can also survive in space indefinitely, without any water, Food or air.

His weapon is a five-foot long one. Can release his flame shockwave through the stick, as soon as he touches the stick, the ends of the stick can ignite the unquenchable cosmic fire.

Silver Shadow Man, formerly known as Norin Ryder, was originally a young astronomer on a planet, in order to save his planet from being swallowed by planetary devourers, and voluntarily became a subordinate of the Planet Eater forever, the cosmic energy given to him by the Star Swallowing gave him unimaginable strength, defense and eternal life, as long as he is connected to the surfboard, he can have almost endless cosmic energy.

And his main task is to discover energy abundance

Stardust, as the most loyal subordinate of the Planet Devourer, is also the strongest existence of the Star Devouring Messenger, his body is completely composed of cosmic particles and energy, which makes him difficult to destroy, even if he is swept into a star explosion, he can still survive, he can radiate devastating impact energy from his eyes and hands.

Even though Eren was still extremely far away from the four people, he could clearly sense the powerful aura on the four people.

Eren couldn’t help but look at everyone, his face was extremely solemn; “I believe that everyone should also feel that this time the opponent is far better than any previous opponent in terms of strength, so we must do our best from the beginning and cannot have any reservations, because our victory or defeat will be related to the survival of the earth~.”

When everyone heard this, they all nodded solemnly.

At that moment, Eren didn’t say more, closed his eyes slightly, activated the power of the space gem, and everyone instantly appeared in front of the four ambassadors of Star Swallowing.

One side is the invader, the other is the guardian, and there is no need for the two sides to say more.

Eren once again unleashed the power of the Space Gem, transferring everyone to an uninhabited planet on the edge of the galaxy.

This level of battle naturally must not break out on the earth, otherwise, there is no need for the other party to destroy the earth, and the battle between them is enough to destroy the earth countless times.

The four star-swallowing messengers had also sensed that there were some exceptionally powerful life forms on Earth before they came to Earth, so they were not too surprised to be transferred (money) to other planets by Eren at this moment.

Alan, the voice said without the slightest emotion.

“However, in the face of the master, your resistance will be meaningless, and your so-called strength is not worth mentioning in front of the master.”

“Why say more, if you want to devour the earth, defeat us first!” Eren didn’t have any nonsense, his eyes flashed red, and the heat vision of the Star Destroyer level instantly burst out, slamming into the four Star Devouring Emissaries!


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