It's not a good feeling that the body is frozen.

Ye Lingyue felt her breathing, and it suddenly became difficult.

First, the skin was extremely cold, then the blood vessels, but the internal organs in his body were frozen a little bit. In the end, Ye Lingyue couldn't even move his eyes.

And this freezing trend, Ye Lingyue has no way to stop it.

The situation of Ye Lingyue is like this, and the situation of the little devil algae is not much better.

They live on water and need a warmer environment in order to grow and reproduce.

But at this moment, the water was blocked by ice, and the little devil algae were quickly frozen.

At this time, Ye Lingyue, only the remaining spiritual sense was still in play.

"This fellow Yin Kun, do you want to perish together?"

Ye Lingyue's wisps of spiritual thoughts are still trying to support her.

But she felt that Yin Kun was not dead.

"It won't die like this, this guy, is it really a monster?"

Ye Lingyue's spiritual sense noticed that Yin Kun not far away, although the aura was much weaker, was less affected than Xin Lin and Little Devil Algae.

It wants to freeze me and the little devil algae to death first, and then unfreeze it.

Ye Lingyue seemed to understand Yin Kun's intention.

This guy has some brains.

Ye Lingyue was secretly shocked.

That ray of spiritual thought is getting weaker and weaker.

In the algae area, after Sister Yu activated the devil algae with her own blood and forced the little devil algae back, the battle on the sea finally came to an end.

But just when Sister Yu was slightly relieved, another strange scene appeared on the sea.

Nianzhou was motionless, and the water surface was frozen.

"Sister Yu, the sea is frozen."

The pirate masters were all surprised.

So long they have entered the misty sea,

The sea has never been frozen.

Sister Yu's face changed greatly.

"Devil Algae!"

She looked at those devil algae, which were frozen in ice.

She has spent so much effort, and the devil algae that she has cultivated are dying on a large scale.

"No! They must be saved!"

Sister Yu knew that if these devil algae were directly frozen to death, it would be almost impossible for her to cultivate it again next time.

In order to hatch Devil's Algae, she used her own lunar blood several times before and after.

Although she is also the daughter of Taiyin, her Taiyin blood is not as pure as Master's.

The more she consumes the blood of Taiyin, the purity of the blood will continue to decline.

She didn't know whether her blood would still work on the devil algae after this time.

Therefore, these devil algae in front of her, she must not sit and watch them disappear and die.

"Sister Rain!"

In the exclamations of the pirates, Sister Yu jumped directly into the sea.

She ignored the constant freezing of the sea and tried to rescue those devil algae.

But the sea is so big, the devil's algae has been frozen a lot, and Sister Yu's own mind power has just lost a lot.

As soon as she entered the water, she felt her body keep sinking.

Her body also became stiff, and she felt her limbs become numb.

For a moment, the feeling of death was like the sea water that was constantly flooding around him, drowning it.

A group of pirates were shocked.

They saw that Sister Yu was frozen in ice and sank directly into the sea.

"Quickly think of a way to save Sister Yu..."

The pirates looked at each other.

But none of them dared to go into the water.

Their thoughts are not as strong as Sister Yu, and Sister Yu can't resist the frozen sea water. Even if they go into the water, they will only have a dead end.


Something fell into the sea.

The sea has turned into a solid layer of ice.

When the voice fell, it was muffled and loud.

When the pirates heard it, they were shocked again.

When they saw the male ninja named Zitang from the Buddhist sect, they jumped out of the boat.

He landed on the ice, and he looked at the thick layer of ice, only to see a fire on his slender fingers.


The fire fell on the ice, and there was an ice hole on the ice that was big enough for one person to enter.

Zitang and the flame disappeared into the ice hole together.

That kid, who was not afraid of life and death, went straight down.

The teachers came back to their senses.

They couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Fire can melt ice, let's go down together, and save Sister Yu anyway."

The Buddhist masters also came to their senses at this time.

Without Youruo, and without Zitang, they have no leader, and they don't know what to do.

Seeing that the pirates were saving people, they quickly got off the Nianzhou to save people.

However, when they tried to start a fire, they found that their fire could not dissolve the solid ice surface at all.

Why did that Zitang just melt away the ice all at once?

The teachers were all stunned.

Can only look at the ice hole, at this time the ice hole has been re-frozen.

This area of ​​the algae area has been frozen, and the cold is biting.

Nianzhou was also blocked by ice, and they were in a dilemma. For a while, no one knew what to do.

In the algae area, Yin Kun and Ye Lingyue were the first to be sealed by ice.

It wasn't until he saw that the little devil algae and Ye Lingyue had stopped moving, and there was a ray of light in Yin Kun's blood-red eyes.

Fighting with it, it is an extraordinary existence left over from the Kunlun period.

Frozen, can make it slow to move, and may even temporarily fall into a state of slumber.

But it won't kill it.

Few people know that before the re-opening of the old Kunlun site, this area including the Misty Sea was a frozen area.

There are hardly any signs of life here.

Until the old site of Kunlun was reopened to the outside world, the misty sea began to melt, and the sea became vicissitudes.

Everything that was once frozen has been revived.

Yin Kun woke up at that time.

Only when it woke up, it found that it did not live in the boundary of the ancient Kunlun.

Although, it is very similar to the area where it once lived.

In fact, Yin Kun prefers the living environment in front of him.

Just because of this area, there are no many obstacles in the ancient Kunlun period.

Those troublesome temples and arrogant true gods seem to have disappeared.

Between heaven and earth, there are no more taboos.

Yin Kun felt even more at ease.

Relying on its original strength, it quickly became the overlord of the sea in the area of ​​the old Kunlun site.

There's just one area that makes it feel a little bit of a headache.

It's that algae area.

In the algae area, it invaded several times without success.

In that area, the pesky Devil's Algae lives.

That devil algae, as long as it has flesh and blood, can multiply rapidly.

Even if it is fearless like Yin Kun, there is no way to approach.

Not only that, but the Yin Kun also found that, in the deepest part of the water, there seemed to be something hidden.

Because there is a layer of power barrier there, it once sneaked in when the devil algae was not paying attention.

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