Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 402 Underground Operations in the North

North Fourth District, night 23:45:05

In the night sky covered with dark clouds, two large black aircraft descended slowly, penetrating through the thick, moist and corrosive clouds below, and dived into the cold sky, with traces of water vapor quickly escaping from the edges of the roaring wings.

The red indicator lights on the aircraft's fuselage were like two invisible dots, flickering once and then quickly across the sky.

[Arrived over the target, starting to drop combat units]

The AI's monotonous mechanical voice sounded in the cockpit, and then the belly of the aircraft slowly opened, and the four-rotor autonomous units flew out one by one, and then spread out against the ground.

Behind these hundreds of autonomous units are several large humanoid mechas that are slowly descending. They are painted in black and gray. They are very hidden and inconspicuous in the dark night, with only the fleeting scan of their heads. Only then does light reveal its dangerous side.

[The sawnose shark team has landed and is searching...]

In the cockpit of the mecha, a report sounded, and then a 3D scan of the terrain in the area was projected on the screen in front of him.

[Find the mission target and then eliminate the resistance organization]


Afterwards, the communication was shut down and these mechas also entered a state of silence.

Three months have passed since the three singers performed on stage at the same time. In these three months, the situation in the Four-leaf Crystal Star Territory has undergone many changes. Although the battle between the Saint Ingo and Edes camps has not ended, the intensity has increased. It has dropped significantly, or in other words, the main energy of both parties is not on this area.

After the New Year, the federal star domain government launched a new large-scale plan, which is about the climate restoration of the Emerald Skirt and the environmental improvement of the old area. This expensive plan may not even pass the preliminary review in the past, but this time However, it has attracted the attention of most of the parliamentarians and even the residents of the Star Territory.

In the face of countless public calls and appeals, this costly plan was passed very smoothly. Not only that, many large companies also expressed that they would actively participate in and support this plan, including the Edes camp and the St. Ingo camp. of enterprises.

The reason why I was reluctant to invest in it in the past was that such a plan would likely fail, and there would be almost no return on the resources and money invested.

But this time the situation is different. The overall public opinion environment and public sentiment in the Star Territory, even if the investment is huge, there will be countless members of Congress who will stand firmly on the side of this plan for the sake of votes and political achievements. Once this plan is finally successful, It will also bring huge economic benefits.

Due to the downturn in the past hundreds of years, the prices of many lands and resources in Jade Skirt have been pushed very low. If the climate and environment recover, the prices of these lands will skyrocket again. It is precisely because of seeing this that these large enterprises have So engaged in supporting the program.

The previous absolute contradiction between Saint Ingo and Edes disappeared for the time being, but a new competition began again.

Now that the two sides have become enemies, and in order for each to occupy more interests in the future, both parties feel the need to defeat the other and squeeze out the competitive market.

After the new goals were set, the companies from both parties sent representatives to the northern districts where Jade Skirt was seriously polluted, preparing to enclose the land in advance. Regarding such behavior, the Star Territory Government had a half-tacit approval and half-advocacy attitude.

Land cannot be taken for free. Every time you take a piece of land, you must claim the corresponding environmental management indicators, and the corresponding land also has a useful life. In order to encourage a large number of companies to participate, the government also announced that it will reduce or reduce taxes for the first 50-100 years, and Provide some preferential policies.

With the guidance of federal officials, various companies began to use methods to go to the sparsely populated northern areas to persuade local residents and descendants of the survivors of the disaster, hoping to obtain signatures from these residents agreeing to the agreement.

Many of these companies are proceeding smoothly, but some areas have encountered obstacles.

Enterprises from the St. Ingo camp encountered great resistance in the North Fourth District. Some towns had clearly reached an agreement, but on the eve of signing the agreement, local residents temporarily went back on their word. Sometimes, even though they had promised generous benefits, The local residents still refused to acknowledge the promise of repayment, which simply went against business common sense. Only after an investigation by a firm commissioned by a large enterprise did some hidden secrets gradually come to light.

These abnormal situations are all due to the existence of a hidden resistance organization in the local area. Many of their members are from local residents, but they are also extremely fierce. Under their influence, local residents refused to cooperate with enterprises affiliated to Saint Ingo. led to the previous incident.

In order to benefit and clear obstacles, several large groups in the Saint Ingo camp have joined forces to lead tonight's operation. These black mechas are also mercenaries in the federal gray field. They will be responsible for some dirty work that companies cannot directly come forward to do. .

On a dark night, rows of four-rotor autonomous units flew over the barren land. The accompanying rock scanning devices filtered the ground below like a grid, and a lot of information was transmitted to the command vehicle advancing behind them.

[Anomalies were found in the North K-1794 area, which may be the location of the mission target]

[The sawnose shark team received it and started to go]

The four mechas that originally dispersed and were slowly moving forward behind the autonomous unit changed direction, then levitated and accelerated forward.

A special earth-penetrating bomb was shot from a distance and sank into the ground. Soon a dull explosion spread.

[During scanning, an anomaly was found 219 meters underground. It is an artificial building with a special magical residual aura that is consistent with the preset target]

"This is it." The pilot in the mecha manipulated the thick and long tube lifted up from behind, and then several ground-penetrating missiles were shot out, sinking deep into the ground, constantly blooming and exploring the underground situation.

[Target locked, action begins]

Five blue arcs of light traced rapidly across the ground, and then these mechas began to approach the exploded underground entrance.

Underground world.

There were sounds of alarms and footsteps in the collapsed passages and ruins. There were walking autonomous units everywhere extinguishing fires and clearing passages. There were also many armed personnel who were awakened by the alarm bells and began to prepare for battle.

"What happened?" A rude man grabbed a young man who had just ran over. Judging from his messy hair, he must have just woken up.

"Someone is attacking, maybe an official!" the young man shouted, looking anxious.

"Official?" The big man glanced at the bombed ruins and broken places around him, frowned, and then slowly shook his head.

"No, it shouldn't be. If it were official, we would have died long ago." He had served in the army before and understood the true strength of the federal military.

If it were an official, it would just hit the ground with a ground-shaking bomb, and most of the people here would be shocked to death. Then there would be precise cutting passages, and military mechas would descend one after another to clean up the battlefield.

"It won't be an official. You can go." Knowing that it was useless to continue asking the young man in front of him, he let go.

After briefly recalling the location where the weapons were stored, the big man moved quickly. He first passed through the passage built by the steel frame, then slid into the hidden long pole shaft on one side, and soon fell to the ground a hundred meters below.

He let go of the long steel pipe that was rubbing in his hand and walked towards the underground command post. The people here were in a hurry and constantly broadcasting the situation in the base.

"The enemy has entered 89 meters underground, and all autonomous units intercepted have been shot down!"

"Damn it, where is the emergency team? Let them use heavy firepower and intercept it at the 200-meter fault!"

"The emergency is rushing to the scene of the incident, but the current time is urgent and we may not be able to arrive on time."

"Shoot three more 'Black Viper' missiles into the passage to stop them."

"Yes!" After that, the personnel on the side began to mobilize the defense system in the base.

Looking at the tall man walking back and forth in front of him, giving orders constantly, the big man walked over, then stood still and reported.

"Geroban, come and report!" After hearing this loud shout, the tall man in front turned his head. He had short gray hair and looked a little older, but he was also extremely tough.

"Here you are, Groban. Go fly the captured Pelican, and be sure to intercept the enemy."

"Yes!" After that, the big man quickly ran to a corner of the underground space, where the steel corridor led to the storage of the captured 'Pelican' mecha.

"With the mechas piloted by Groban, Suda, and Kurin, we should be able to stop the enemy." The adjutant on the side spoke to reassure everyone.

"It's hard to say." As the highest commander, the old man sat down and frowned.

"Although Suda and Heilin were also pilots in the army before, they were both discharged early due to disciplinary violations, and their abilities are not considered to be superior."

"Geroban has good physical fitness, but he has not received systematic education before. He is a monk halfway, so he may not be able to win against those mercenaries."

The old man was once a high-ranking officer in the military, and he had a certain understanding of the armed forces within the system and the mercenaries who licked blood with their swords.

Although many mercenaries have low status, since many veterans among them can survive various dangerous missions, their experience and strength are not weaker than those of the official pilots of the Federation.

"But the Pelican is after all a mecha used by the military and police, and its performance will be much better than those assembled by mercenaries."

Mechas produced by regular military industrial enterprises have internal mechanical codes. Once detected, they can be easily traced back to the source. Therefore, mercenaries generally drive privately modified mechas. These mechas obtain various spare parts through the black market. , and then let some engineers assemble it privately. The performance is not stable, but it is also more flexible.

"They are starting to contact each other!" While the old man was thinking about the origin of the other party, someone shouted in the command room.

Then everyone turned their attention to the projection screen, and saw that in the narrow passage, three Pelican-class mechas were attached to the defenses on the inside of the passage, firing continuously through the laser machine guns set up on their shoulders, and the light flow penetrated the passage from time to time. , some hit the side walls, and some even shot straight into the sky.

In the passage, the five mercenary mechas that descended kept dodging, but soon two of them were hit, and the surface melted and penetrated. Later, they adjusted their positions and simply let the two injured mechas stand in front of them as shields. Continuously rushing downwards, the original pilots in the two mechas used the emergency escape devices to escape, and rushed towards the hole above their heads like rockets to leave.

After having two shields, the other three mercenary mechas also began to launch a counterattack. One of them continued to shoot out dark red laser beams. Although the power was not as bright as the Pelican-class mechas, it also burned several out of the bottom of the channel. The large hole forced the armed men who were planning to emerge to fight back temporarily to retreat.

The other two mercenary mechas ejected enemy-baiting rockets from behind. Countless small missiles with violent sparks slanted down, illuminating the entire passage and shining brightly, blocking the line of sight and interfering with the locking of the scanning device below.


With a loud noise, the damaged mecha shell hit the fortifications. Amidst the smoke and ruins, the two mercenary mechas pulled out the large lightsabers they carried and pierced the partition in front. In the future, they could not catch up with the retreating Pelican class. The mecha penetrates the cauterized part.

Subsequently, amidst the violent heat dissipation and spark explosion, three mercenary mechas and three Pelican-class mechas underground started a dangerous street battle.

Restricted by the closed terrain, the six mechas did not have much room to hide. They almost followed instincts to engage in close combat. The lightsabers were swung, burning and piercing the opponent's fuselage. From time to time, the sparks of explosions and spewing can be heard. Due to the high-temperature airflow, in such a fierce and messy battle situation, other personnel in the base could not get close to the battlefield if they wanted to help, so they could only use laser guns to shoot at them from a distance.


Orange flames exploded from the inside, lifting up the white mecha shell. A Pelican-class mecha slowly fell, its mecha head rolled down into the flames, and the mecha's chest was exploded and torn apart. The driver also died in the explosion.

In this fierce and dangerous close combat, the three mercenary mechas were more experienced. In a dangerous exchange, they killed one of the opponent's Pelican-class mechas at the cost of their mecha arms.

With the first breakthrough, in a three-on-two situation, the situation soon became precarious. The other two Pelican-class mechas were also injured one after another.

"Is there another one!?" Someone at the bottom of the base yelled anxiously and angrily, as if he didn't understand why all the mechas were not sent out.

"That plane doesn't have a suitable pilot yet." The technician on the side replied in a low voice.

Driving a mecha is by no means an easy task, especially high-level mechas, which require extremely high quality from the driver.

Not only because the inertial impact caused by the high-speed movement of the mecha is enough to shake ordinary people into pieces, but also because of the intense magic power generated by the core inside the mecha. To master it, one must have a strong extraordinary core and the ability to resist the erosion of magic power. .

Training a qualified mecha pilot often requires several times the resources and energy of a transcendent of the same level. This is why the Federation's pilots are all born in military schools, and there are almost no personnel who have changed jobs or come on board temporarily.

These are still the driving requirements for mechas at levels 5-6 of the sequence. Going further up, some special mechas require special talents and extraordinary job descriptions, so that they can adapt and bring out the full strength of the mechas.

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