Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 426 ‘Golden Sun Grass’ Blanche

The dark golden revolving glass door opened, and a girl holding a beige handbag walked into the restaurant. She had long, slightly curly chestnut gold hair and was wearing a goose-yellow skirt. It was very soft and smooth, and had a light and airy feeling.

"Blanqi, this way~~" A classmate not far away stood up and greeted the girl.

"I'll be right over." Blanche replied slightly happily, and then walked over quickly, accidentally bumping into a waiter on the way.

"Sorry sorry."

She nervously bent over to apologize. The waiter turned around and saw her lowering her head. She glanced at the cheap handbag, and a trace of contempt flashed in her eyes. However, she didn't say much, and simply said yes. sound, and then walked away.

When she came to sit next to her classmates, Blanche put her bag on the table. Seeing that there were drinks in front of the others, she quickly put her handbag down and placed it on the chair behind her waist.

"You are still so clumsy." The companion complained with a smile, then asked her what she wanted to drink, and then waved the waiter over to prepare it for Blanche.

Several people sat at the table and continued to talk about the exam that ended not long ago, and everyone talked about their vacation plans.

"Everything in the Hemu Star Territory feels so outdated. Some time ago, I went to my aunt's house in the Shark Star Territory. Their life there was simply great. Not only were there all kinds of extraordinary sky fish swimming on the streets, but there were also Free drinks are provided, and occasionally you can see a family of mermaids, which is really beautiful and special.”

"There is no other way. My dad said that it is best to go to an economically developed star field for college in the future." Another girl with dyed pink and blue hair picked up the straw and kept poking at the crushed ice and fruit pulp in the cup, complaining The environment in the star field.

This is the Hemu star field located in the northwest of the Federation, the Amaranthus star system, and the inhabited star Amaranthus Σ-2. The planet has a permanent population of 3.7 billion and its economy is backward. Although there are some large enterprises in the star field, there are no giant enterprises located there. The only commendable thing is that it is quite peaceful here.

"Where has Blanche been during this time? I haven't seen you for half a month." A girl asked curiously.

Before Blanche could answer, someone from the side rushed to speak: "She must be taking the admissions exam."

Now is the graduation season, and many universities in the Federation will conduct reviews and assessments for students who want to enter, and some even have to go to the star field where the school is located to participate.

"Uh... that's right." Blanche was just thinking about how to explain what happened to her during this period when the waiter brought her the drink she ordered.


After taking the drink, when Blanche wanted to talk again, the topic had already turned to other people.

"I have decided to apply for a university in the Shark Star Territory. My father and my aunt have agreed that they will help me find a teacher to tutor me for a few days. This way, the passing rate for the admissions re-examination will be much higher."

"Oh, this is great." Others said with envy. Although everyone's grades are not much different, there are still only a few who can actually go to college.

"The tuition fees for college are too scary. I'd better go straight to work. I'll probably start working next month."

"Where are you? Can we go together?" someone asked curiously.

"It's the West 42nd Branch of Flash Radium Drinks. Since my cousin works there, it's not difficult to recommend me to join."

"The 'Flash Radium Drinks' are very famous. One-fifth of the beverage industry in the Hemu Star Territory is owned by their family. The pay for working there is definitely not bad."

"What about you?" Several girls asked each other again. Some said they would play for a few weeks before looking for a job, some said they would go to college in other star regions, and some were planning to go home and inherit their own small shop, etc. .

"Where are Blanche going?" Someone finally asked her.

"I, uh, plan to go to the Central Star Territory." After a little hesitation, she was ready to tell the truth.

"Hey, really?"

Several people present were a little unconvinced. After all, Blanche's grades were only above average, and her family background was average. Going to college in the Central Star Territory required an extremely high cost, at least 400,000 to 500,000 federal dollars per year. This also required the university to be willing to accept the fee. she.

"It's true. It's almost confirmed now." Blanche twisted her fingers together, not knowing where to start.

"Okay, let's just take it as true."

That's what they said, but the girl in the blue skirt was obviously a little disdainful. She felt that Blanche was lying just to save face. After all, she had the best family background among them, and she only dared to go to a well-off society. As for the Shark Star Territory, as for the Central Star Territory, I dare not even think about it. Probably only the top few geniuses in each planet division are qualified to go to such a place for further study.

Although Blanche's statement was not exposed on the spot, most people present did not believe it.

"Then which school did you apply for?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

"This... Golden Flame Flower Academy." After hesitating for a few seconds, Blanche said the name that silenced everyone present.

'Flower of Golden Flame' Isenissa, as the founder of the Federation, the first color-level singer, a great figure who named the entire era, the school established in her name is naturally the number one university in the Federation of Roses. A place that is beyond the reach of countless people.

"Are you kidding?" After a moment of silence, someone asked cautiously.

Blanche nodded, then remembered something, took out her personal terminal from her handbag, and opened an email inside.

[Congratulations to Miss Blanche, you have passed the review of the Golden Flame Flower School. Now, in the name of the honorary principal of the school, Jervis Yongson Thiebik, I would like to sincerely extend an invitation to you and hope you can come' Study at the Golden Flame Flower Academy. The academy is located in District 2 of the Central Emerald Moon Star Territory - Tear Moon Lake - Tree Courtyard Circle. This is...]

Then there is an introduction to the Golden Flame Flower Academy, including history, environment, teachers, etc.

"This..." Everyone was stunned when they saw this email, but the shining golden rose mark below and the matching anti-counterfeiting key showed that this email was authentic and could not be forged by ordinary people. .

Although what he saw with his eyes told him that this might be true, his brain still found it difficult to accept it. There was an unreal sense of trance. Not only the people present, but even Blanche was a little unbelievable. She felt that during this period It was like a dream, so I wasn't so confident.

"What on earth is going on?" After calming down, someone couldn't restrain his curiosity and put his hands on Blanche's shoulders, meaning that if she didn't explain clearly today, she probably wouldn't be able to leave.

"Actually, I only found out recently." Blanche turned away, not daring to look at the surrounding eyes that were staring at her closely.

"Because I went to take the assessment at a nearby school, the assessment teacher felt something was wrong midway through, so he took me for more tests, and then he discovered something was different."

"What did he say!?" The others were aroused in anticipation and were a little anxious.

"He said that I might be the daughter of a singer, and asked me to undergo further tests, and all of them passed. After that, he contacted the Central Star Territory and kept me at the testing point until I came from the Central Star Region a few days later. The envoy from the Star Territory arrived and took me to the Corolla Star Territory for an oath ceremony and blessing. It was not until today that I returned to the Hemu Star Territory." Blanche took a deep breath and finished in one breath.

"What kind of fairy tale is this?" Others opened their mouths and looked at Blanche with disbelief. They kept looking up and down at Blanche. Although this girl in a goose-yellow skirt looked good, she was not stunning, especially because the clothes on her body were so ugly. It looks ordinary and a little cheap, and does not show the temperament of a singer at all.

But this disbelief soon became reality. Just a few minutes later, there was a loud noise outside the restaurant, and it seemed that heavily armed soldiers could be seen running past the dark gold glass door.

Soon everything became quiet, and many guests in the restaurant also realized something was wrong. Some wanted to leave, but were quickly stopped.

At this time, the dark gold glass door of the restaurant opened, and a capable woman wearing a professional skirt walked into the restaurant. Behind her were two men in suits. Just by the special briefcases they were carrying and the aura they exuded, it was clear that this was definitely a restaurant. An elite with extremely strong fighting ability.

The capable woman with silver-rimmed glasses glanced at the interior of the restaurant, and then walked straight towards Blanche.

"Hello, are you Miss Blanche?"

"I am." Blanche hesitantly picked up the handbag on the chair and answered nervously.

"Huh, that's great." The woman breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had accomplished something big.

"I'm looking for you. Well, let me introduce myself. I am Dan Yu, secretary of the Government Affairs Department under the Governor of the Star Territory. Mr. Browning, the Governor of the Star Territory, would like to meet you. Can you come with me?" She bent down and made an invitation.

As the secretary of the Government Affairs Department, he is almost the hands and eyes of the current Governor of the Hemu Star Territory, representing the will of the Star Territory Governor. No one will refuse such an invitation rashly, and the same is true for Blanche.

"Okay." She simply packed up her things, and when she was about to leave, she turned her head again, waved to her companions behind her, and then walked out of the restaurant under the protection of two men in suits.

At this moment, the entire street has been blocked. Soldiers wearing military green exoskeleton armor are standing on both sides of the road. They are extremely solemn. There are also autonomous units for monitoring and combat flying in the sky. There are four flying mechas in the distant sky. Hover and fly down for support if something goes wrong.

Parked outside the restaurant was an elongated luxury black hover car, decorated with dark gold edges and an oak tree logo in the middle, which represented that it was a product manufactured by the giant company 'Oak Ring'.

The car door was pulled up, and the secretary asked Blanche to sit in it. Then the hover car slowly rose up, and the accompanying motorcade followed one after another, then flew into the air and soon disappeared into the distance in the sky.

Several girls who were sitting together chatting not long ago all walked out of the restaurant at this moment. Looking at the convoy and the accompanying protective mecha disappearing into the distance, they could not calm down for a long time.

"Blanche...is a singer?"

"It should be, it can't be wrong."

"The Governor of the Star Territory has sent someone to pick her up. It's definitely not a lie."


"What's even more unbelievable is that after Blanche returned to the Hemu Star Territory, she came to our little party as soon as possible instead of going to other places."

"It won't be that simple to see her again in the future. I'm afraid this will be the last time she sits so close to us."

"It was completely unimaginable that she would awaken her talent as a singer at this age."

"Feel lucky. Blanche has become a singer, and people like us can benefit from it. Even if we go to a large company for an interview, just saying that Blanche and I are classmates will make the interviewer think highly of her."

"I guess the high score is 100. As long as there are no principle issues, you can basically pass the interview." Others thought this way. There are too many companies that want to establish relationships with singers. If they recruit them, they can do it. It is estimated that all Companies are willing to give it a try.

After that, they sat in this restaurant and ate until late at night, talking about their future plans, and the boss surprised them all by giving them a free meal, just so that in the future they would mention in the signboard that the singer Blanche had a dinner with her friends. A good restaurant, so you can get countless benefits.

A few days later, the announcement about the canonization of the new singer spread throughout the Federation, and the name and image of the singer Blanche "Golden Yangcao" instantly spread throughout the star regions, especially in many star regions in the west, causing a huge noise.

"It's so difficult to finally have a singer in our Western Star Region." Someone spoke on the forum and was recognized by countless people.

"The last time was Chi Wanxin, the 'Red Dianthus' who awakened her talent 40 years ago. She came from the Mulan Star Territory."

People on the Internet were talking about this newly debuted singer. Shortly afterwards, a press conference was held about Blanche. At the press conference, Blanche, who had been dressed up by professional makeup artists and stylists, looked completely different. She looks like a handsome person, wearing a classic white strappy dress, with orange stamens and light yellow petals dotted on the shoulders. Her hair is like bright gold threads, and a bracelet woven with gold branches highlights her slender wrists and figure.

At this press conference, Blanche sang Isenisa's "Hymn to the Golden Rose", a classic song that has been covered by countless singers, proving her identity and talent to countless reporters and audiences present.

After the press conference, Blanche sat in the lounge to calm down the emotions caused by singing. Soon the door opened and Dan Yu, the secretary of the Star Territory Governor, walked in.

She simply waved her hand to let the makeup artist and styling staff in the lounge go out temporarily, and then she walked behind Blanche and put her hands lightly on the girl's shoulders.

"Are you still nervous?"

"This will be much better. Before I went on stage, I felt like my heart was going to beat out." Blanche put a hand on her chest.

"The first time is always like this, but even if it's your first time on stage, you did a great job." Dan Yu comforted and praised the still young singer, allowing her to regain her confidence a little.

"It's okay. You will get more and more used to it in the future, and you won't be nervous anymore."

"Everyone likes you very much, as you can see here."

Dan Yu helped Blanche comb her long hair and spoke softly. Although she looked young, she had been in the workplace for more than ten years. She understood Blanche's mood now and understood that this girl had just faced a change of identity and was still in trouble. Soon, I was not confident enough.

"Don't worry about what happens next. I have already helped you contact many famous composers and lyricists in the Federation. It won't be long before your own song will be released, so you don't have to cover it."

"At home, the Star Territory officials have also made arrangements. The Governor even asked me to help you buy a beautifully landscaped courtyard, just over in West District 1."

Dan Yu talked about it one by one, so that Blanche would not have to worry about disturbing her family, safety issues, etc., and even made various arrangements for Blanche to go to school in the Central Star Territory.

"These costs must be very expensive, especially the mansion in West District 1." Blanche said with a little hesitation.

"It's okay. There are many big companies in this star field who are willing to sponsor and support you. To them, this is just a trivial matter."

Blanche opened her mouth, then calmed down and said 'Thank you. ’

"You can just learn the knowledge and skills related to singers with peace of mind. For other matters, you can contact me. The Star Territory official side will give you the greatest support. Don't worry, everyone likes you very much. Don't feel embarrassed. You can also do it personally in the future. Post some simple life notes on the page, and people would also like to know more about you."

Narrating it over and over finally made the newly born singer let go of her worries and worries, and her heart calmed down. Blanche felt a kind of warmth slowly flowing through her heart.

"I will." She nodded and looked at herself in the mirror.

The green laurel leaf ring is placed in the middle of her blond hair. The classical dress on her body gives her a faint divine temperament. Coupled with her identity as a singer and the appeal of her voice, the ordinary girl in the past is now like the legendary goddess, with The charm that makes people admire and admire.

Is this the power of a singer? Blanche put her palms away slightly and then released them. After a long time, she finally integrated the identity of the sacred woman in the mirror with her own identity.

‘Jinyangcao’, also known as sunflower, is famous for its easy survival, salt and drought tolerance, and rich and colorful flowers. It is a flower with strong vitality and bright colors.

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