Anyway, everyone can't see RNG's ultimate.

Hiding and hiding, but hiding yourself.

No matter what earth-shattering and ghost-weeping moves you have prepared, they won't be useful now.

You can't even pass the first level, and you say you have a way to deal with the boss of the last level, isn't that funny?

The crowd laughed.

After seeing the performance of IG, let's take a look at the performance of RNG...... It's a world of difference.

You can see the attitude of both teams towards the game from the BP.

IG's lineup is all about playing to its strengths.

They are extremely strong in the line, and they get strong heroes in the line.

Doesn't sacrifice other team members for a point.

Unlike RNG, except for four guarantees and one is four guarantees and one, and it is also a Lucian.

After IG has selected its own lineup, it will be up to G2 to see how the last hand of G2 will respond.

What kind of top orders will they choose to deal with IG's BP.

"Chen, what do you want to choose?" the assistant asked.

"I don't know who IG is on the list and who is on the list. Ah P's face was also much more serious.

In the face of Rookie, before the fight started, a huge pressure hit.

This opponent is not easy to deal with.

He's got to brace his spirits.

Although the overall strength of the G2 team has been greatly improved with the help and training of Chen Hao, it is really hard to say what it will be like in the face of a team with super personal strength like IG.

IG's BP caused them a lot of trouble from the beginning.

They can only pin their hopes on Chen Hao.

See how he copes.

The last hand was chosen......

It depends on what Chen Hao will choose.

As the clock ticked by, all eyes were on the last option.

Chen Hao's choice touches everyone's heart.

"Then the crocodile. "


When Chen Hao said his choice, his teammates were just expecting it, without much surprise.

They all unconditionally believe in Chen Hao's choice.

The crocodile is also a hegemon online.

Whoever is on the road and who is in the middle doesn't matter much.

Against the lane Akali, it's not a big problem, and the crocodile basically restrains the short-handed hero.

Fight a long-handed hero like Jace, you can call the jungler to catch it together.

It's the hero of the crocodile, if you don't play an advantage in the early and middle stages, and drag it to the late stage...... The role will be greatly reduced, and with the mid laner being Galio, G2's lineup will be difficult to play in the late game.

"G2 is the best choice...... It's a bit adventurous. "

After seeing that Chen Hao chose the crocodile, the commentators were also analyzing the role of this choice.


IG also fell into thinking after seeing Chen Hao choose the crocodile.

They also have to arrange who they send on their side to line up with the crocodiles.

Is it Akali?

Or with Jace?

In the middle lane against Galio, these two heroes can also play, and they are both very good to play.

It's just that these two heroes are good at the middle and upper two.

"Ginger, which one are you going to play?" Rookie was still going to ask Theshy for his personal opinion.

"Then give me Akali. "

After Theshy thought about it for a while, he decided to use Akali to hit Chen Hao's crocodile.

Don't look at Akali's heroic short hand, but the ceiling is also very high, and everything depends on the operation.

"Okay. "

The lineup was adjusted, and soon the lineups of the two sides were decided.

In this first game, IG came up with their best lineup play, focusing on the line, and G2 was more just a trial.

But...... It seems that the focus is on the road.

In this game, the road may be a point of more concern.

The lineups of both sides are confirmed.

Blue side IG: Top laner Akali, Jungler Prince, mid laner Jace, bottom laner Lucian + Bron

Red side G2: Top laner crocodile, jungler Zhao Xin, mid laner Galio, bottom lane is Ember + Luo

From the perspective of the lineup, IG here is trying to suppress this opponent on the line, and G2's lineup is a face-rushing formation.

"Both sides have decided on the lineup. "

"Jace is in the middle and Akali is in the middle. After seeing that the lineup was decided, the commentator also began to analyze the lineup on both sides and the situation on the line.

"Jace is better at suppressing other heroes on the line, and the opposite midlaner is Galio, so don't worry too much in the middle lane. "

"On the road, Akali will suffer a little bit against the crocodile, but there is a Xia array, so don't worry too much. "

"I think IG also took this into account and chose to switch Akali to the top lane. "

"The focus of G2 in this game is clearly on the road. "

"If the crocodile does not get an advantage in the early and middle stages, the role of the late stage will be greatly reduced, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a super soldier. "

"That's right, the hero of the crocodile doesn't play much role in the late game, and the mid laner on the opposite side is Galio, once they don't get an advantage in the middle game, G2 won't be able to play in the late game. "

"And IG also has the assistance of Bron, you can play backhands, and you don't have to worry about the opponent's face protruding. "

The commentary here is extremely optimistic about IG's performance in this game.

They all believe that G2's lineup has obvious weaknesses.

"It's up to you to see how the two sides fight. "

"After the fall of the gods in the LCK division, the strongest opponents have fallen. "

"Everybody felt that hope. "

"This year has been the most promising for both teams. "

This remark once again made many viewers complain.

"Commentary, please, don't say anything about the most promising year, the more I talk about it, the more panicked I become. "

"That's right...... I'm also a little panicked. "

A group of viewers said they were a little panicked.

Good at this time.

Game buffering ends.

The commentators didn't talk for long and returned to the game.

"Looking forward to the performance of Brother Shy in this game. "

Everyone's hearts are looking forward to the matching situation on the road.

In this game, it will definitely be very unquiet on the road.

And to the line theshy, this is also something that Chen Hao has been looking forward to.

Enter the game.

Both sides are standing at their respective intersections and holding their positions.

Don't let the other party's people invade yourself.

The first-level regiments on both sides did not fight, and the junglers were all opened from the red.

After Chen Hao went to help the jungler get the red, he returned to the line just to make up the knife.

As soon as he is online, THeshy is to step forward and use the Q skill to consume the crocodile's HP.

Chen Hao didn't get too far forward, but pulled the distance back, just outside the opponent's Q skill attack range.

In order to allow himself to develop safely online, Theshy made an eye position in the grass early.

The opponent's jungler started with the red buff on the top lane, and it is likely that he will catch himself on the road in the early stage.

Chen Hao was not in a hurry.

Both sides are testing each other and consuming each other's HP.

Chen Hao was waiting for level 3, which was a flashpoint for crocodiles.

If you use it well, you might be able to kill your opponent online.

Of course, Chen Hao didn't think that he could kill the other party so easily.

If it were that easy, theshy wouldn't be called theshy.

Both sides did a good job of detailing the line in the early stage, trying to control the line as much as possible.

It seems to be calm, but there is already an undercurrent underneath.

are all looking for each other's flaws.

Once theshy makes a mistake, or Chen Hao's crocodile makes a mistake, the opponent may catch the opportunity.

Lane Move...... All very well done.

This is the detail of the top order.

Don't give the other party a chance to catch your mistake at all.

It's okay on this side of the road for the time being, but on the other side.

Galio in the middle was suppressed by Rookie at the beginning, and Jace was still better at playing Galio on the line.

Took a small lead.

On the lower road, Ah Shui and Baolan are also trying their best to press the line, relying on their personal strength to temporarily suppress G2's bottom lane combination.

Don't look at Ah Shui as a newcomer, but his strength is not weak.

At first glance, the start of G2 is ...... Doesn't seem like a good thing.

Except for the time being, there is no problem on the road, and the other two roads are at a disadvantage.

Seeing such a start, more people complained.

"With the strength that G2 is showing now, I really can't figure out how RNG lost. "

"RNG: That's too vegetable. "

"RNG can't really be match-fixing, right?"

In the live broadcast room of the game, a bunch of barrages appeared.

Most of them are complaining about RNG.

Who made the match between G2 and IG at this time, play so clearly.

However, with the current lead in the middle and lower lanes, it cannot be said that IG will definitely win.

The game is not over yet, and everything is uncertain.

A team like G2 should not be underestimated.

At present, IG does not have much advantage in the lead, that is, it is just a few mends ahead online.

The lower road of G2 was originally free-range.

They have long been accustomed to being suppressed on the lower road.

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