Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 163 Received the news

Ades Academy, the underground training ground.

Walker held his personal terminal and quietly listened to the voice from over there, telling him about Grid.

"Last night, he disappeared at the entrance of Lane 142 in the water rat area and never came out again. Now the inside is also empty, with no corpse or trace."

Then came other relevant information and speculation.


"Understood, thank you." Walker hung up the personal terminal and silently looked at the mirror in the training room.

Compared with other students in the school, Walker's figure can be described as extremely strong, with well-defined muscles, thick finger bones, and a faint power exuding from his body, which is not possessed by many students who grew up on the ivory tower campus.

It's no wonder that such a character has received a lot of attention in Edsi Academy even though he came from a humble background, and he even received the love of some wealthy young ladies.

However, Valk did not indulge in these love affairs. He knew that everything was unstable, but others were optimistic about his future. If his performance could not meet the requirements of those big shots in the future, everything he had now might be withdrawn.

He is no longer a naive child, and he will not have that kind of fantasy dream.

"Grid..." He silently chanted this familiar but gradually unfamiliar name.

After sitting quietly in the waiting room for half an hour, he stood up, walked into the shower room beside him, changed into a neat uniform after rinsing, and walked out of the underground training ground.

After leaving, he went directly to the office of the teacher he was familiar with on weekdays, and found the teacher in charge of him.

After listening to Valk's request, the teacher shook his head: "Walke, although Edsy Academy has a great reputation, it is not omnipotent, or you don't have enough strength to ask for it now."

"It's one thing to help you and help you, but it's another thing to help your friends. It's impossible for us to help every friend of a student. It's a great kindness to provide support to students."

"I don't want to judge your friend, but from the perspective of a teacher and senior, such a person will only drag you down. Sooner or later, you will step into greater danger because of him."

"I know that you will be sad to say this, but this is the truth. The Academy is not a charity, and it is impossible to satisfy your thoughts and needs endlessly."

"Oh, how about it... I will let the information department staff pay attention to your friend's whereabouts within limited authority. If there is still no news, then I can do nothing." Finally, out of respect for the future rising sun The teacher still agreed to help with the solicitation and investment of Zhixing.

"Thank you very much, teacher." Walker closed his legs and bowed solemnly.

"You don't need to thank me, but you have to find a way to prevent this kind of thing from happening again." The teacher reminded Walker meaningfully.

"I see, teacher." Afterwards, Walker withdrew.

He knew the kind reminder in the teacher's voice. Although he was not good at words, he was not a stupid person, otherwise he would not have been recruited by Edsy Academy.

It's just... It would be very difficult to make him completely abandon Grid.

On the snowy night many years ago, if they hadn't helped each other, they might have frozen to death in the wild. That memory, as well as the scars left on his body, reminded him all the time.

Although geniuses are born regardless of birth, geniuses born in poor conditions often have to endure greater tests. Some of these tests come from discordant families, some from ignorant parents, some from trauma experienced in childhood, and some from The pulling of close people in the past, as well as the malicious intentions of those around you.

It is not that poor people are inherently bad, but it is extremely difficult to restrain yourself at the risk of not being able to survive in the face of scarcity and scarcity.

Many people will teach children to be generous and give up the toys and snacks in their hands, but for children, if they give up their toys, they may never see this beloved thing again. If they give up their delicious snacks, they may eat them next time. I don't know when it is again.

Toys and snacks in the eyes of adults, they will estimate according to their own income, which is just a drop in the bucket for them, and they can buy them at any time, so naturally they will not feel distressed.

However, as far as the child is concerned, he has no income. This may be his only treasure, a treasure he has finally obtained. If it is shared, there is a high probability that he will never see it again, so he will be reluctant to part with it.

It’s easy to teach a child to share. If you give him a room full of the same toys, it’s easy for him to share one with his friends. If you give him endless snacks every day, he probably won’t mind sharing a bag. .

Learning to be kind is easy when you are rich, but difficult when you are poor.

Walker’s childhood could not be called happy, he almost walked on the verge of death, and Greed, a friend, although in the eyes of others, was very unbearable and not decent enough, but he also understood each other. For people on the verge of struggling, there is not much leeway to be a good person, and even if such a friend will drag him down, and even himself in the end, he can't just sit back and watch the other party die outside like a wild dog, while himself Then sit in the warm and comfortable house and enjoy the praise.


The waiting time is always so long and tormented. When Valcke received the news again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

"It is said that he was captured by an underground mercenary who is very famous in the underground world."

"To arrest him this time is an order from a hidden large company, and the 'Three Pointers Workshop' also said that it will send people to deal with it. If we insist on intervening, we will face great resistance." What the other party meant, Val Ke also understands that it is impossible for the Academy to be deeply involved in the patent war between the two companies for him.

"I see, can you tell me the approximate address and direction?" Walker asked again.

Although the other party repeatedly denied and refused, but under the compulsory request of Walker, he still revealed the address.

"No. 5, North Ye Street, Sala Tree Module. This is the news from the 'Three Pointers Workshop'. They are also looking for the whereabouts of Greed."

"Okay, thank you." After hanging up, Valk found the protective gear he usually used in battle from the room and began to put it on.

Although it is a protective gear for practice, because of the wealth and wealth of Ades Academy, its protective power is not inferior to that of ordinary exoskeleton armor. After wearing it, Valk only showed a pair of dark eyes outside, while the whole body Covered in dark gray steel-colored armor.

After checking in the mirror, Valk found another set of large windbreaker to cover the close-fitting armor. As for the head, he pulled the wide hood of the windbreaker to cover it.

After getting ready, he picked up the handle of the emergency lightsaber, stuck it behind his waist, and left the residence.

Soon, a hover vehicle sped up from the academy and rushed towards the Sala tree module in the southwest direction.

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