Watching GEO being dropped by the cannibal demon in seconds, everyone’s eyes were dumbfounded.

GEO’s technology is very powerful, so easy to hang?

Everyone didn’t react for a while.

Dream, in particular, felt very guilty in his heart.

Just now, he proposed to Xu Yuan that he didn’t need the other party to make a move.

But what about the cannibal monsters?

Before he could knock out the monster’s HP, his teammate was dropped by one in seconds.

Looking at the depressed people, Xu Yuan said:

“Everyone doesn’t know about the special abilities of cannibals, and it’s normal to make mistakes. ”

“That’s why I thought about controlling the dinosaur ants to fight, and with the dinosaur ants to resist damage, basically the monsters have any special abilities, and they are all used on them.” ”

Xu Yuan is telling the truth, Dream, their technology is already very good.

If you change to other union members, in the face of these monsters with perverted strength, you will be destroyed if you are not careful.

At this time, GEO was also resurrected.

Because they are cannibals they encounter in the wild, not in copies, there are no restrictions.

As soon as GEO was resurrected, he immediately rushed here and sent a message to Xu Yuan:

“Boss, I’m sorry, I just made a mistake. ”

“It’s okay, come over quickly, I’m ready to fight monsters with dinosaurs.” ”

Xu Yuan naturally didn’t blame him, facing the special skill of the cannibal demon, he knew that no player could dodge it.

“I’ll be right over!”

Cutting off contact with GEO, Xu Yuan began to control the dinosaur sergeant to fight.

Dream, on the other hand, immediately distanced himself from the cannibal to prevent attracting the hatred of the cannibal.

As soon as the sergeant entered the ogre’s side, he instantly attacked.




Although the damage of the dire ant sergeant is average, the victory is in the number.

A group of dinosaurs attacked down, and the damage caused was similar to the damage of several Dream people combined.

If it weren’t for the fact that many dinosaur ants were too far away to join the battle at all, the cannibal demon would have lost blood faster!

“Everyone take out their bows and arrows for long-range attacks!”

Xu Yuan said, and took out the three-shot bow.

The three-shot bow can fire three arrows at a time, which is quite powerful among the ranged weapons he has.

Dream also quickly took out their respective bows and arrows.

Although their bows and arrows are not as good as Xu Yuan’s, their attack power is still considerable.

Xu Yuan pulled the bowstring, and then shot the arrow.

Three arrows hit the ogre and instantly knocked out 30 of its blood!

Seeing this injury, Xu Yuan was a little dissatisfied in his heart.

The damage from his three-shot bow, combined with the accompanying fire effect, is supposed to hit 80 damage.

But now it only hits less than half of the damage, and it seems that the armor of the man-eating demon is very high!

Seeing this, others also took up bows and arrows to attack.

In this way, plus the damage caused by the dinosaur ants, a total of almost 100 damage was caused to the cannibal demon in one round.

Dream, BAD, and SPA were envious when they saw the damage Xu Yuan played.

The damage that the boss plays alone is almost the same as that of three people.

Seeing their envious eyes, Xu Yuan said with a smile:

“If you want a three-shot bow, I’ll let you brush the copy of the Twilight Forest another day.” ”

When Dream and the others thought of the final boss of the Twilight Forest, their eyes were full of fear.

They don’t want to be abused by the boss like the people of the big orange team!

Xu Yuan and their side said and laughed again, occasionally shooting arrows to attack, it was not easy.

The cannibal demon is constantly wielding a giant axe to hack and kill the dinosaur ants.

The Dire Ant Sergeant’s HP is enough to have 500, even with the attack power of the Man-eating Monster Giant Axe, it needs to be cut 5 times to kill.

Coupled with the 4-second cooldown of the Man-eating Axe, it can kill a dinosaur ant in almost 20 seconds.

Although it looks like the speed is still quite fast, Xu Yuan and they fight monsters faster.

When the cannibal demon killed the first dire ant, Xu Yuan and several people had already attacked it for 5 rounds.

A full 1500 HP, in less than half a minute, a third was knocked out!

If it weren’t for the cannibal monsters’ use of special abilities from time to time, causing them to lose their short-lived mobility, the damage caused would be even higher.

In this regard, the three of Dream said that the dinosaur ant is too easy to use!

Originally, the dinosaur ant was already a creature with a thick blood volume, and the number controlled by Xu Yuan was still more.

With comprehensive strength, the combat power of a group of dinosaur ants is definitely much stronger than other individual monsters!

The special ability of the ogre, if it is facing ordinary players, it is a special move.

With an axe, you can almost kill a player in seconds, and with the shock skill, it is simply seamless to work with.

But it met the dinosaurs, as if it had met a nemesis.

With an axe down, the fear ant only lost one-fifth of its blood.

A few more times, the dinosaur ants can fully hold it.

Even if the cannibal demon spends a long time killing a dinosaur ant, and then a new top comes, there is no panic at all.

This kind of monster-fighting operation made Dream on the side look straight in the eyes.

They now have to admit that fighting monsters with dinosaur ants is really much more efficient than them!

At this time, the resurrected GEO also rushed over.

After he picked up his equipment, he also joined the ranks of monster fighters.

The blood of the cannibal demon fell faster and faster, more and more.

Seeing the cannibal demon who was easily defeated with most of his blood, Xu Yuan didn’t even feel real.

Although it has never been difficult for him to take the first kill, it is also too easy!

He always had a feeling of being unreal, and so did the Dream people.

However, they didn’t have time to think about it, because the monster’s HP soon reached one-tenth.

The cannibal has begun to go berserk!

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