MMORPG: The Leveling Specialist

Volume II Scarlet Monastery Chapter 192 Father and Son

A flaming stone demon walked over here. Streams of scorching heat surged towards Mu Lin. If the flame stone demon touches Mu Lin. Mu Lin will show her figure, and the process of opening the treasure chest may also be interrupted.

All these situations fell into Xiao Ling's eyes. Xiao Ling's heart sank, and he manipulated the mechanical gargoyle to fly over there.

Freezing Breath!

The mechanical gargoyle cast an attack spell on the flaming gargoyle who was walking towards Mu Lin. The flaming gargoyle's attention was attracted by the mechanical gargoyle, and it roared and rushed towards the mechanical gargoyle. Xiao Ling manipulated the mechanical gargoyle to escape to the distant cliff. On the one hand, it attracted a large number of flame stone demons, creating conditions for Mu Lin to escape.

Mu Lin wiped the sweat on her forehead from being roasted by the flames of the flame stone demon at close range, and continued with the work at hand.

Treasure chest opening: 9996...10096, successfully opened!

Mu Lin took the things in the treasure box into her hands, and put them into the package, without wasting time to check what it was. Cast wind walk. He rushed towards Xiao Ling's direction.

The treasure chest was stolen. All the flame stone demons seemed to be stimulated suddenly. The body is blazing with flames. Run to Mu Lin.

They could see Mu Lin? Although he didn't know why, Xiao Ling ran out from the crack in the stone. Air explosion! Resist the halo! Xiao Ling kept casting all kinds of magic. Blocking the flaming stone demons who surrounded Mu Lin, these flaming stone demons completely ignored Xiao Ling's attack. Although the speed slowed down, he still rushed towards Mu Lin.

Mu Lin and Xiao Ling passed each other. ran away.

Howl of fear!

The flaming stone demons following Mu Lin were stimulated by Xiao Ling's fearful howls, and they all looked like headless chickens. Running around. Thankfully the Howl of Terror works.

Xiao Ling and Mu Lin finally evacuated here safely.

"How about you?" Xiao Ling sent a text message to Luanying and asked.

"I've already thrown them away." Luanying said, although Luanying's words were relaxed, Xiao Ling knew that the process must be extremely thrilling. Fortunately, the task was successfully completed.

The three of them gathered together and walked down the mountain.

"What's in that treasure chest?" Luanying asked.

Mu Lin took out the things she had obtained. This is a red crystal.

Perfect flame spar: grade, rarity level 5, attributes. Increased fire magic damage by 1096. Can be used for inlays.

nice one!

The fire spar emitted from this flame spar is very pure, and it is indeed a perfect flame spar. The flame spar synthesized by Xiao Ling and the others spawning monsters from the flame spar fragments is just an ordinary flame spar. Can only increase 395 fire magic damage. This perfect flame magic spar can actually increase the damage of fire magic by 1096. Simply an excellent item for setting. But there is another very difficult thing to do. Everyone couldn't find the equipment suitable for inlaying this flame spar, because this flame spar was too precious, and the flame suit couldn't match it at all. Have to wait to find more suitable equipment to mount it. It will not humiliate this flame spar.

The three returned to the team. Heavenly Maniac asked: "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"We found the location of the Flame Lord and got this thing." Xiao Ling handed the perfect flame spar to Heavenly Maniac. If it wasn't for Xiao Ling's Rogge Eye, it would have taken a lot of effort to find the Flame Lord Twists and turns, because there are many flame stone demons outside the cave where the flame lord is located, the only way to clean up all these flame stone demons. To find the location of the cave. The Eye of Rogge deserves the most credit.

"Good thing." Heavenly Maniac's eyes lit up, and he said, if he can find a piece of high-grade ground fire equipment, then inlaid with this perfect flame spar. Add enchantments to the equipment. A piece of equipment that is one of the best in the server was born. "We've collected enough flame spar fragments. Now that we've found the location of the flame lord, let's go back and pick up the quest of the flame lord."

"Good." Xiao Ling replied.

Everyone clicked on the scroll to return to the city. Back in the city, the others dispersed and rested. Heavenly Maniac and Xiao Ling walked towards the mercenaries.

"Have you found the location of the Flame Lord?" The mercenary union administrator said in surprise, "Please wait a moment, we will contact Mr. Holkad as soon as possible."

Xiao Ling and the others waited in the box. But for a moment. A middle-aged barbarian berserker wearing a full set of silver and white metal armor walked into the box. He has a strong physique, steady steps, full of bulging muscles, and a long black beard on his face. He is a very typical barbarian berserker NPC.

"Warriors, hello, my name is Holkad, and I am the one who issued the task of finding the Lord of Fire." Holkad said.

"Hello, Mr. Holcard." Heavenly Maniac and Xiao Ling stood up. He said hello to Holkad.

"I heard that you found the location of the Lord of Fire, is it true?" Holkad was obviously agitated.

"Yes. We found the location of the Fire Lord in the Flame Canyon. May we know why you are looking for the Fire Lord?" Xiao Ling and the others asked.

"Of course, as the recipients of the mission, you have the right to know everything related to the mission." Hallkad said.

"Please sit down." Heavenly Maniac pulled out a chair and gave it to Holkad, and everyone sat down around the table.

"Ottombo is my father." Holcade's tone was a little startled, as if he had aged several decades in an instant. He told his story eloquently. This is a very touching story.

Xiao Ling and the others listened to the story told by Holkad, and their thoughts slowly drifted along with Holkad's story. They vaguely seemed to see the watchtower dagger in that Otombo Castle, a strong The barbarian berserker looked towards the southern end of Enzes. He is Otombo. Beside him stood a child. It was Holkad in front of him.

Holcard: Father, what's beyond the canyon?

Otombo looked into the distance with deep eyes: it was the plain.

Holcard: And beyond the plain?

Ottombo: It's a snow mountain.

Holkad: Where is the snowy mountain?

Ottombo: It's the sea.

Holcard: Where is the sea?

Otombo lovingly stroked Holkad's head: Son, that is the hometown of our barbarian berserkers. Evermont Island.

Holkad: Father, why did we leave our homeland?

Ottombo: We are barbarian berserkers. Wandering and fighting is our destiny.

Barbarian Berserkers are a nomadic and fighting race, their glory on the battlefield!

"From a very young age. My father told me that the barbarian berserkers are the most powerful race. We believe in the great God of War, Tyreno. Fighting is our destiny." Holkad burst into tears, from In his eyes, you can see Holkad's deep nostalgia for his father. "We spent the harsh winter in that old castle. When the warm sun shines on the earth in spring, we will go to the front line of Erasia, where we will fulfill our honor and oath. But. When the scorching rock flow from Mount Leodo rolled down. The Lord of Fire attacked our old castle. It turned it into a pile of ruins. Our great warriors fought fiercely with those giant beasts of flame. They were heroic. Even if they died in battle, they would not die. Take a step back. The fire behemoths have invaded our castle. Otombo. My father. He said to me. Son, barbarian berserkers are unyielding. You stay in the bedroom and see how your father Fighting. Wait until you grow up and have enough strength. You have to be as brave as your father."

A drop of tear flowed from Holkad's eyes, and flowed over Holkad's wrinkled face, it was the tear of self-blame, the child of that year. It's old now. His face was full of vicissitudes of time, "I didn't fight with my father, I'm sorry for my father, he stood in the corridor. Flame elementals, flame puppets, flame pythons, flame stone demons, those powerful creatures fought against my father's sword It turned into ashes. For three days and three nights, none of those creatures could approach the bedroom until the Flame Lord came. Father and the Flame Lord had a fierce battle in the corridor. Finally, the Flame Lord was seriously injured, and they left our castle. Victory, when I ran to my father, I found that my father's body was covered with burn marks, and his armor was scalded by the flames. For three days and three nights, my father exhausted all his strength. Morning I couldn't hold it anymore, but because of me, I fought to the end. My father, who was scorched by burns, stroked my face and said to me. My child. When the spring sun shines on Evermont Island. The beautiful snow The scent of roses. It will float to every corner of Evermont Island. Your grandfather Raymond Card and I will watch you grow up in heaven. Become a warrior admired by thousands of people. Please remember, Whenever. Your father will be proud of you."

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