MMORPG Doomsday War God

Chapter 532: The Limping Tiger

The alpha wolf usually hides behind the pack.

Where, directing the attack of the wolves.

Vimo opened his eyes wide and looked around carefully.

While sending the spear in his hand into the bodies of other wolves.

Although it is not enough to kill a wolf with one blow, it is enough to cause a lot of damage to ordinary wolves in the wolf pack.

The fallen black wolf will instantly become the prey in the hands of other primitive people following Weimo.

Not far away, Lana's father, the chief of the tribe, was also extremely brave at this time.

The huge stone ax in his hand danced fiercely, and with the swing of his huge stone ax, waves of air attacked the wolves with the sound of piercing the air.

Just a simple swipe, slash, and the air wave created by the slash is enough to blow over those black wolves with a body length of more than two meters.

Then he was killed by other primitive people who followed behind.

Although it seemed that the tribe killed the wolves very quickly.

But, that's only temporary.

Those black wolves who were killed at this time were just here to fight.

There are not many, and even bigger troops are yet to come!


The white-haired wolf king seemed a little dissatisfied with his subordinates' actions and plans.

Standing on a big rock, looking up at the moon in the sky howling.

Immediately, those wolves who heard the howling sound seemed to get some kind of stimulation.

One by one, they all began to become more brave.

Rush forward, and then bite people.


Suddenly, on the primitive side, there were already casualties.

A dark-skinned primitive man was bitten by a black wolf.

Before he could let out a scream, he was already thrown down by the black wolf.

The open wolf kiss was already approaching his neck.

With just one click, this thick primitive man will die and become food for the wolves.

"call out!"

Just when the primitive man closed his eyes and was about to die.

A sharp sword cut through the air.

Like lightning, the lasing found Hei Lang's neck.


Immediately, a huge force knocked Hei Lang's body away.

Immediately afterwards, a smear of blood flowed out, spraying all over the primitive man's body.

The primitive man felt a warm liquid touch on his body. Suddenly opened his eyes.

He looked at the Hei Lang who had fallen beside him, and the sharp arrow stuck in the Hei Lang's neck.

Seems to understand something, looking far away.

Although at night, I can't see clearly.

However, those primitive people have lit a lot of torches.

Therefore, the scene can also be seen.

The sight of the primitive man moved to a young girl.

It was Lana. At this time, Lana had already climbed to the roof, where was the best sniping point.

It can hit most of the black wolves in the field and save those primitive men from fire and water.

Of course, apart from her, there are more than a dozen primitive women, who are also on the surrounding roofs at this time.

They also held a longbow in their hands.

These are primitive shooters.

Each of them has undergone special training, and their proficiency in arrows is very high, and they can easily hit those black wolves that are moving at high speed in the distance.

All the primitives went crazy.

This is a huge issue related to the survival of their tribe. Every primitive man who can fight is struggling to pick up the weapon in his hand and aim at the wolves in front.

Even those primitive children who didn't have much combat effectiveness tried their best to light some torches at this time, trying to use this method to illuminate the primitive people who were fighting on the battlefield.

Secondly, the beasts in this forest are instinctively afraid of fire.

Therefore, lighting most of the torches can also affect those beasts to a certain extent.

All are struggling against this, all are unwilling to give up the home they have lived in for so long.

Of course, this also doesn't include the reason why they couldn't escape the wolves at night.

Otherwise, in the case of this kind of attack by wolves, if you can't resist, the best way is to leave here and run far away.

However, the situation at this time, obviously, does not allow them to do so.


A loud roar came from the thatched hut under Lana.

It was a roar of a tiger.

Immediately afterwards, a big tiger suddenly ran out of the thatched hut.

The huge body stretched out, approaching five meters unexpectedly.

This is the big tiger that Lana raised and tamed.

When Duhu saw that his homeland was being attacked by wolves, he was also angry.

With a loud roar, Lana has not yet given an order.

It has already turned into a bolt of lightning, pounced towards the wolves.

However, during the run, it was obvious that one of the tiger's front paws seemed to be abnormal.

When they ran, they were all limping, and it seemed that they were injured.

Big tiger joins the battlefield

, but it did not play a big role in the overall battle situation.

After all, there are too many wolves.

In addition, there is a wolf, a beast with superior intelligence, directing the attack.

As a result, under the guard of the big tiger and dozens of primitive people, Ye was beaten by a pack of wolves and retreated steadily.

They were rushing forward just now, but now they have been suppressed and kept shrinking behind.

Vimo had no choice but to give up his idea at this time.

He has already found the trail of the wolf, but he has no ability to go there.

If he forced his way, maybe with his strength, he would be torn to pieces by all the wolves without touching the head wolf's fur.

Therefore, he had no choice but to retreat.

"Back, back, back to the fire."

Lana's father also discovered the problem at this time.

Hastily raised the huge stone ax in his hand, beckoning the primitive man to retreat.

At this time, behind them, a large bonfire had already burned.

All kinds of wood crackled and burned inside, making bursts of crackling sounds.

The intense heat almost surrounded half of the tribe.

Lana's father wanted to use these firelights to see if it was possible to influence the actions of those wolves.

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