The disaster relief matter was easily solved by Zhu Qianyuan.

On the dragon chair, Zhu Youxiao felt a little redundant for the first time.

However, in order to make his face look better, he looked at the wooden products behind him and said with a smile: "The more disaster relief silver, the better."

"Let's continue the charity sale just now, whoever bids the highest price will take back all the items here."

When the Manchu Dynasty civil and military heard this, they immediately understood in their hearts that this was the Son of Heaven who was going to go down the stairs.

Some of the ministers standing on the left could only break the jar and finally buy these things for a hundred thousand taels of silver.

The pilgrimage ends.

Li Qiyuan's eyes were red and he found Zhu Qianyuan to express his gratitude.

Originally, his budget for disaster relief was only 300,000 taels.

That's a pretty small number, because disaster relief isn't just about filling people's stomachs.

It is also necessary to resettle the victims, get rid of locusts, build water conservancy, and buy grain seeds for summer plowing as soon as possible.

Now that the amount of money for disaster relief is 900,000 taels, it will be much easier to do this.

Subsequently, Li Qiyuan asked: "The disaster relief money has been solved, and there is still a lot of deficit in the treasury. "

There are not a few ministers standing on the left just now.

In the end, he also spent 100,000 taels to buy the wood products of the Son of Heaven, if you want to say that there are no corrupt officials, I am afraid that the Son of Heaven will not believe it.

"What do you think?" Zhu Qianyuan asked rhetorically.

Li Qiyuan pondered for a moment: "Many ministers chose to stand on His Majesty's side just now, and these people are the most suitable to use for the knife.

Hearing this, Zhu Qianyuan shook his head: "If it is to solve the problem of the emptiness of money for a while, your advice is indeed good."

"But, the symptoms are not the root cause!"

"What I want to do is not to fill the temporary vacancy, but to eliminate the unhealthy atmosphere of the entire Ming Dynasty!"

These words confused Li Qiyuan.

He didn't know what Zhu Qianyuan was going to do.

But Li Qiyuan knew that Daming would set off a storm next.

And the leader of this storm will lead the Ming Dynasty to a new height.

He stood in place, looking at Zhu Qianyuan's distant back.

The commander is a person who takes one step and sees three steps, and it is not something he can guess.

Li Qiyuan secretly decided in his heart that he would be driven by the commander in the future and die without regrets!


The news of the court's donation of disaster relief money quickly spread among the people.

The entrance of the tea shop.

A beggar in ragged clothes with a thin yellow face scolded and scolded: "Shaanxi is in trouble!" "

Lao Tzu escaped from the disaster!"

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu escaped early, I heard that there is a locust plague over there, and people are all dead!"

The owner of the tea shop was quite interested in listening to the story, and he gave the beggar a broken bowl to the bottom of the leftover tea: "The court doesn't care about you?" "

The Imperial Court? Phew! The beggar's face was full of contempt, "The imperial court patronizes to collect taxes and make money, where does it care about the life or death of our people!"

"It's been a drought for three years, can the court not know? They didn't care! The

beggar came out of the pile of the dead, and he didn't have any scruples when he spoke: "It is said that Wei Zhongxian is a traitor, I see, this emperor is not a good thing!"

"If it weren't for the emperor's old man acting for the tiger, those traitorous ministers would be so presumptuous?"

The owner of the teahouse immediately interrupted the beggar: "Stop, you don't want to live, I still want to run this teahouse!"

At this moment, a man in Tsing Yi appeared in front of the teahouse, who seemed to be a scholar.

He spoke: "This brother, you are a little prejudiced against the imperial court.

"Of course, I don't defend the court, but there are also factions in the court, including clean officials and corrupt officials."

The beggar snorted coldly: "There are Qing officials? What do you say about Shaanxi?

"Aren't those Donglin parties known as Qing officials? They also ignore it!

"I see, those people in the court are all the same black!"

The man in Tsing Yi was not angry, but said slowly: "That was before. "

Do you know the new commander of the Jinyi Guard, Lord Zhu Qianyuan?"

The beggar and the teahouse owner both said they didn't know.

"I also heard from my friends in Jinyiwei."

"This commander made the Lord turbid and clear, and did not hesitate to offend the magnates of the court for the relief of the disaster in Shaanxi, and raised 800,000 taels of silver to send to the disaster area."

"But our Majesty only raised 100,000 taels, and he used the people's fat and ointment he scavenged, which is really the king of a country."

"Eight... 800,000 taels? The teahouse owner's eyes immediately widened.

He has run a teahouse for half his life, and his savings are only a few hundred taels, which is really hard to imagine the figure of 800,000.

The beggar will be skeptical: "Really?

"Naturally, it's true, and the court's list was posted soon."

Speaking of this, there was a hint of heat in the reader's eyes: "I also heard such a character, and I admired it, and I was about to go to the Jinyiwei recruitment office."

"If I can serve the commander, I will die without regrets."

He said this with great pride.

He also studied in order to gain fame, but the chaos in the court and the middle of the country annihilated the blood in his heart.

When he heard the recent deeds of the commander of the Jinyi Guard, he realized that his blood was not cold.

"Where is the Jinyi Guard recruitment office?"

"I'm going too!" Now that there are people in the DPRK and China who are sincere in providing disaster relief, the beggars are naturally moved as disaster victims.

The beggar hadn't read much.

But when he was fleeing from the disaster, he heard a sentence that those who hold salaries for everyone must not be frozen to death in the wind and snow!

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