Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 178 The Divination Cabin

There were not many people in the small performance room. Hercia sat in the back seat and watched the puppet's activities on the stage. Accompanied by narration and dubbing, she gradually entered a fantasy and distant world.

The third era is very far away from now, but people nowadays are no strangers to it, thanks to various games, scripts, acting and appearances in film and television, compared to the fifth era, which is avoided, Compared with the peaceful and prosperous fourth era, the third era will undoubtedly be much more exciting.

Slowly, the performance on the stage gradually came to an end. Finally, the puppeteers and dubbing students in the backstage also came out to salute everyone. Although there were only seven or eight people in the audience, the applause was still very enthusiastic.

It can be seen that everyone likes this kind of performance, although it is not as gorgeous as those immersive movies.

After getting up, Heshia and her companions also walked to the front of the stage, observing the exquisitely crafted dolls freshly and curiously, and occasionally asking these students some questions.

"Did you make the doll yourself?" Mel said first.

"Yes, but some of them were completed with the help of teachers and seniors." A student explained kindly, probably just after the performance, and there is still undiminished satisfaction and joy.

"Will this be expensive? I think the workmanship is more complicated, and it probably takes a lot of thought." Yilin was curious about another aspect.

"It does take a lot of thought and time, but it's all worth it."

Is everything worth it? These words drifted across Hercia's heart inadvertently, and then dispersed.

"Is there a lot of people watching it? Although I like it very much, I am still worried that your audience is not enough and it will be difficult to maintain in the future." Another student asked.

"It's relatively small, but some people will like it."

"That's good."

Afterwards, the crowd slowly dispersed, and Heshia followed Yilin and the others to leave, but before leaving the performance room at the end, she turned her head and saw that the students were squatting in front of their dolls, carefully checking And care, like a precious treasure.

After leaving this venue, it was already night, and Hercia and her companions decided to find a temporary capsule hotel nearby to rest. .

Because this is the venue of the 'Frozen Green Festival', several large honeycomb capsule hotels have been temporarily arranged for the students to live in, otherwise hotels and hotels are not enough.

After a brief wash, Hercia and her companions ate something outside first, and then went back to sleep.

Because it is a place where students gather, there are several security robots patrolling around the capsule hotel, which is relatively safe and the surroundings are brightly lit.

After getting into the circular cabin, people can sit up in it, probably because the students are not big.

At night, lying in bed, Heshia slowly fell asleep and had a very long dream. In the dream, she was very young, and the scene was that she was invited by her classmates to play at home, but everything in the dream was not for her. A rather weird feeling.

Although she has indeed experienced similar situations, everything in the dream is always strange and strange, as if she is watching another completely different life she has experienced. Because of the reason, she could only see the lower body, and the voice of the other party's parents was very strange, which made people feel inexplicably scared, and during the whole process, she never dared to look up, and never saw the other party's face.

Afterwards, she was invited by her classmates to play games, and the atmosphere eased up a bit. Finally, the memory in her dream stayed on the building block in her classmate's house. She seemed to have seen that building block when she was a child, and it gave her a rather familiar feeling. Suddenly, I was startled, and then the whole person woke up.

Holding her forehead, Heshia half sat up, leaning against the side of the capsule cabin, she turned on the warm yellow light inside, and slowly settled down.

What happened recently, always a little restless, Heshia leaned in the cabin, took a deep breath, and stabilized her emotions.

Could it be that she has been thinking too much recently? Hercia shook her head.

Now she didn't dare to sleep anymore, afraid of having the same nightmare again, so she put on her coat, got out of the capsule, and prepared to take a walk.

It was already past 2 o'clock at night. Although the lights outside were bright, there were only a few students chatting sporadically, and occasionally some people came out to use the bathroom.

Walking into the bathroom next to her, she briefly washed her face. Hercia looked at herself in the mirror, and there was not much change from the past. Then she closed her eyes and slowly opened them again. The girl in the mirror appeared With blue eyes and long black hair.

No, it shouldn't be her sister's interference, Heshia felt silently in her heart, and found no trace of Themisia.

The sisters are born twins. Although the elder sister is very likely to be resurrected in her body, this feeling is also two-way, and the other party cannot hide it from her.

Since it wasn't the influence of Themisia, then why? After all, this is an extraordinary world, and it is not surprising that there are secret techniques that interfere with dreams and memories.

After Hercia washed her face, she walked out of the room and went outside.

This is a cave entrance on the mountainside not far from Huilong Temple. Inside the cave entrance is a large and empty grotto tunnel, and outside is a mountain forest. With some buildings.

It is winter in the north. Although it is warmer because of the surrounding mountains, it is only 3-4° outside at night.

Wearing pajamas, Heshia woke up quickly after the cold wind blew. She first took a walk outside for a while, and then found a big stone to sit down. The moon is very round tonight, and it is not dark even at night. Or rather 'bright'.

The cold white moonlight shines on the mountains and woods. This girl in white pajamas sits alone on a rock, looking up, everything under the moonlight is so cold and bright.

Putting her hands behind her back, Heshia slowly closed her eyes and felt the night wind blowing by. Although it was a bit cold, it didn't affect much because the extraordinary's physique was far superior to that of ordinary people.

The mood is unstable, Hersia commented on herself.

Although it seems that he has moved away from the timid and inferior self of the past, this kind of leap has not yet been beaten by the golden fire, and there is still some uneasiness hidden in his heart.

It is difficult for people to rely on the so-called reading or comprehension of spiritual enlightenment, and they still need some things to verify and experience, so that they can gradually stabilize.

She thought she had seen it, but in fact she hadn't, and there was still a slight shadow in her heart that hadn't dissipated.

Does childhood pain really take a lifetime to heal? Hercia couldn't help covering her forehead, feeling slightly discouraged.

Opening her eyes again, she jumped off the stone, and Heshia continued to walk, but this time she was not as 'calm' as usual, but kicked up a small stone on the side of the road.

She has always thought that she is a very kind and good-tempered person, but today she subtly discovered that it is not entirely true. The so-called kindness is just another manifestation of "fear". The image and the way to deal with the problem.

"What, it's disgusting." After kicking a stone away again, Heshia said to herself, then raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The moonlight was bright and clear, and the tranquility remained unchanged, which made her feel a little bit at ease.

Suddenly, she remembered something again, and a wordless shock spread from the soles of her feet to herself.

She remembered, remembered everything, the classmate who invited her to play at home in the dream was herself, so she would feel a strange and strange feeling, people are often the most familiar and least familiar with themselves s face.

And the parents of the classmate who can’t see their faces are also my parents. The reason why the building block is so familiar is because she turned over the building block when she was packing the things at home a few years ago. It’s just a change of scene. Let her forget the origin of that building block.

The childhood classmate in the dream behaved so obediently and obediently, but Heshia felt a kind of deep fear and strangeness. She was afraid, but why was she afraid?

The girl stood under the moon, quietly looking at her lonely and unchanging shadow.

Slowly, she closed her eyes and then opened them, her eyes were full of unbearable and sad.

Yes, what she is most afraid of is actually herself. She is afraid that everything will change back to the original, and she is afraid that the weirdly well-behaved childhood will replace her current self, and all the so-called growth now is just a dream.

The growth of strength came too fast, so fast that she was a little unreal, and a lot of uneasiness and fear accumulated in her heart unconsciously, because of the death of her mother, the departure of her father, and the mutual killing with her sister, she had nothing to do. A safe haven to confide in, everything can only be kept in the bottom of my heart.

"It's really fragile." Hercia squatted down, picked up a stone on the ground, and threw it out, the panic in her heart dissipated a little.

"A little thing is magnified. I always think so much and have such a heavy heart." Heshia complained to herself again, then continued to pick up a stone and spun it out.

Although he was talking to himself, after he finished speaking, he really felt better.

After stomping her feet and her mood improved, Hersia didn't want to throw any more stones, so she went back to the mountain road and prepared to return.

However, when she turned around, she glanced out of the corner of her eye, and felt as if there was a black figure standing in a corner not far from her, which made her startled again, but she quickly calmed down again, and she forced herself to turn around and walk towards there, Then I realized that it was just an illusion formed by the branches of the tree shadows under the moonlight.

Breathing a sigh of relief again, Heshia did not leave, but continued to wander in the forest until she no longer saw anything suspicious before returning to her residence and entering the capsule cabin. The small environment gave her a sense of security .

"Good night." She said to herself, and then slowly closed her eyes to sleep, but the warm yellow night light was kept on.

Hercia finally remembered something. In fact, she was still quite afraid of the dark, and even more afraid of ghost stories, and now she didn't want to hide this.

Just be afraid, it's better to sleep with the lights on than to have nightmares.

Although I stayed up for a long time in the second half of the night, I slowly fell asleep, but I finally settled down tonight, no longer dreaming, and didn't wake up until dawn.


"Morning, Hercia."

On the second day, Mel rubbed her eyes and sat in front of the girl, while Yilin was much more energetic, and she even bought breakfast for them.

"Let's eat something." She said, putting bread and milk on the table.

The three of them ate breakfast and talked about today's plan. After eating, Hercia tore the remaining bread and fed it to the big spider at her feet.

"Is there any venue that Hercia really wants to go to?" Erin asked at this time.

"No, let me think about it. By the way, I want to go to the Moon Academy of the Three Phases. It is said that it is a school for training witches. It is very old."

"No problem, add it to the itinerary plan." Yilin entered the new location and arrangement on the projection screen.

After finishing their breakfast, the three of them continued to visit the venues on site until the afternoon, when they arrived at the venues of Sanxiangzhiyue Academy.

After entering the inside, the first feeling of the three people is that it is dark. The building has deliberately created a relatively dark environment, and a "curved moon" hangs on the dome. A path winds and extends into the hill, and the side of the road can still see To a mushroom hut with a burning jack-o-lantern.

According to the prompts in front of the hut, the three of them prepared to ask questions and divination, and entered the mushroom hut. Then the door was closed, and the candles in the room were lit. A masked witch was sitting on a deep purple tablecloth. Behind the round table, she was wearing mainly black witch clothes, embellished with various gemstones and mysterious lines.

If it wasn't for this lady witch who was sleeping, she would probably be able to scare people.

Mel shook the lady witch, and then she slowly raised her head and yawned. This greatly destroyed Hercia's imagination of witches. From what she knew, the one that most fits the image of a witch should be Your Highness, the silver-haired sage in the forest, the omnipotent miraculous witch.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The witch straightened her hat and finally started to work.

"It is said that divination can be done here." Yilin found a seat and sat down, and then pulled Heshia over.

"Yes, it's only 600 federal currency for one time. This is the price of my conscience. If it weren't for the fact that I haven't graduated yet, it must be more than that." The lady witch spoke again, and taking advantage of this time, Heshia took a good look at the other party.

Caramel-like hair, burgundy pupils, slightly thick eye shadow that seems to be insomnia, the whole body is covered in tight black clothes, and the witch dress outside, with star and moon pendants on the earlobes on both sides, and on the wrists It is a bracelet woven with a red string according to a special pattern, and there are black and red night scented high-heeled shoes at the feet. I didn't wear it this time, but I just stepped on the paper pad with my feet wrapped in silk stockings, probably because it was more comfortable.

Lazy, but lack of sleep, dressed appropriately, but unkempt, the girl commented in her heart.

"I want to divination for the next year's fortune." In fact, Yilin was just curious, and didn't care too much about the real result.

"This one, it's very simple, I'll look for it." After finishing speaking, the witch took out a deck of cards from a side cabinet and placed them on the table.

"Come and pick one."

"Don't you need to shuffle the cards?" Yilin was dubious.

"When I took out the cards, the wheel of fortune had already started to turn, and everything you and I did was involved in it." Her voice suddenly became ethereal, and she didn't know when she sat upright.

"Okay." Yilin took out one of them, and turned it over under the instruction of the other party.

The exquisite card depicts a traveler on his way. He is carrying a package and walking on the road. There is a small village with smoke behind him, and a dog is half up in front of him. He was barking, and at this time the traveler also stepped back half a step, holding his own traveling staff in his hand.

""The Traveler and the High Dog", this card has many meanings." Miss Witch held up the card, closed one eye, and said in a mysterious tone.

"There is a saying, 'Where the dog walks, the stick also walks'. That's right, even if you don't want to, all kinds of difficulties will come to you."

"A dog who walks a lot will always meet a stick, and a person with a stick will always meet a vicious dog."

"The traveler just passed through the village, but the dog thought he was a thief and tried to bite him, and the traveler had to take out a stick to defend himself."

"This indicates that your career will make progress, but you will also be jealous of some people, or villains will block your way, causing you to get into trouble. Fortunately, you are not completely incapable of resisting. Don't you just have a stick in your hand?"

"Of course, if it is pulled out backwards, it means another layer."

"You are just a puppy trying to go home, but the traveler thinks you are going to bite him, so he takes the stick in his hand to beat you, which portends your innocence and also implies some possible loss. carrying a package, perhaps it was stolen from the village where you live."

"Overall, there are implications of innocent encountering troubles, but one is biased towards gain, and the other is biased towards loss."

After hearing this, Yilin was thoughtful, while Mel was staring at the stars, admiring her.

"I want to do divination too."

"What are you praying for, sweet little sister?"

"I want to know when I can become a Sequence 5, no, a powerful trainer for Sequence 6!" Mel raised the gray moon cat in his hand and said enthusiastically.

"Then you come to draw cards too." After she finished speaking, she patted the table lightly, and the cards swam around, spun a few times, and then fell down again, stacking them neatly.

She wiped it away with one hand, like a precise fan shape, which made Mel exclaimed, and the lady witch on the opposite side was even more proud.

Mel stretched out his hand, carefully pulled out one, and opened it.

The card depicts four young people, one of whom is sitting on a horizontal tree branch and playing the lyre in his arms, the other is standing under the tree and playing the flute, with his body bowed slightly, and under the tree in the middle of the card, one is singing loudly and pressing the He stretched out his hand, while the last person rested his hand under the tree, covered his eyes with a hat, and seemed to be sleeping, but there was a circle of bells hanging on his toes, which shook occasionally, and seemed to join the ensemble.

All four of them are wearing clothes of the same style but different colors, and they should look like four brothers, but because of the performance of the picture, the young man singing under the tree in the middle is more dazzling and eye-catching.

""The Ensemble under the Tree", this is a card with good meaning, but not clear." Miss Witch explained.

"On the screen, the four of them have no worries, they are very united, and they are gathering together to play a ensemble. But on closer inspection, the characters and status of the four are slightly different. Among them, the one who sings is the most dazzling, followed by the one on the tree. The young man holding the zither and playing the flute is next, the person who bows and plays the flute under the tree, and the last is the young man who is half asleep and half awake lying at the root of the tree."

"Judging from this card, your future should not have too many hardships, it should be smooth, and even the people around you are very kind to you, but because of this, your future is also uncertain, and you may become the most dazzling one The young man who sings may just be the young man lying half asleep and half awake under the tree. The existence of the big tree is not only a background, but also a kind of support, which means that you have good elders to take care of you."

"Well, in other words, the future is promising, but if you don't work hard, you will become a salted fish, right?" Mel analyzed with a little distress.

"That's right, you're such a smart little cutie~"

"Drawing the card from the front is a card with a good meaning. If it is the tail, it means that the building will collapse, the elders and the backer will collapse upside down, the four of them will be tottering and will be separated, and the most dazzling one will fall the worst." Witch The young lady shook her head, lamenting the difference in her life.

"Finally it's your turn, this black-haired sister, what do you wish and want to know?" Although Hersia didn't take the initiative to speak, the other party came to her, the wine-red eyes There is also a mysterious light shining in it.

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