This sentence was said by the previous questioning Moe Xin, and his tone of voice was full of worry.

When other players heard his statement, they all thought about the seriousness of the problem.

Although Steve is very strong, now the death worm has escaped!

What does this say?

It shows that the escaped death worm is no longer under Xu Yuan’s control!

So everyone is panicking.

Everyone knows that the Death Worm is a monster that likes to devour other creatures, including players.

Encounter powerful monsters in the European continent, players can’t defeat them.

What’s more, this death worm has the strength to compete with dragons?

For a while, fear spread to everyone, and everyone’s conversation turned to worry about encountering the death worm next.

Seeing this scene, that Mengxin said to the man beside him:

“President, I did what you said, can I join the union now?”



“Of course, welcome to join!” said ACE with a smile.

“Thank you, President!” said Moe Xin gratefully.

This moe new is indeed really cute new, but as soon as it entered the game, it was pulled over by ACE.

The reason why ACE wooed him was actually for a purpose.


The general union recruits some master players, and then strengthens the union by fighting monsters.

But the app is different, and the main direction of their union is to tame monsters to fight for themselves.

When Xu Yuan tamed the death worm, the news was learned by ACE.

After getting the news, he was excited.

So with the elite in the union, he began to try to tame the death worm.

Due to inexperience, ACE tried various methods, and finally discovered that the long tongue of the death worm can be used to tame the death worm.

But the problem with this is that the tamed death worm simply does not attack its owner.

Will not obey the master!

That is, he cannot really tame the death worm.

This made ACE feel a big loss, fortunately wasting financial and material resources to feed the dead worms.

As a result, in the end, the bamboo basket was empty, which made ACE very unwilling.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he blamed all the faults on Xu Yuan.

If it weren’t for Xu Yuan’s desire to domesticate the death worm, how could he do his best to follow the trend?

Just at this time, news came: Steve’s death worm ran away!

This gave him the idea of revenge.

After sending Mengxin away, he called the vice president MVP.

“I want you to find someone to spread some topics that are not conducive to the Cube Guild. ”

“Okay President, I’ll do it right away!”

The MVP acted very quickly, and immediately arranged for the union to do it.

Then, there were a lot of messages on the world channel against Xu Yuan and the Cube Guild.

“You say, what can we do when we encounter a death worm, will it be eaten as food?”

“Yes, the death worm is Steve’s pet, and he doesn’t know us, if he encounters it, everyone will be in danger.” ”

“I hope Steve will give an explanation, and I hope the cube man will give an explanation!”

Seeing these remarks, some unions also instigated.

Many trade unions have been red-eyed square people for a long time, and now they have the opportunity to fall into the well.

“You say, this escape of the death worm was intentional?”

“I think it’s possible, after all, everyone doesn’t understand the specific operation of pets, will the tamed pet still run away?”

These words are more sophisticated, making players feel particularly uncomfortable looking at them.

“As a passerby player, I still believe in Steve Guy. ”

“That’s right, the previous dire ant revenge was solved by Steve’s boss, how could it be possible to deliberately release the death worm?”

“Some people are conspiracy theories, obviously some have not happened, start to accuse Steve of the big guy, what qualifications do you have?”

“That is, anyway, I believe in Steve’s character more than you guys!”

Most of the players who saw the full server did not believe their words, and the union members who had dirty intentions stopped talking.

They know that they won’t believe what they say.

No way, who called Xu Yuan is already a very famous person?

Almost every day, players can see Xu Yuan’s full server broadcast.

I have long been accustomed to the existence of Steve Boss.

So everyone feels that the loss of the death worm is just an accident.

“Let’s go help Steve find the death worm together!” one player suggested.

“That’s right, there are many people and great power, so many of us go to find it, we will definitely find the death worm soon!”

“Yes, as soon as you find the death worm, tell Steve as soon as you find it, and there will be no problem. ”

Players agreed to the offer to help, and one by one they became active.

For them, being able to help Xu Yuan is also a very meaningful thing.

Just as players across the continent were looking for the Death Worm, a system play appeared:

[Congratulations to player Steve for winning the first kill of the eagle!]

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