Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 407 Hesia’s troubles and thoughts

Although various environmental improvement plans in the Star Territory are in full swing, some conflicts are still unfolding and breaking out.

“We protest against Temiton Company’s long-term oppression and occupation of residents in the North Third District, and demand that it return the land and property that belongs to local residents!”

On the road surrounding Shenxuetian Lake, many residents held up signs and slogans and marched in long lines, complaining in front of media cameras about the unfair oppression they suffered.

The camera gradually zooms out, and the blue lake below gradually turns into a huge mirror, while the residents marching on the road turn into small colorful dots.

"What I'm reporting on now is the demonstrations that took place in the North Third District. What exactly did Temiton Company do that local residents complained bitterly about? The reporter will now interview and explain it to you."

The camera then switched to a local resident's home, where a middle-aged dark-skinned couple talked about their life experiences over the years and why they were protesting.

"It turns out that decades ago, Themeton Company purchased local land at a very low price and used it as a power generation site."

“In the early years, this business did bring unexpected income to local residents, and the electricity generated also made local electricity consumption much cheaper.”

"But recently, because the federal star domain government decided to restart the environmental restoration plan of the Emerald Skirt, many groups have begun to sign agreements with residents across the north to obtain land use rights and undertake purification task targets."

"These agreements will allow many residents to receive generous subsidies, and also come with promises to resettle local residents, etc., benefiting many northern indigenous peoples."

"But the residents of Salt Lake City in the North Third District, because most of the surrounding land was acquired by Temiton Company, no group signed an agreement with them, and they received very little subsidies. Moreover, Temiton also used this to raise the price and sold the land to high prices. other group companies, and there is no provision for resettling local residents.”

"No wonder the local residents are very dissatisfied, but is Temiton's behavior currently legal?" the host talked to the reporter.

"Because the environmental restoration plan project has just been promoted, the star domain government has not set up detailed legal protection yet, which means that Temiton is not illegal for the time being."

"This is really sad. It seems that the local residents must be very uncomfortable and unacceptable. They have lived in this environment for hundreds of years, but in the end they cannot get compensation like other northern residents."

"This is the introduction to the cause of this incident. After today's demonstration broke out, Temiton Company still did not reply. According to some insiders, this company has probably transferred its property to other star fields and is no longer preparing for it. Dealing with follow-up matters in the area.”

"This news report is complete."

The program on the projection TV was turned off, and Heshia sat on the sofa in the empty hall, holding a white light-feathered bird in her arms, caressing it slowly, looking at the ground, as if thinking about something.

This is Dolores's home, or rather a seaside villa of this wealthy lady. The lobby on the first floor covers hundreds of square meters and is very empty.

After a while, some footsteps came from the spiral staircase not far away.

Dolores came to Heshia's side with two glasses of freshly prepared fruit wine in her hands, placed the fruit wine on the coffee table, and then sat down.

"Aren't you watching the news?"

"I won't read it for now. I will feel more anxious after reading it." Heshia closed and opened her pupils, seeming to feel a little emotional.

"Look at it a little bit. There are many such things. If you want to take care of every one of them, you may not be able to finish it in your lifetime." Delores comforted Heshia.

"I know, but sometimes I can't help but want to know the real situation." Heshia sat up and looked at the clear and transparent fruit wine on the coffee table. Several ice cubes were stacked on top of each other in the orange liquid, with inserts stuck on the edges. with a slice of lime.

"It's honey grapefruit juice wine. The alcohol content is not high. Even if Hesia drinks it, she won't get drunk." Delores looked at Hesia with a little joking.

"I'm not that easy to get drunk." She picked up the wine glass and tapped it with her tongue, feeling the taste.

"If you are serious, Heshia will definitely not be drunk, but you don't look like you can drink." Dolores covered her mouth and chuckled, her body swaying slightly.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. It should be considered smooth recently. According to the official data, the environmental restoration plan is progressing very quickly. Many regions have already determined their future schedules."

"It's very fast, but it's not that perfect." Heshia's eyebrows moved slightly, saying what she knew.

"In some places with less pollution and less difficult to control, groups soon expressed their willingness to take over, but few people care about some places with bad conditions, such as the area in the North Second District."

"Not only is the North Second District seriously polluted, there are also many ruins of past buildings there. If we want to rebuild and restore, we need to spend a lot of money on cleaning up the ruins. This cost is higher than those in empty and deserted places." The girl. Talking about the imbalance in the northern region today.

"This will indeed be difficult. Enterprises are basically profit-seeking." Delores shook her head slightly. She was born in such a circle herself and knew the habits of those people very well.

"If it is a listed company, it will not do such a project with huge investment, high risk and low return, because once such a plan is released, it will face a collapse in stock price before it can wait for failure."

"Although everyone criticizes those big companies for being greedy, when it comes to buying stocks, you should definitely choose companies that put profits first, because this way the benefits and dividends will be higher."

After talking about the shortcomings of the upper class circle, Dolores continued to turn her attention to Hesia.

"Then Heshia, what do you think? From the look on your face, it seems like you want to be disciplined." After three years of getting along, she still knows this girl very well. If Heshia opens her mouth, it means that she really wants to control her. I've cared about this for a long time.

"I want to take care of it, but after all, I am just a singer and have no actual assets. If I am generosity to others and let others spend their energy and money to do good things with little reward, this kind of thing is always not good." She also has her own problems. Some persistence.

"Like This……"

After listening, Dolores thought carefully.

"Although the federal treatment of singers is generous, it seems that there are some restrictions on the actual control of a large amount of assets by singers."

"Because the referee can't leave the field." Hesia stood up and looked through the glass on the outer wall of the hall to the sea in the distance.

"As singers, we are already in a position to command and coordinate the forces of many large groups. If we have huge assets again, the nature will easily change."

"I understand the need for such restrictions, but sometimes I feel powerless unless..." She remembered something.

"Unless I can directly influence the federal star domain government."

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