However, although the other guilds all got dragon eggs, they did not hatch.

“Oh, it actually failed!” one said in surprise.

“Yes, I thought I would be able to hatch successfully this time, who knows that it did fail.” Someone said.

You must know that the dragon egg is very useful, if it is hatched, the strength of their guild will definitely grow.

And the dragon egg is also particularly cherished, otherwise, he would not be uncomfortable like this.

“This dragon egg is very difficult to get, and now it’s destroyed, hey, I don’t want to say anything.” ”

They need to look for dragon skeletons everywhere, in the snow, in the woods, in the ice and snow, and in the caves and cliffs of the crypts, they will continue to search for this precious and rare dragon egg.

Their guild not only gets dragon eggs, but also some dragon scale fragments to make more advanced dragon scale armor, they can also get some gold ingots and iron ingots when they go to the dragon’s den, and some special things such as dragon breath, although it takes time to get, but the hardships and hardships and time paid in them, these things are all very needed.

And if they have this time, they can be used to do other things.

And the most important point is that they get dragon eggs, but this hatchability rate is also very low.

It is possible that all the dragon eggs they have recovered cannot hatch, and this is also a very distressing point.

“But what should I do now, how should we find the dragon egg?” a guild member asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know. This matter is very difficult, this dragon egg is already very rare, basically impossible to find. Another spoke.

The guild member looked at the dragon egg and sighed.

Why is it so difficult to hatch this dragon egg?

It would be nice if it wasn’t so difficult, but what do they have to do now?

“Why don’t we see how Xu Yuan’s guild is?” one person suggested.

The other people’s eyes lit up, and they felt that this idea was very good, after all, Xu Yuan had so many dragon eggs, and they felt that there was a very high possibility of hatching that.

“Xu Yuan’s words… I think it’s possible for him,” one person said analytically, “I remember that Xu Yuan’s guild had fifteen dragon eggs, because he had too many dragon eggs, so I remember this very clearly.” ”

“Yes, that’s right, fifteen dragon eggs. One replied.

“Oh, okay, then I should not be mistaken, with so many dragon eggs, its success rate will definitely be greatly improved, even if there are fourteen dragon eggs that cannot hatch successfully, then there will always be one dragon egg that can hatch successfully.”

The man said with some uncertainty, but he felt that compared to Xu Yuan, Xu Yuan’s chances would definitely be greater.

“Well, you’re really right. We should absorb Xu Yuan’s method so that our success rate can increase it at a rapid speed. Someone responded.

After all, they have no other way now, so they can only see if Xu Yuan has any way on their side.

A group of people are watching the news of the Block Man.

But not as they imagined, Xu Yuan’s side also encountered great difficulties.

Xu Yuan’s side.

“This… What’s going on? How did it fail again?”

Xu Yuan’s eyes looked at the dragon egg without blinking, with hope in his eyes, but seeing that the dragon egg still did not hatch in the end, the light in his eyes all disappeared.

“This is already the thirteenth failure…” Xu Yuan’s voice was extremely low, just sounding like it could let people know that this person was very sad at this time. The mood is also very uncomfortable.

Yes, he does have as many as fifteen dragon eggs, but before that, twelve dragon eggs have also failed, so this is the thirteenth dragon egg, so he only has two dragon eggs to use now.

Next, he has to cherish these two dragon eggs, because if he doesn’t cherish them well, he won’t have other dragon eggs.

Although he knew that the hatching of dragon eggs was very low, he failed to hatch thirteen dragon eggs.

There won’t be only two lonely dragon eggs left now.

If Xu Yuan had his hair been lost in real life, he looked extremely frustrated when he lowered his head.

“It’s really a pity, all these dragon eggs have been wasted. But what is the way to increase the recurrence rate of monopoly, and if all fifteen dragon eggs have nothing to hatch, then it will be bad. Xu Yuan said again.

It’s a pity in my eyes.

Looking at those fragments, Xu Yuan’s heart only felt very distressed for a moment.

He shook his head, unable to accept the fact that there were only two of his cub’s feeders left.

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