Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 148 Floating Brave Fish

"That is to say, I have to add some red flame stones to adjust the magic power that is too cold..."

The girl knelt next to the wooden barrel, put a few red warm stones into the water, watched the bubbles bubbling inside, and then bursts of steam, if people who don't understand see it, they will think it is cooking soup or something Yes, but in fact, she was helping the silver rock fish in the barrel to advance.

"First, help the silver rock fish build the magic power circulation in its body, and also assist the imprinting of the supernatural core in its body, so that the fish can gradually become familiar with it, and then add the prepared silver tranquility medicine to dissolve the original supernatural core in its body. The condensed magic power will not overflow quickly."

"Afterwards, put in the thorn crystal potion, guide and assist it with magic power, help it build a gradually extraordinary core structure, and then continue to improve it, and let the silver rock fish spontaneously fine-tune it to adapt to its own consciousness and body."

"During this process, an appropriate amount of red flame stone should be put in to adjust the magic power that is too cold, otherwise, it will freeze to death and lose consciousness before the extraordinary core condenses."

While dictating, the girl adjusted according to the predetermined steps. After adding the red flame stone, she dipped her hand into the water again and turned her fingertips gently. Silver and ice blue brilliance continuously emerged from the silver rock fish in the water. The condensed cold magic power swims like ice sand, and then condenses and shrinks according to a special pattern of symbols.

Closing her eyes, the girl operated wholeheartedly. After a long time, the brilliance of the silver rock fish gradually dissipated, and a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"It should be finished..." She slowly opened her eyes, raised her hand from the water, and dropped some drops of water.

"Afterwards, it will depend on whether it can adapt and stabilize the extraordinary core structure." Considering the fish's IQ, Heshia is actually quite worried, and she doesn't know if this little guy has learned it.

On the stool next to the barrel, the indigo snake stretched its neck around the three ducklings, looking curiously at the steaming water.

Still no results? Looking at the still unresponsive water surface, the girl was a little worried, but she poked her head out to observe, but she didn't want a fish tail to bounce and splash on her face.

"Ahem..." Covering her face, Heshia felt that drops of water had entered her mouth, and there was a faint salty taste.

No, I have to rinse my mouth later, just as she was thinking this, a big fish bounced up from the barrel with a bang, and then fell to the ground. , and then the silver rockfish bounced up again, trying to escape.

"Don't run!" Heshia opened her palms, and the big fish, which was originally strong and flexible in the air, fell back to the ground with a snap, becoming a big frozen ice fish.

"Hmph..." The girl picked up the big frozen fish, threw it back into the barrel, closed the lid, and then went to the bathroom to rinse her mouth.

After washing, Heshia walked back to the living room with bare feet, looked at the tightly closed bucket lid that was still pressing the indigo snake, and thought for a while with her arms crossed, before thinking about how to teach this disobedient Silver Rock fish.

She lifted the lid again, and when the silver rock fish inside saw the light, she tried to do the trick again, but this time she was caught by the girl who was prepared.

The strong and slippery fish body was constantly struggling in the girl's hands, and the splashed water droplets made it hard to open one's eyes, but fortunately, a trace of frost flashed, and the fish became hard again.

Bring the silver rockfish to the kitchen and tie it to a chopping board with two pieces of string before Hercia defrosts it.

After regaining consciousness, the silver rock fish looked at the girl with its eyes, and kept flapping its tail on the chopping board, making a crackling sound. At this time, Heshia also raised the sharp kitchen knife in her hand, reflecting the bursts of waves on the ceiling. Blinking lights.

Gulu Gulu, the frightened silver rock fish finally stopped struggling, and was spitting out blisters, making strange noises, as if accepting its fate and begging for mercy.

"Hmph, you know you're scared now." The girl snapped, and inserted the tip of the knife into the chopping board in front of the fish's head. The silver rock fish jumped up again in fright, but was held down by the string again.

After this training and training, the silver rockfish finally learned to behave a little better and stopped trying to jump and run around. Then Hercia put it back into the warm water in the wooden barrel for careful inspection and observation.

"The advancement is successful, but why doesn't it have the abilities and skills it should have." Fingers circling in the water, the girl leaned on the side of the barrel, talking to herself helplessly.

"It's a pity that this is a stupid fish. I guess it can't even understand human words, so it's not easy to ask it, huh." Standing up again, Heshia was going to let it go first, to see if this fish can be used spontaneously in the next few days The ability to have.

She stepped on the floor of the living room with her bare feet. She was about to take a shower. Some water got on her hair just now. If she didn't wash it, she always felt uncomfortable.

The sound of the water in the bathroom was rushing, the silver rock fish in the wooden barrel turned around a few times at the bottom of the water, and jumped out again, but this time it seemed to jump extremely high, and it hit the ceiling and fell down At that time, the body drew a long arc in the air, and then slowly stabilized, floating above the ground.

But this levitation didn't last long, it fell to the ground, leaving a puddle of water, and then it seemed to be gathering strength and resting for a while, the silver rock fish bounced up again, and its body entered the air, floating slowly rise.

Just like that, it staggered, suspended and moved forward obliquely, sometimes landed, and sometimes took off, flooding many places in the living room, and a faint smell of fish soup permeated the room.

On the other side, the indigo snake, which was protecting the three ducklings, raised its head and watched the fish running around, as if it had no intention of stopping it. Perhaps it also wanted to see what this guy could do.

Just like that, when Heshia finally got out of the shower, she found that the smell of salted fish soup in the living room was everywhere.

"Uh." She opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Her mother never taught her bad words since she was a child, and she didn't like that kind of rude words, so she had to keep her mouth shut.

Stepping on her slippers and coming to the living room, the girl looked around, and then found the big spider sleeping on the top of the cabinet. She walked over, knocked on it, woke it up, and then pointed to the silver rock fish that was still jumping around.

"Hiss~" The big spider seemed to be a little angry, waving its forelimbs to sketch, and then rushed down.

Soon, a big fish wrapped in spider silk lay powerlessly on the floor.

Hercia looked at the water stains all over the floor and sighed, then went to the corner to activate the cleaning self-discipline robot, and then put the tightly bound silver rockfish back into the wooden barrel, but at this time the water inside had been changed again , relatively clean, and no longer have the same smell as before.

"The test was successful. This original Sequence 2 Silver Rock Fish has been advanced to a natural sequence 3 Floating Brave Fish, and has gained the ability to stay and suspend in the air." She wrote it down on the recording board This one, and then also attach various data.

Although the ability to float is not a rare ability, and it has not greatly enhanced its strength for the time being, it has greatly expanded the living space of this fish. If you can become familiar with and improve this ability in the future, then this type of fish can compete with Migrate like birds.

In winter, fly to warmer southern waters, or when dryness comes, leave shallow river puddles, and the usual out-of-water environment, to take part in some human life.

"In this case, if you take this fish to participate in the first-year competition at the end of the year, you should be able to pass." Closing the record board, Heshia raised some expectations, and finally washed away the slightly unhappy mood just now.

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