Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 360 Fighting in the Forest

"The timing is good, Babaka!" Maca stretched her arms and stood up from the ground


Maca looked at Hariyata, "Scramble to attack? Or?"

Hayata, who turned over and stood up, looked at the Leilanglong who temporarily lost his eyesight but appeared more ferocious and violent, constantly waving its claws and flicking its tail, thinking quickly in his heart.

At this time, it is close to a strong attack, and the danger is high, and the offensive effect is estimated to not be very good.

This will be a protracted battle, don't be impatient.

"Adjustment of status."

Hayata drank potion after potion, and began to sharpen his knife.

She was not injured before, and she was drinking functional medicines such as ghost medicine and hardening medicine at this time.

These medicines are expensive, and she may not be willing to drink them like this when hunting, but the Thunder Wolf Dragon in front of her is not the kind of opponent that can be dealt with with spare time.

As long as it can increase the success rate of hunting a little, it is worth using up all the potions and props brought out.


Maca nodded, and also began to take various potions and polish weapons.

She could see that Hayatta's tactical style was relatively stable, and there was nothing wrong with that.

At least it's better than those reckless men who rush to die as soon as their blood hits.

To put it bluntly, the ultimate goal of this battle is not "hunting", but "escape".

"Should we move to places with higher tree densities?"

Maca, who had simply polished his weapon, put the fire dragon stick behind his back, and suggested: "No matter how flexible a monster is, it will always be disturbed, and there are more tactical options.

The few times I escaped before, I relied on the trees in the forest to slow down its footsteps. "


Hayata nodded without hesitation.

Maca can persist for a whole day under the continuous hunting of Thunder Wolf Dragon, which is very self-explanatory.

If it weren't for Leilanglong's keen sense of smell, she might have escaped from Leilanglong's territory long ago.

Taking advantage of Leilanglong's eyesight not fully recovered, Hayata and Maca ran quickly, and Fengying in the distance saw this, and naturally followed up on a dog.

"Aren't you going to attack?"

Fengying looked hesitant, and her tone was worried, "If you don't find an opportunity to attack and wipe out some of the lightning bugs, that guy will always be in a supercharged state."

"Let's go to areas with more lush forests to find opportunities." Hayata simply explained.

"oh oh!"

Fengying felt relieved.

"Aww!" A long howling sound came from behind him with anger.

The Thunder Wolf Dragon had already escaped from the state of confusion. It simply sniffed twice, and immediately confirmed the direction in which the hunters were fleeing, and ran wildly in pursuit.

"It's catching up!"

Feng Ying, who didn't have to run by herself, kept turning her head to check the distance between the Thunder Wolf Dragon and them. In terms of running speed, the Thunder Wolf Dragon was the fastest among all the large monsters she had ever seen.

Especially the Thunder Wolf Dragon in the super-charged state, its speed is more than a notch faster than her tooth hound.

"Right here to meet."

Hayata turned around and stopped, and the number of trees around was much more than the area where he fought before.

Fighting here, their movements of wielding weapons may also be disturbed a little, but for the huge Thunder Wolf Dragon, the impact must be greater.

Hayata stood in front of a thick tree surrounded by several people, pulled out the night sword [Moon Shadow], pointed the tip of the sword forward, and calmed down.

After the Leilanglong entered the super-charged state, its ultra-high-speed pounces and continuous collisions left her with lingering fears.

Such attacks can only be avoided by rolling or flying. Once they can't get up in time, they are likely to be slapped to death by the former and crushed to the ground.

And leaning against these big trees can effectively prevent the Thunder Wolf Dragon from continuing its rampage.

Unless it wants to hit a tree.

Maca jumped onto the canopy in twos and threes.

She planned to continue the air battle and attack Thunder Wolf Dragon's back.

It is indeed risky to do so, but as Feng Ying said just now, they must eliminate the Lightning Bugs as much as possible and force the Thunder Wolf Dragon to exit the super-charged state.

As for the Thunder Wolf Dragon, the part where the Thunder Light Insects are most concentrated is the back.

When there is no shooter in the team, only she can attack this part, and she must bear this risk.

After chasing the hunters into an area with lush forests, the Thunder Wolf Dragon finally slowed down, but that was only relatively "slow". After jumping left and right, it quickly came to the hunters.

Hayata and the others are already ready for the Thunder Wolf Dragon to pounce on them and launch a frenzied attack on them.

However, the Thunder Wolf Dragon at this time showed extraordinary caution and wisdom.

It stopped at a distance of 20 to 30 meters from the hunters, and walked slowly, as if to confirm whether there was an ambush or a trap.

It may also be observing the surrounding terrain and obstacles, thinking about suitable tactics.

This prudent gesture makes the hunter's scalp tingle - fierce and cunning opponents are the most difficult to deal with.

If it was a big wild boar king here, how could he care so much? The pig has already rushed forward.

This mutual observation and confrontation lasted for several seconds, until it was broken by a chaotic figure.

Feng Ying, who was riding a fang hound, yelled and sprinted across the gap between Hayata and Thunder Wolf Dragon, and threw a colored ball at Thunder Wolf Dragon's forehead.

She wasn't playing tricks or going crazy or anything.

Instead, she recalled what Gordon had said to her when she was practicing in Minergard City.

——No matter how cunning a monster is, it is still a monster, and provocation is always useful.

The strong-smelling dye exploded on Thunder Wolf Dragon's forehead, and the pungent smell made it very uncomfortable. After shaking its head vigorously, it let out an angry howl with red eyes.

Thoughts of traps, ambushes, tactics, etc. were left behind by it.

Its body was full of lightning, it jumped up and rolled, and with a flick of its long tail, several dazzling balls of lightning were thrown out from its tail, and they circled around and attacked Fengying who was running away.

"What is this! Amber, run!" Fengying screamed.

It's not breathing, it seems to be tracking? !

Hu Po carried Fengying on her back and fled left and right among the big trees. Fortunately, there were dense forests nearby, and several thunderballs bombarded the tree trunks and vines one after another, bursting out dazzling lightning bolts.

Taking advantage of Leilanglong's gaze being attracted by Fengying, Hayata charged straight up wielding the Taidao, and Maca was also jumping among the branches, approaching the target from above.

She waved the insect stick, and the hunting insects flew out, bringing back the monster essence necessary for her to maintain the super-conventional flexible movements.

Then he jumped down, ignoring the small electric arcs that spread to his body, and waved the fire dragon stick continuously, letting the flames gushing out from the head of the stick burn the thunder bugs that were squeezed in the open carapace and continued to discharge.

Hayatta aggressively attacked the Thunder Wolf Dragon's face repeatedly, not to cause much damage, but to divert its attention and create opportunities for Maca to eliminate more Thunder Worms.

The sharp blade that kept stabbing in front of its eyes successfully angered the Thunder Wolf Dragon. It roared and raised its chest, raised its sharp claws wrapped in violent lightning, and slammed it down.

Hayata stepped back immediately, and the giant claws that fell on the ground sparked an electric arc, spreading to her body.

[Hyuga] The lightning resistance of the suit can only be said to be average, but the lightning cider he drank before departure played a decisive role at this time.

A little aftermath of the arc did not interfere with her actions. Facing the second lightning claw that continued to fall, she counterattacked with the reverse cassock slash, and while continuing to retreat backwards with her strength, she calmly read the muscle movements of the Thunder Wolf Dragon.

In the supercharged state, the muscle strength of Thunder Wolf Dragon was significantly improved under the current stimulation, but this improvement was not unlimited.

After two consecutive slaps without sparing any effort, its center of gravity was obviously shifted.

Unless it wants to trip itself, a similar attack is at most one more time!

Hayata exhaled lightly.

See you!

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