MMORPG: The Leveling Specialist

Volume 2 Scarlet Monastery Chapter 171 Carpooling?

After Camry's blow, the skeleton horse ran back. Although the knight's blow was strong, their attacks were not continuous, which was also the weakness of this class. But that blow just now was terrifying enough. It broke the shield warrior's solid shield and almost killed the main shield warrior in the team in one blow. "Attack!" The middle-aged priest yelled, seven or eight spells bombarded Camry, and Camry charged forward again. The silver light of the knight's spear flickered, and it only took a moment to rush to the front of the player formation. , the spear pierced into the chest of a sword warrior, knocking that sword warrior flying, and killing him instantly. The legal professions in the rear kept attacking Camry, while the soldiers in front formed a square formation, gradually approaching Camry, in order to narrow the range of Camry's activities. The smaller the range of Camry's activities, If the skeleton warhorse cannot move, the less impact it will produce. Xiao Ling held his staff tightly and was ready to attack these players at any time. Camry's blood volume was limited. If it kept being consumed and Xiao Ling didn't make a move, Camry might die. The skeleton warhorse accelerated for a moment in the open space, and then rushed towards the player formation. The knight gun in Camry's hand was raised high, and he shot at one of the barbarian berserkers. The battle sword pierced the barbarian's chest, and blood bloomed like flowers. But Camry's attack was not over yet. The skeleton horse raised its front hooves high and stomped down on a druid who had turned into a bear, and immediately stomped the druid to the ground. Camry's knight's spear turned a huge arc. Sweeping over the neck of the shield warrior who survived by chance, the shield warrior was killed with one blow, and the skeleton horse leaped over the druid's body and landed beside the middle-aged priest. Camry's spear had already been stabbed, and a look of panic flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged priest. At that moment, his eyes were soaked in blood and became extremely blood-red. The middle-aged priest's eyes turned black and he fell to the ground. Capture the thief first and capture the king. As an experienced knight, Camry knows the importance of this tactic. The melee professional players surrounded him, and the skeleton horse under Camry jumped. Out of the siege of melee professional players. It's now! Xiao Ling's pupils suddenly shrank. The mechanical gargoyle happened to land next to the professional players of the law system. These professional players of the legal system are still wondering, this mechanical gargoyle does not know who it is, why it suddenly appeared here, before they could react, the mechanical gargoyle The ground ice ring technique had enveloped these legal system professional players, while Xiao Ling sang the fire of hell. When the mechanical gargoyle flew away from these players, Xiao Ling cast the fire of hell to burn. It shrouded the professional players of the legal system. Regarding the pk between the same alliance, every time you kill a player in the same alliance, you will get a little crime point. If the crime points accumulate to 100 points, you will be punished by God. After God's punishment, the player's level will drop by three levels. Then the evil value is reset to zero. Another way is to accumulate meritorious deeds. Every time you get five meritorious points, you can wash away a little bit of crime. Another way is to donate money to the country, and every five thousand gold coins donated can wash away a little sin. Xiao Ling took a look at his glory

, there are a total of more than seventy points, which are accumulated in normal times, and it seems that this time I will use them all at once. The flames of hell were burning fiercely. If it was an ordinary pk, Xiao Ling would definitely not have enough time to cast a skill like the flames of hell. Morrie was still attracting the attention of most melee professional players, but Xiao Ling unleashed Hellfire. The attack of Hellfire was very powerful. These players were all killed before they could escape the attack range of Hellfire Killed, the melee professional players in front were all dumbfounded, because the legal system professional players and priests in the back were all killed, and they had no point in fighting, and fled outside one by one. But how can a man outrun a horse? Camori rode his horse and chased after these players, and the knight spear stabbed them through from behind. Xiao Ling knew that he had offended the players of this team, and if he met them again, he might be fighting to the death, but Xiao Ling had no choice but to save Camry. Maybe even after the team members died, they still didn't understand how they offended Xiao Ling, and Xiao Ling wanted to sneak attack them. Camry killed the fleeing players one by one, and then ran back on horseback. Camry looked very displeased and did not express his gratitude to Xiao Ling. Xiao Ling knew that it was the glory of the damn knight again that made Camry feel that his sneak attack on those players was despicable. "The true god Telhid said that every race and every profession has its own value. Even a god cannot impose his will on others. Therefore, the honor of knights you abide by does not mean anything to me. Applicable, because I'm not a knight." Xiao Ling said lightly. "Noble warrior, please forgive my rudeness, thank you for helping me defeat those humans." Kamoli said. Xiao Ling knew that when dealing with npcs, it was useless to warn them with his own words. He could only read the words of God, and then reprimand them from top to bottom. Most of the npcs would choose to obey, because God was theirs. Faith, all the words of God are right, only when the words of God are brought out, the npcs will think that what you say is reasonable. It couldn't be easier to convince a foolish and loyal knight like Camry. Xiao Ling nodded and looked at the sky, it was already dark. Xiao Ling asked: "Let's go, can you find out where Riodo is now?" Camry hesitated for a moment, obviously he didn't know either. hiss! The skeleton warhorse neighed, then walked back and forth. "Do you know where Leo is?" Xiao Ling asked the skeleton horse. The Skeleton Warhorse nodded. This Skeleton Warhorse was really good at understanding Xiao Ling's words. "Warrior, do you want to come up and ride with me?" Camry asked on the skeleton horse. Xiao Ling's expression was a little weird. It was a strange feeling for two big men to ride together, and the other was an undead. If it was a stunning beauty, Xiao Ling wouldn't mind. Xiao Ling quickly waved his hand and said, "No need." Xiao Ling used the summoning stone of the Skeleton Horse that he had obtained before, summoned the Skeleton Horse that he exploded, and rode on the Skeleton Horse. Xiao Lingqi

Leading the skeleton horse to Camry's side, he said, "Let's go." Xiao Ling found that he was half shorter than Camry, and compared himself with the skeleton horse under Camry, compared to Camry's skeleton The war horse, the skeleton war horse under him is simply a donkey. Xiao Ling's skeleton horse can increase the movement speed by 25%. The 25% movement speed is not based on Xiao Ling's walking speed, but on the fastest running speed. Human physical strength and endurance are limited , After running for a certain distance, you will feel tired, but the horse is different. The most ordinary horse can also run for a whole day. I don't know what the attributes of Camry's skeleton horse are, Xiao Ling thought. Camry's legs slapped the horse's belly, and the skeletal warhorse under Camry raised its hooves and ran to the distance. Xiao Ling also rode the horse to keep up. In just a moment, Camry pulled himself away for a long time some distance. Two horses rushed out of the cave and galloped in the direction of Deathknell. The two horses were galloping, and Camry's war horse went away in the dust, leaving only Xiao Ling's back. Xiao Ling was very depressed. Why are they both horses? Why is the gap so big? The war horse immediately lost interest. It would be great if he could get a mount like Camry's skeleton war horse, Xiao Ling thought. Horses are more sensitive to their surroundings than humans. During the period when the head was lost, the skeleton warhorses carried Camry around, and the skeleton warhorses detected and remembered where Riodo was hiding. And Camry didn't know it, because he had just recovered his head. Xiao Ling quickly lost track of Camry. After running on the avenue for a while, he saw Camry and his skeletal horse stopped in place. It was obvious that he had been waiting for a long time, and Xiao Ling felt depressed again , his eyes stayed on the skeleton horse under Camry for a moment, if he had such a handsome horse, it would be such a cool thing, of course cool is secondary, the important thing is practicality, if there is Kamoli Xiao Ling didn't have to take the bat back to Edins with the skeleton warhorse in the movie, because the flying speed of the giant bat might not be as fast as the skeleton warhorse in Cameri. The skeletal warhorse in Cameri is obviously a mutant breed, and Erathia's best warhorse is no more than that. Xiao Ling withdrew his gaze, and Camry's skeletal horse began to slow down, running towards the direction of Deathknell Town, and then he was going to face Leo Do, so he had to be cautious, Xiao Ling felt that with Camry here, Killing Riodo shouldn't be a problem. The skeletal horse entered Deathknell Town, turned around in the alleys of Deathknell Town, and finally came to a low old wooden house. hiss! The skeletal warhorse neighed, and then crashed into the low old wooden house, half of which collapsed immediately, and a white figure shot out, it was Riodo who wanted to escape! .

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