Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 433 The Song of the Harp Corolla

"The 'Yesheng-α114' refractory wing-class starship you are aboard has arrived at the terminal. Please carry your luggage and proceed to the nearest exit in an orderly manner and enter the Star Port No. 4 in the Cuiyue Star Territory."

The beeps in the starship sounded in various aisles and rooms, reminding passengers that they had arrived at the terminal.

The bustling crowd gradually gathered towards the exit of the starship, and Shan was walking among them carrying his suitcase. He opened his personal terminal with one hand, connected to the local network, and then the regional time display was updated.

[Welcome to the Emerald Moon Star Territory, the current time is the Emerald Moon Star Territory-A3-0254 (Harp Corolla), 9:42 am on August 14th. ]

The neat and white marble floor, the pure white structure that winds upward like a flower stem supports the wide passage, and the top of the head is transparent and flawless metal glass. You can see the starry scenery outside, and inside there is a courtyard blown by the spring breeze. It is difficult to imagine this. It is a star port in outer space. The neatness and luxury of the central star field amaze the young man the moment he steps into the star port.

From a rural town in a remote star field to the most prosperous star field in the Federation of Roses, this huge leap makes everything feel unreal, as if from a distant backward century, we suddenly traveled to an extremely developed future. world.

Stepping on the flawless white ground, he looked at his old and frayed clothes. Compared with the brightly dressed pedestrians around him, he felt ashamed that he had soiled this beautiful world.

With nervousness, apprehension, expectation, and curiosity, he moved forward and looked around, looking at the elf girl in a youthful and fashionable green short skirt in the distance, the family of orcs carrying luggage not far away, and the people in the sky. Flying red-tailed mermaid.

Asking the auxiliary self-discipline unit at the front desk, under the guidance of a small floating self-discipline unit, Shan gradually completed various registrations and reviews, and then received a green email on his personal terminal that passed the review. After that, he could rely on this email The access key sent entered the planet surrounding the star port.

There are three residential stars in the Emerald Moon Star Territory, namely the 'Harp Corolla', 'Cuiyu Corolla' and 'Tears of the Moon Corolla'. Their naming method refers to the form of the place where the elves gathered under the World Tree.

Among them, 'Harp Corolla' is the location of many universities and colleges, with Golden Flame Flower College as the core. It is also home to the best music practitioners in the Federation, as well as the R\u0026D centers of many large companies, and many giant companies have also set up their headquarters. here.

Entering the space elevator in the star port, the safety arm on the seat was pressed down to secure the body, and then the large transport cabin quickly descended along the track. This beautiful planet full of flowers and gardens was getting closer and closer.

There is a slight fragrance of grass and flowers in the wind. Under the clear blue sky, the pure white skirt is fluttering in the wind. The light blue thin strap sandals set off the girl's slender ankles. There is a kind of amazing beauty, walking like a shell. On the large staircase with patterns, the girl stopped and looked at the small white dot descending in the distance.

"Those are the space elevators on the planet. There are currently three of them in operation." A slightly inorganic voice came from behind, giving the impression that it was synthesized by AI.

Tilan turned around and looked at the girl with silver-green hair standing behind her. She was slightly shorter than Tilan, but the difference was not obvious. Her skin color was extremely fair, and she felt like she had not seen the sun all year round.

"Geyin, are you still used to it now?"

Because we are in a new environment, the coefficient of gravity here is different from that of Jade Skirt, and some people may feel uncomfortable.

"About 12% better." Ge Yin's voice was still so calm, like an intellectual AI.

"It looks like it will take a few more days."

Tilan and Geyin arrived in the Green Moon Star Territory yesterday, but it would still be a few days before the Golden Flame Flower Academy opened for registration. During these days, she took Geyin, who rarely went out, out for some activities.

Without her suggestions and requests, Tilan was 100% sure that Ge Yin would have stayed at home surfing the Internet, just like in high school.

This person who is heavily dependent on the Internet will not take the initiative to do anything that has nothing to do with the Internet except eating and sleeping. If Tilan hadn't recruited Ge Yin in the second grade to form a band, I'm afraid he wouldn't have known this child until graduation. Several classmates.

Despite her many shortcomings, this girl with silver-green hair is also a well-deserved genius. Apart from Tilan, the only special genius in Edes Academy who has been invited to enter the Golden Flame Flower Academy.

The talent and strength she displayed on the Ajieka network broke many existing records. Although no one knows it in reality, she is famous in the circle of 'Star Children'.

Because they will still study in the same school in the future, so when they came to the Central Star Territory this time, the two of them also traveled together.

Sitting on a hillside with swaying green grass, Tilan looked at the distant scenery and couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful environment.

Compared with the Emerald Skirt, the residential stars in the central star field are like an ideal world in a dream. There are beautiful seas of flowers all over the continent. The scattered white buildings are perfectly integrated into the environment. The air is exceptionally fresh, and there is no pollution at all. The woodlands are also You can see birds of various colors flying, and occasionally deers shuttle among the trees.

Clear streams, transparent jade, and short, fat white cars parked on the roadside. Here, technological products and the natural environment have a particularly harmonious feeling, which not only brings comfort, but also does not destroy the original beauty.

After sitting on the hillside for a while, the two came to the road in the distance and called through their personal terminals. Soon a chubby car came to them. This kind of small sightseeing car is very common on the planet. , the usage fee is also very low.

After sitting in the car, the small hover car rose up and then moved quickly along the road, taking the two people towards the distant city center.

There are stacks of tall buildings and various artistic buildings. When Shan came out of the space elevator, he felt that his eyes were not enough. He stopped and walked along, looking at all kinds of novel things, such as the roadside. Garden grass, white airship boats floating in the sky, some tourists sitting in the boat enjoying the scenery along the way, the propellers on both sides rotate slowly, bringing a little breeze.

Not far away, you can also see a glass corridor that looks like an undersea tunnel. From time to time, trains pass by quickly, but you can't hear any noise outside, and it is especially quiet.

Riding on the sonic train in the glass corridor, Shan only felt that the scenery outside the window was blurred for an instant, and then the speed of the train continued to break through in a short period of time, reaching about 400 meters per second. More than ten minutes later, the train stopped, and he also stopped. From the outskirts of the city to the center of the city.

Harp Corolla-Central District 1 is home to about 20 million residents, most of whom are students, scientific researchers, and company employees. The number of students is about 5 million. It is the city with the highest density of university students in the federation.

With Central District 1 as the center of the circle, the periphery is Center Districts 2-10. These areas are similar to Central District 1. On average, each area has about 15 million people and about 2 million students.

The entire central district 1-10 together has approximately 160 million residents and 26 million students. It is the famous 'Academy City' in the Rose Federation. In addition, it is the residential star 'Wing-2' in the Feiyu Star Territory. There are also many universities there, but they are not densely packed, but scattered throughout the planet.

Outside the central area, there are seven string fields of the harp corolla, namely the first string, the second string, the third string, and so on until the seventh string field. Each string field is subdivided into 10 subsets, such as the fourth string. String area 6, seventh string area 2 like this.

Districts 1-3 of each string area are areas where residents gather, appearing as a long and narrow urban agglomeration, like white strings distributed in the green sea of ​​flowers, while districts 4-10 have a smaller population and are generally There are sporadic small towns and towns scattered among the sea of ​​flowers, forests, sea cliffs and mountains.

‘The train has arrived at platform 2002 (swaying light) in central area 1. Passengers who need to get off are asked to get off in an orderly manner. ’

Looking at the directions on the personal terminal, Shan followed the flow of people out of the platform. When he stood on the street, he couldn't help but be dazzled by the towering buildings, and not only one, but densely connected high-rise buildings stood there. The signs on these buildings also told stories One by one, names resound throughout the federation.

The giant enterprise 'Elaine United', 'Solitary Star', 'Dakshi Matrix', 'Refining the Truth', 'Xilu Life', 'Moon Hand', 'Holy White Cradle', these majestic symbols stand in the stream of the sky. The clouds invisibly give the passers-by on the street looking up below a powerful sense of intimidation, making people feel like they want to kneel down for them. In fact, working in these giant companies is also the dream of countless young people in the Federation. .

In the year before graduation, Shan Shan advanced to Sequence 5. His grades were outstanding in the small town, but standing on the street, he found that almost all the students here were above Sequence 5, even the elites of Sequence 6. There are quite a few, and the majority of those elites who work in and out of giant companies are Sequence 6. The trace of pride that was originally in their hearts suddenly collapsed in such an environment and became extremely ordinary.

Gathering the top students and outstanding talents from hundreds of star regions across the federation, District 1, the center of Academy City, is so special that countless arrogant geniuses are frustrated by it and feel a sense of absurdity and unreality.

"This is Central District 1."

Sitting in a cafe between high-rise buildings, overlooking the streets below through the brown glass, Blanche sighed like this. Since entering the Cuiyue Star Territory, she has been shocked by the prosperity of the Central Star Territory more than once, and here The consumption also made her speechless. Just a cup of T5-level coffee with no special effects cost nearly 800 federal coins. In the Hemu Star Territory, a cup of coffee like this would cost 40-60 federal coins at most.

"How are you? Are you still used to it?" Sitting opposite Blanche is a girl from the cat-ear tribe. She has light purple cat ears and wears a tight-fitting purple and white dress. The style is easily reminiscent of a maid's outfit, but it is not. .

"I'm getting used to it slowly, thank you Elukelu." Blanche nodded to express her gratitude.

"It's nothing, you are too polite, Blanche~"

The girl with cat ears, known as Elukelu, is sitting on the seat with her legs crossed at the moment, holding her face with one hand, looking at Blanche opposite and the hover car flying outside. If anyone is familiar with this cat-eared girl, Fans of the girl who are present will definitely be eager to take photos of this scene and then collect it.

Yes, Elukelu is also a singer. She has been famous for several years. Her nickname is "Light Purple Modian". She has a lively personality and likes to play pranks. Her music style is also weird and she likes to create novel and special MVs. The little devil among singers likes to play tricks on their fans, but some people just like it.

The toes were hooked on the small leather shoes, and the black sheer stockings vaguely showed the outline of the toes. Elukelu was in a very light mood, and did not care about the image problem, because at this moment, the cafe had already been booked by her, and she was also there outside. With members of the Loyal Guard waiting, you can feel free to chat with Blanche here, or even take a nap.

"You can report to school tomorrow, Blanche." Elukelu mentioned casually.

"Let me calculate, I came to Golden Flame Flower two years before you, you have to call me senior~" She suddenly remembered something, her ears twitched, and she looked at Blanche.

Despite saying that, Elukelu looks obviously younger, probably only over 16 years old. This is because of the special genes of the orcs, and the cat-eared tribe is always younger.

"Well, Elukelu-senpai." Blanche said softly, as if she was still a little uncomfortable with such a title.

"Ahaha, it sounds so good. Can you say it again?" If it weren't for the tail, Elukelu would definitely be shaking. The excitement and joy in her eyes could be felt by Blanche even without looking.

This senior is such a tease, Blanche thought to herself, and then she shouted again.

"Hehe, that's great. I have decided that if you are bullied in the school in the future, you will tell me my name. Elukelu, the cat-sama, will definitely protect you." Elukelu patted her chest and gave a thumbs up. , pointing at himself, with one eye slightly closed, making a flying ☆~ movement.

On the street below, Tilan also wore a sun hat and walked with Ge Yin. The two looked curiously at the towering buildings on both sides and the storefronts every other section of the street. The storefronts here were not like Common street shops are filled with various products. Most of them only hang iconic objects and a few boutique products in the windows. The other decorations are to highlight the brand style. If you really want to buy something, you only need to enter the store and describe it to the clerk. On-site customized services are provided to guests, which is very considerate.

Of course, the price is beyond the imagination of ordinary federal residents, but such services are extremely common in the Central Star Territory.

Because it is a holiday and the school is about to start, as the most prosperous central area of ​​the Harp Corolla, there are many pedestrians and tourists on the street, but it is not crowded. This is probably the result of the super AI control and diversion in the city.

"Look, that's the 'Sela Star' fashion store over there. I've always wanted to order a skirt in this store, but there's never been a physical store in my hometown." The girl on the roadside pointed to the distant store in surprise. shop.

"'Solitary Star' is currently the giant enterprise in the Federation that has the greatest hope of reaching the outside of the Milky Way. If you can work for such a company and participate in such a great cause, it will be truly worth your while." The young man among the tourists looked at it with envy. The building across the street where people come and go.

“The environment of Harp Corolla is really comfortable. I really want to settle down here, but it’s a pity that the house price is too expensive.”

"Would you like to go to a drink shop on the street? I saw on the personal terminal that this shop is not too expensive."

"The weather is really nice today."

"There seems to be some sound in the distance."

With the exclamation coming from the front of the street, Tilan raised her head and saw two special small aircraft flying between the buildings. Their tails sprayed rainbow-like red, blue, white, and purple aerosols, and there were also flickering lights. little stars, and then as if there was a power outage, dark projection curtain walls like starry sky rose up on both sides of the street, dimming the light in the street.


Such symbols slide quickly along the curtain walls on both sides, and a burst of rhythmic music also sounds.

This performance-like scene made tens of thousands of people on the main street cheer in surprise, and then pairs of small planes flew over the street, constantly bringing up rainbow-like mist and twinkling five-pointed stars.

"It's coming." Ge Yin whispered, but in this noisy environment, only Tilan heard the voice of the girl next to him.

Just when she was about to ask, cold air flowed out from both sides of the main street, and then colorful searchlights lit up. On both sides of the street that stretched for nearly a kilometer, projections with the same shape and outline lit up.

This pink humanoid outline appeared in the mist. It looked like a young and beautiful girl. Then the humanoid outline turned to light, and a girl with light pink hair emerged. She was holding a microphone and her eyes were slightly closed. She started singing, then opened her eyes, with colorful stars flashing in her pupils, and the blue eye shadow at the corners of her eyes, which was particularly moving and impressive.

[The joyful fairy tale of colorful shooting stars unfolds for me...]

A burst of brisk singing accompanied the three-dimensional projection of the girl. Their dance movements were uniform and arranged on both sides of the street. They carried lights, music, and atmosphere in a short period of time, giving a strong impact to pedestrians on the street.

But that's not the end.

Just in the distance of the street, a blue crescent platform flies over the heads of the crowd like a magic carpet. Standing on the crescent platform is the girl's body in these three-dimensional projections. She is wearing a cute and stage-style short skirt and has a hand on her hand. With star-studded gloves, one hand gently holds the microphone, and the other hand gently lifts it. There are four silver spherical speakers half-flying beside him, and the smooth and brisk singing spreads along the crescent platform.

When she flew over the heads of Tilan and others, the girl could hear the excited cheers of passers-by around her, as well as countless camera lights.

"Moco lala~~"

"Moco lala~~"

"Moco lala~~"

Some of the tourists seemed to recognize the name of the singing girl and shouted out, and in the end there was even a wave of echoes.

This scene gradually ended after a few minutes, as the music ended. At this time, the projection walls on both sides of the street dissipated, and the colorful aerosol sprayed in the sky also dispersed, and the originally colorful streets returned to their previous appearance. But compared to before, many people on the street are still talking about the girl who sang just now.

[Jasmine Star is a new star idol singer selected from billions of girls through the 'Ribbon Starlight' company. Her popularity has spread rapidly in just six months. She is known on the Internet as the pinnacle of mortals and the number one singer below the diva. , fans will also call it 'Moco lala' to express their sense of intimacy.

It is said that the 'Ribbon Starlight' company has been committed to discovering young people with potential. They believe that the top outstanding singers selected from among trillions of ordinary people can achieve the same success even if they do not have the talent of a singer, thus gradually Change the harsh requirements of the profession of 'singer' on innate talent. ]

As if he knew what Tilan wanted to know, Geyin held the unfolded personal terminal in both hands and read out the information found on it.

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