Under the same night sky, Tilan and a few others were sitting by the campfire. Valk was checking the miniature alert AI deployed outside the camp. Ximu was wiping the barrel of the gun and sorting the magazines. Avni was squatting by the fire and watching the slow fire. Slowly boiling the canned food, while Tilan was sitting aside writing something, occasionally looking up at the warm red bonfire.

"Avni." This soft call woke up Jinyu who was in a daze.

"What's the matter?" She stood up slightly.

"Nothing." Tilan shook her head, and then looked at this familiar but slightly unfamiliar companion.

Although Avni is a member of the club, the two have never spoken alone together. Avni is very low-key in the club and is not as famous as she is in the academy.

"Is there something on your mind?" She could see that this flame goldfish girl who was supposed to shine was far less active in the club than she thought. She also seemed to have something on her mind and was occasionally in a daze.

"This... is a bit." The blond girl turned away. Although she was a little embarrassed, maybe it was because she had become familiar with everyone recently, and Avni no longer covered it up with her past pride and self-esteem.

"Come." Tilan patted the empty seat next to her and called Avni over.

Although she looks like a caring big sister, she has a petite figure compared to Avni, which makes her look more cute.

But Avni didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, so she came over and sat down next to the quiet black-haired girl.

Avni is about 2cm taller than Tilan. Because she often practices dancing, her figure is slightly more voluptuous. In addition, her wide blond single ponytail is more eye-catching than Tilan's long black hair, so she looks "bigger".

"How did Avni think of joining the club in the first place? Was she bewitched by Allen?" The girl really didn't give face to the club's special advisor.

"Ah~ no." Although she wanted to laugh a little, Avni shook her head and then calmed down.

"Alian and I have known each other for a long time. Because of our father's relationship, we visited each other's houses when we were children. It was me who introduced our club to him at that time because I knew he was interested in these things." She said as she said, His left hand unconsciously stroked the hair in front of him.

"But at that time, all my energy was focused on advancing quickly, so I didn't ask about the follow-up situation. It wasn't until Teacher N took us to train later that I met Tilan." She recalled that period at the end of last year.

"When I met Tilan for the first time, I was also curious. It was probably what you said at the freshman ceremony. Also, there must be something special about you being so valued by the school."

"Sure enough, in training, you defeated several of us one-on-one, and I admired you even more then."

"Later, Allen asked me if I wanted to come too. He said it would be more lively, so he could relax and not be immersed in failure."

"So, I came."

"Actually, after going through a lot during this period, I am also reflecting on my past life and some opinions." She looked at the bonfire not far away, the reflection of the firelight in her eyes swaying slightly.

"Tilan should have heard about the situation in my family. Because her father is a high-ranking official in the Star Territory Government, he has attracted more attention since he was a child. With such a family background, there seems to be no reason to complain, but people are not rational machines."

"When I was young, I was diagnosed with very high talent, so many people looked up to me. I have always been among the best. Regardless of my performance, extraordinary speed of advancement, or other aspects, I can be said to have been praised by adults. "

"I'm really addicted to that feeling, that feeling of being surrounded and praised, like a peerless independent genius, a rising star of the future, the Ponyo Princess that everyone admires."

"But, these are just hallucinations." As she said this, she lowered her head gradually, looked at her knees, and pinched the flesh of her legs with one hand and twisted it slightly, as if she wanted to remind herself of the pain.

Taking a long breath, she let go and looked at the bonfire not far away, "Fate has given me many gifts, but it is not as much as I thought. This is the source of my previous psychological gap and discomfort. Bar."

"So Avni is preparing for the future?" Tilan saw that she seemed to have some ideas, so she asked.

"Although I am still a little unwilling, it seems that I can only accept this result. Choose a less difficult advanced template, and then give up the eye-catching halo of genius before and become a relatively ordinary person." This is what he said. , but to really accept this result is undoubtedly painful for people who have had many expectations since childhood.

"Although reality is not so perfect, it does not mean that we have to go to the other extreme and completely give up on our previous dreams. If we are not geniuses, then we have failed. I guess not." Tilan shook her head at this.

"I didn't say that you must be a genius, number one, and the most perfect person to be successful and happy. This kind of thing is just people's subconscious stereotype." She stood up slowly.

"Life is not a test. There is no standard answer, and no one is competing with you for first place. If there is something you want to do, just do it. Rankings and so on are just the result of outsiders looking at the illusion. The real situation is only if you do it. If you haven’t done it yet, you just need to find out the objective reasons and the difficulties that have not been overcome.”

"What destiny, genius, and perfection are all just illusions imagined by outsiders, concepts used to describe and facilitate understanding. The real world does not have so many restrictions. As long as it is completed and the destination is reached, the twists and turns of the journey will You won't be laughed at."

"Okay, now can you tell me where the problem is? Maybe I can help you take a look and discuss and solve it together." Holding Avni's shoulders, the black-haired singer leaned against the firelight, exuding A light that makes Avni warm and understanding.

Although he is only sixteen or seventeen years old and looks a little cute, he also has a vague feeling that makes people want to rely on him.

"This..." Avni bit her lip lightly and slowly talked about the problems she encountered in daily life. While Tilan listened carefully, her fingers moved gently in the wind, constantly simulating the problems Avni encountered. problem.

Although the two are about the same age, for some special reasons, she can perceive magic more delicately and keenly than others, and can manipulate Mana to shape it into what she wants.

As a result, the topic shifted from illusory emotions to real objective issues. During the discussion, Avni slowly discovered the points that she had missed in the past. Her originally frustrated heart became solid again, as if she was standing on the earth again instead of falling all the time. It's scary.

"Look, that's it."

Next to the bonfire, the girl with black hair and black skirt raised her palm, and a fireball floated quietly. The flames in it continued to gather and rotate, and they were riveted to form a tightly connected branding pattern, like a precise and perfect instrument, until finally, a fireball The flawless flame ball is suspended in the air, the heat in it is restrained, and the internal branding pattern is completely stable and stable.

"Is such that……"

The problem that had blocked her so much time was solved in just over ten minutes. Avni stared blankly at the quietly burning fireball. There was a lot in her heart that she wanted to vent and talk about, but in the end she only had one sentence.

"Thank you, Tilan."

But Tilan, I don’t completely agree with what you said, because there are indeed such perfect geniuses in the world, and she is standing in front of me now.

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