Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 502 Opportunity to become stronger? letter from afar

After considering and weighing, Anshir decided to accept Dao Ridge's proposal and accept Gale as his future hunting partner.

During Gaefeng's weight loss period, he will also accompany him to exercise and cultivate a foundation of relationship.

Now it was the turn of the third princess to be unhappy.

In her opinion, since Anshir dared to "look down" on Gale before, he should be deprived of his "qualification to become Gale's hunting partner".

However, Anshir blocked her back with only one sentence.

"With Gaefeng's mouth that has been raised by various high-grade ingredients, which hunter besides me can afford it?"

"The concubine can provide Xiaofeng's partner with food expenses ja!", the third princess tried to speak harshly.

Fengying reminded helplessly, "Knowing that Xiaofeng is the beloved pet of the princess, who would dare to take it into the hunting ground? It's just a different way to become someone else's pet, so it's better to let you continue to keep it."

Dao Ridge also added: "Not every toothhound will become a hound in the true sense. Some children have outstanding talents but are timid, so it is not suitable.

Whether Gale is suitable depends on how he performs when facing monsters after training, if he is really not suitable to be a hunting dog"

"The concubine will take it back ja!" The third princess answered immediately.

"Then, then you can't feed it indiscriminately. Also, you have to walk it at least twice a day, let it let go, and let it run for at least half an hour each time."

Dao Ridge muttered, his anger was his anger, but he also had to admit that the third princess was indeed very kind to Gaefeng, but she couldn't do it right and was too spoiled.

"Of course I know!"

There was already a small plan to take Lie Feng home after the weight loss was over, but An Xier came to the fat dog and squatted down.

He tugged at Gaefeng's fat cheeks and neck, and said with a low smile: "What's the use of the monster meat fed by others? It's not fresh anymore. Follow me from now on, and eat the warm meat directly from the monster."


The fat dog's eyes lighted up.

Gordon found that he was the only "idle person".

Needless to say, Fengying trained from dawn to dusk. Hayata followed Manjusri to hunt Thunder Wolf Dragon earlier. Not only did Anshir have an idea of ​​a new weapon, but he also found his favorite tooth hound partner.

Although he is a little fatter, but seeing how he circles around the dog all day long, it is obvious that he never tires of it.

Even Pork Chop and Pandan are learning some new combat skills from an old Elle.

The name of Ailu, who is dressed as a ninja all day long, is "Dongfeng", the leader of Yanhuo Village's hidden team, and was also the hunting cat partner of Master Puxian.

According to the saying of the pork chop - the strength is unfathomable meow.

Gordon, who had nothing to do, almost became the exclusive instructor of Lie Yan. In order to facilitate the latter to practice dragon control, he almost beat all the large monsters in the old shrine.

Some monsters even repeated more than once, such as the Kappa frog, and now they run away when they see him.

Lie Yan is a real genius, everyone in Yanhuo Village said so, and Gordon, who had been the former instructor for a while, also realized this firsthand.

This guy has a talent, exactly the same talent as Jean in Bokai Village - no matter whether it is a sword, a gun or a crossbow, he can use any weapon.

Coupled with the fact that he has been trained by a famous teacher since he was a child, his foundation is extremely solid, and his future achievements may be even higher than that of Jin's younger brother.

These days, how do you meet geniuses everywhere?

After spending a leisurely week in Yanhuo Village, Gordon fell into a tangle.

According to Ni Tai, Fengying needs more than half a year to complete a series of Yanhuo Village's secret skills learning with the iron worm silk skill as the core.

In order to form a preliminary bond, Anshir had to squat in Yanhuo Village to help the fat dog lose weight.

It is Hayata who is progressing the fastest. It will take at least a month or two to master those high-level sword moves.

After all, Taidao is different from the big sword that pursues miracles with great strength. The practice of high-level moves is very time-consuming and labor-intensive.

So what should I do? Now he is still in the golden period of rapid growth in strength, so he can't be an instructor for Lie Yan for a long time, can he?

He's not planning to retire yet.

Didn't it mean that high-ranking hunters are very busy, the kind of tasks assigned by the guild one after another, why am I so idle?

Could it be that the guild gave itself a long vacation for the sake of the successful resolution of the Lanlong incident?

Gordon, who kept muttering in his heart, greeted Ni Tai and the others. He didn't go to the old shrine to be a babysitter today, but went directly to the meeting place.

He wanted to try his luck, maybe he could receive a suitable hunting mission.

Since the companions have their own affairs, let's hunt alone.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the Yanhuo Village meeting place, which was decorated with cherry blossom branches, Gordon heard someone calling his name.

"Yo Ho Ho, Brother Gordon."

The rich old man sitting cross-legged on the head of the ghost frog cub waved the wooden staff in his hand, and stopped him, "There is your letter, a letter from Dongduoluma!"

East Doruma?

Gordon was stunned for a moment, and then moved his joints to ask: "Mr. Sui Fengren, is this a task assignment from the guild headquarters?"

It just so happened that it had been more than half a month since Lingfeng returned, and he hadn't hunted seriously, and his bones were itching.

"No, it's a personal letter. It was sent to Jieyun Village, and it was turned around."

".thank you."

Gordon was slightly disappointed, and while thanking him, he took the letter.

All the members of the team are in Yanhuo Village, and the only people Dong Duo Luma could write to him are Master Campbell, Senior Brother Julius, and Alva at most.

No, Julius seems to be active in Baru Barre recently, so there is a high probability that it is a letter from Master?

Gordon deliberately ignored the sender's information on the corner of the envelope, and added a little fun to the process of opening the envelope by guessing the sender's identity.

This is a symptom of being idle.

"Ah, it really is a letter from Master." Gordon muttered, and then read it carefully.

At the beginning, the master simply praised him a few words.

The general idea is that the Lanlong incident was resolved beautifully, and the "Silver Edge", a team composed entirely of young hunters under the age of 25, has also entered the vision of the guild's top management and has become a key training object.

"Hmm, so it's a protective decision not to directly raise the hunter ranks of Hayatta and Anshir?" Gordon said to himself.

Read on.

The content of the letter was not long, but the amount of information was a bit large. After reading it twice, Gordon's complexion became strange.

In the letter, Shi Jiang mentioned an organization that he had heard about but had never really come into contact with—the Institute of Dragon History.

This is a rather wonderful organization.

Born out of the Paleontological Scholars Team, it was originally an organization established for the purpose of studying "unknown objects" somewhere on the plateau, and now it focuses on the history of dragons and biological evolution as the main research direction.

Unlike the Gulong Observation Bureau and the Wang Li Paleontology Scholars Team, which are composed entirely of scholars, they cooperate deeply with the Hunters Guild, and their executive power depends entirely on the purely academic institutions provided by the latter.

Although the number is not too many, Longli Academy has its own hunters directly under its jurisdiction.

These hunters are still under the jurisdiction of the Hunter Guild in name, but the guild will hardly interfere with their actions, and their tasks are also directly assigned by the researchers of the Dragon Calendar Academy.

In other words, this is an institution with strong "independence".

The master craftsman said in the letter that due to some reasons, the Longli Academy has been short of manpower recently, so they asked the guild for help, hoping that the guild could send some hunters to support them.

The guild agreed, but did not directly assign.

After all, only high-level hunters, as well as beginners who don't know where to go, will accept direct dispatch from the guild.

The high-ranking hunter guild was not enough by itself, and the novice hunters couldn't help much, so the guild released recruitment information in the form of voluntary registration.

It's a pity that no one went there, and the reason is very simple.

The scholars of Longli Academy seem to have some brains, mysterious, but they don't want to explain why they recruit people.

The original text of the recruitment document is - for some reason, recruiting hunters for support.

This idiot just went.

The specific reason is naturally known to the higher-ups of the guild, but the scholars of Longli Academy want them to keep it a secret, and they are too lazy to talk about it.

As a result, it has evolved into the current dilemma of not being able to recruit people.

Gordon himself had no interest, but the master hinted at him two points in the letter.

One is that this so-called "certain reason" is not a dangerous situation, but according to the teacher, it is a "very interesting thing".

The second is that there is a special skill called "hunting skill" among the hunters of Longli Academy, which can steal teachers.

Isn't this a coincidence, I was worried that I couldn't find an opportunity to become stronger.

Having said that, the "courage posture" that I often use is also part of the so-called "courage style" developed by the hunters of Longli Academy.

Maybe I can take this opportunity to study it completely?

Gordon was moved.


Regarding the content of hunting style and hunting skills, I will modify some of them, otherwise some of them are too magical, such as the long spear's Tiandilonghuangpao - which does not match the style of this book.

But in the end, it will absorb part, otherwise the ancient dragon will be too difficult to fight.

Also, including Tieba, various groups and forums, there are many conspiracy theories, such as the disagreement between Longli Academy and the Hunter Guild, training hunters by oneself and so on.

In my opinion, it is over-interpreted. Longli Academy has a "guild style", and the protagonist of x is sent by the guild. There should be no contradiction between the two.

Why did the x-series come up with the Longli Academy instead of directly using the Scholars Team or the Gulong Observation Bureau?

I personally think that Kojima and the others just want to come up with a cool name, with different techniques (style and hunting skills) from the past, and a new organization with high-end big spaceships.

As for factional struggles, overlapping functions, etc., I didn't think about it at all.

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