MMORPG Doomsday War God

Chapter 1125 Small Dot Movement

Even if he even takes a look, he is very scared and deliberately avoids it.

Yi Xiaofan walked to the drawing made of devil skin, looked at some of the lines drawn on it, and slowly started to read it.

Suddenly, he noticed a problem, a very serious problem.

That is, the small glowing dots in the drawing seem to have moved slightly.

That's right, it just moved a little bit, and it's completely different from what you saw just now.

Moreover, the reference objects near the small dot have also changed.

Yi Xiaofan wondered if Li Goudan had discovered this problem, and he frowned. Slowly squat down.

Then focus your attention, so that you can avoid sinking into this drawing again.

Looking at it again, it was still true. The luminous dot had indeed changed its position. Although the distance of change was not large, Yi Xiaofan could say with certainty that the luminous dot had definitely changed its position a little.

"Could this little dot move?"

Yi Xiaofan thought in his mind, a little puzzled.

Looking at Li Goudan made Yi Xiaofan dumbfounded. At this time, Li Goudan was actually attracted by the glowing dot again, and turned into a look of dementia.

Although a look of struggle flashed across his face from time to time, he just couldn't wake up.

This made Yi Xiaofan a little puzzled. It stands to reason that Li Goudan’s strength is not low, and his mental power is also not low. He could be attracted by this blueprint so easily!

Is there really something wrong with this drawing?

However, Yi Xiaofan knew that this was not the time to think about such things. He stretched out his right hand and, like last time, covered the small glowing dot in the center of the drawing.

Then, he shouted at Li Goudan.

"Brother Goudan!"

This loud drink not only woke up Li Goudan, but also the two women and Li Qiang nearby were trembling all over and almost fell to the ground.

"Ah! What's wrong?"

Li Goudan's eyes regained their clarity, and he looked at Yi Xiaofan with a confused expression. He still didn't know why Yi Xiaofan called him.

Yi Xiaofan smiled helplessly and didn't say anything else. He just motioned to Li Goudan to look at the drawing.

Li Goudan was confused and lowered his head to look at the drawing. Only then did he realize that Yi Xiaofan's hand was placed on the drawing, covering the small dot in the middle of the drawing.

Only then did Li Goudan realize that he had been fascinated by this glowing dot just now.

However, it didn't react at all. It can be seen that there must be something wrong with this small glowing dot, and it is not a good thing.

"What happened just now? I was obviously well prepared, but I still jumped in headlong. I couldn't control my body and thoughts at all."

Li Goudan said, still with an incredible look in his eyes.

It was obvious that he was still frightened by what had just happened.

Yi Xiaofan felt strange when he saw this. It stands to reason that Li Goudan's strength is not low!

The mental power is also very strong. Why is it that after being fully prepared, I am still fascinated by the small glowing dots on this drawing?

This is simply too strange. Could it be that this small glowing dot really has such a magical power?

Furthermore, Yi Xiaofan has discovered that the luminous dot has moved a little, which is enough to show how weird the luminous dot is.

It stands to reason that the things marked on this drawing should be at fixed points and not move at all!

Why is it still moving for no reason?

This is so strange, almost unimaginably strange.

"Then have you noticed that the things on this drawing have changed?"

Yi Xiaofan tried to ask. He felt that this drawing was definitely not a simple thing. He noticed that the position of the luminous dot had moved, and Li Goudan must have known something about it.

After all, those who are so powerful basically have a photographic memory. For this kind of thing, it will take a long time to forget it after just one glance.

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