Everything happened too suddenly just now, and the palace maids serving around him hadn't reacted yet.

He hesitated for a moment before replying, "Niangniang... Niangniang is naturally beautiful, naturally extremely beautiful..."

Hou Daizhu turned around slowly, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth: "Hesitating? Hearts and mouths? "

Remember your first offense... Fifty fines with the rod!

"Mother's life! Mother's life! Several palace maids pleaded repeatedly.

Not to mention the penalty of fifty rods, even thirty rods may not be able to survive.

"Listen, there was no owner in the harem before, and that's because I didn't come!"

"Now that I'm here, the harem lord is decided!"

"As for the so-called queen..."

, "My mother, Mrs. Fengsheng, has never taken her seriously!"

Although several palace maids were not angry, they did not dare to disobey at all: "Yes... Niangniang..."

Hou Daizhu glanced at the palace maid domineeringly: "Twenty minus the cane, get out!" With that

, she sat down in front of the vanity mirror again and dressed up.

Suddenly, a figure shook in the bronze mirror.

"Didn't I tell you to get out!" Hou Daizhu was very displeased.

A moment passed, but the person behind him had no intention of leaving.

"Are you going to do the opposite?"

She looked behind her angrily.

Dozens of Dongchang agents stood with knives, and these people were full of murderous aura.

Under the cover of the mask, Hou Daizhu couldn't see the expressions of these people clearly.

But there was a cold look in the eyes that only appeared.

The comer is not good!

Hou Daizhu said vigilantly: "What are you going to do?" My godfather is Wei Zhongxian!

"He's the top boss of Dongchang!"

The Dongchang spies ignored Hou Daizhu.

At this time, a Dongchang spy stepped forward, regardless of Hou Daizhu's struggle, pinched her cheek, and pried her mouth open with an iron rod.

The other quickly poured poisoned liquor into it.

"Hungry and cold like the wind, the monk bluffs...",

"What about Mrs. Fengsheng? She's been commanded to be killed! "The Dongchang agent doesn't care about this dying man.

She is already poisonous, and she can only wait for death slowly.

After struggling a few times, Hou Daizhu suddenly felt a cramping pain in her abdomen.

Then crimson blood flowed from her eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and mouth.

In a few moments, the man was dead.

Seeing this, the agents of the East Factory left directly.

They didn't want to stay in this smelly place for a moment.

Yikun Palace was calm for a long time before the palace maid slowly approached Hou Daizhu.

"Dead, she's dead!"

"Not only that, but I also heard that Madame Bongsheng is also dead!"

There was excitement in the palace maid's tone.

Over the years, Mrs. Feng has been a powerful lady, and she doesn't treat them as palace maids at all.

On the first day of Hou Daizhu's entry into the palace today, she mutilated their sisters.

They can't wait for these two scumbags to die early!

"Did you hear that? It was the newly promoted commander of the Jinyi Guard who killed Madame Bongsheng!

"It seems that he is still a handsome young general!"

"I don't know what he looks like... I'd love to meet him if I have a chance!

"I think you're spring-hearted!"

Several palace maids chatted with each other, and in the process, Ma Li made all the traces in Yikun Palace clear.

As for the questions from above, they will naturally deal with the past with a unified voice.

After all, Mrs. Fengsheng has always been domineering in the harem, and Hou Daizhu wants to go out to do something, so there is no need to tell the palace maid.


It seemed like a quiet night, but it was actually choppy.

When the sun rises, the pattern of the entire capital changes dramatically!

"What! Dali Temple died violently at home? "

There are two deputy histories of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who have mysteriously disappeared?"

"There are also people who have died in Zhongshu Province and Tai Hospital!"

Early in the morning, the Criminal Department was in a mess, and these cases should have been handed over to the Yamen in the capital.

However, the scope of the case is too large, and the people involved are all important members of the imperial court, and they can't call the shots at all.

The squire of the Criminal Department attached great importance to this, and immediately mobilized the case file to prepare for a detailed investigation.

At this moment, Xue Zhen, the secretary of the Criminal Department, stopped him.

"There are some things to check and some things to be checked."

"Even if you check it, there is no result, is it?"

The waiter of the criminal department was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "Yes!"

"What's more, these people have done many evils, bent the law for personal gain, and caused trouble to the court."

"It's a good thing that he's dead now." After speaking, Xue Zhen poured a cup of tea for the waiter of the Criminal Department.

The tea overflowed, making the entire teacup piping hot.

This cup of tea, the waiter of the criminal department can't drink it, and it's not okay if you don't drink it.

After hesitating for a moment, the squire of the Criminal Department bowed down and replied: "The lower official understands, I will investigate the evidence of these people's crimes one by one, and then announce it to the world!"

Xue Zhen nodded and left with her hands in her hands.

The waiter of the criminal department immediately wiped the sweat from his forehead, he looked at the hot teacup on the table with palpitations, and then let out a long sigh.

Subsequently, a sealed file was sent by the Jinyi guard, and the waiter of the criminal department finished reading it and completely understood the heinous sins committed by the deceased.

He deserves to be punished!

Half an hour later, notices from the Criminal Department were plastered all over the capital.

"Madame Fengsheng and her henchmen have troubled the court, sought money and killed people, and their crimes are unforgivable."

"And now Mrs. Fengsheng has made her daughter charm the Son of Heaven, and her heart can be punished."

"Now that the physical evidence is complete, Mrs. Fengsheng and a group of henchmen, a total of 134 people, have been killed by the Criminal Department!"

As soon as the notice came out, the world shook.

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