Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 170 Bye Bye Swamp

The final stage of hunting can be said to be without any surprises and dangers, and the distribution of the spoils after the event, or the distribution of spoils, is also very simple.

The material for the emerald water dragon belongs to Aziz, the material for the water dragon belongs to Fengying, and Gordon and Anshir don't want anything, after all, there is no demand.

Az was a little embarrassed.

Although the emerald water dragon and the water dragon are the same species, the value of the material is vastly different. According to this distribution, he alone monopolizes more than 70% to 80% of the benefits.

"Let's compensate everyone with some money!"

After exchanging eyes with Anshir, Gordon shook his head and said, "You don't have to be so polite, Fengying has already collected the materials for the 'lobster suit', that's enough.

After all, we didn't officially accept the mission. If it wasn't for passive encounters, just hunting water dragons would have violated the rules. "

Behind her was a large stack of "Water Dragon Fins" Fengying, with her small hands folded in front of her, with a reserved and cute smile on her face.

In fact, I was so happy that I almost sniffled my nose.

Seeing that Az was going to say something, Gordon changed the subject.

"Az, are you going to make the emerald water dragon suit? If the material of the five-star monster is used, it should be able to make good equipment?"

Az patted the sea dragon suit helmet under his arm, and said:

"Yes, although the sea dragon suit is great, but I heard that the emerald water dragon suit has a good cold and heat insulation effect, and the tight shape is also very suitable for underwater operations.

In the future, I plan to go to Flasia Snow Mountain, and go to the ice lake over there to see if there are any novel fish to catch. It may be useful! "

"Emerald water dragon suit?" Anshir's expression stiffened visibly to the naked eye.

"What's wrong?" Gordon looked at his partner curiously, "Is there any bad comment on the green water dragon suit?"

Az also looked over.

Anshir smiled reluctantly, and said: "There is nothing wrong with the equipment itself, but, how should I put it, Aziz, do you care about your own image?"

Az showed his white teeth, "If it's just a matter of appearance, I don't care about it! It's practical, as long as the equipment is easy to use, it doesn't matter if it looks good or not!"

Anshir twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, "That's good, but I still suggest that you ask the workshop for a pattern confirmation before placing an order."

Seeing what Anshir said, Gordon also became a little curious about the "Emerald Water Dragon Suit".

Gordon knew that Anshir had always paid attention to his image and appearance. Perhaps it was because of his relatively high aesthetic requirements?

"No no no."

Anshir, who had guessed what his companion was thinking, shook his head and said: "I don't think the design of a lot of equipment looks good, so I won't consider using it, but that's all.

But the water dragon and the emerald water dragon set, it is not a question of whether they are good-looking or not, they are really that kind of equipment that is rare, um, even just looking at it makes people feel uncomfortable. "(picture)

"That's very rude to the equipment designer." Gordon said helplessly.

An Xier suddenly turned his head to look at Fengying, "By the way, I have read books about strange legends in the Western Continent, what is the name of a creature, a Kappa?

Yes, wearing the green water dragon suit is almost the same, except that the second turtle shell is missing. "

"Kappa?" Fengying blinked her eyes in surprise, "Is he so fat?"

"Fat?" An Xier was a little confused, he felt that what he said and what Fengying understood were completely different things.

"Well, the Kappa frog is as fat as a meatball, just like Grandpa Sui Fengren, oops, I can't say this, Grandpa Sui Fengren will be angry when he hears this."

Fengying muttered about acquaintances in her hometown, An Xier didn't bother her, but stared at Azi seriously, and reminded again, "In short, remember to look at the pattern first, otherwise you will regret it."

"Uh, I see."

With the experience of catching a water dragon, Fengying seems to have lost interest in fishing all of a sudden.

No matter how big the fish caught, can it be bigger than the water dragon?

Thus, the life of the fisherman came to an end, and the group set off again after resting in place for a day.

With the help of Haimin Aziz, Gordon and others quickly found a gentle current area suitable for crossing the river.

Using bamboo that can be found everywhere nearby as materials, and building a simple raft, the group crossed the big river smoothly and came to the East Trad Wetland on the opposite side of the big river.

Next, Gordon and his party will continue to East Doruma, which is located in the southeast of the wetland.

As for Aziz, he planned to go north, to take a short rest in Schinard Village, and then go to the Flasia Snow Mountain.

Fengying was a little sad, but the other three who had long been accustomed to meeting and parting, just patted each other on the shoulders, waved their hands, and then embarked on their respective journeys.

In the following days, Fengying continued to sweep the shield crabs in the wetland.

Thanks to the previous frog bait, one of the main materials of the lobster set, the "Water Dragon's Fin", has been collected.

Next, as long as you hunt enough shield crabs and start with the "Shrimp Shell" from the task settlement reward, you can gather the materials for the lobster suit.

That's why the little girl is very energetic, as long as she finds a shield crab, she will never let it go.

If it weren't for the swamps being sparsely populated, dark and rainy, it is especially suitable for shield crabs to breed, making it crowded with countless shield crab populations.

Gordon is worried that this will destroy the ecological balance of the swamp.

The time passed slowly in the cycle of rushing on the road, hunting shield crabs, collecting materials, and tasting strange swamp dishes.

Fengying's luggage was filled with shield crab head shells that were used as proof of crusade.

The fresh sea breeze from the inland sea also blew away the dark clouds at the edge of the swamp, the muddy ground became dry and flat, and the warm sunshine shone on the group after a long absence.

Anshir smiled and pointed to the front.

Looking far away, Gordon Fengying saw a tall city wall stretching for tens of miles like a mountain range, standing proudly on the edge of the horizon.

The most powerful city in the mainland, Dongduoluma, is already far away.

This is Anshir's hometown.

Gordon looked forward to Anshir, who was always calm and elegant, showing excitement or tears when he returned to his hometown.

Unfortunately not.

The guy's only reaction was that his pace became a little faster than usual.


"What are you expecting?"

Anshir gave Gordon a sideways look, "Did you think I would be like you, yelling stupid things like 'my lord is back', and then rushing into the city gate like 'clam clack clack clack'?"


Gordon folded his arms and pouted his lips and said, "Not really, but you should at least be a little excited, right? It's the first time you've returned home after nearly two years, and your reaction is so flat?"

"I've stayed in a place for twenty years and only left for a little over two years. What's there to be excited about?"

"I remember you said that your family members are also in East Doruma, don't you miss them?"

"I don't want to." Anshir's stern face was filled with "tough mouth".

"Could it be that senior Anshir has a bad relationship with his family?"

Fengying imitated Gordon's appearance and crossed her arms, guessing wildly, "Senior's family background seems to be very powerful, the struggle for inheritance? Clan hatred?"

"I'm guessing it's running away from marriage, meow."


"Ha." Anshir sighed helplessly, "You have read too many messy novels, there are not so many strange reasons, and I have no conflicts with my family.

Forget it, since you are back, you should go back and have a look. Do you want to come together? No matter how you say it, this place is also my place, and I still need food, lodging and entertainment. "


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